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Hiding From Plain Sight


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I was out soul winning today and ran into a man that had a very solid testimony of salvation entirely by grace through faith with no works.  When I asked what church he goes to, he replied "I can't go to church anywhere unless it's at least a 100 miles away and I can completely hide my profession".  Fearing the worst like he ran one of the local Marijuana dispensaries legal here in Oregon, I asked what is his profession.  He said, "I am a Family Practice Physician".  If I am in a church, as soon as that is found out my phone never stops ringing at all hours of the day and night from church members all wanting and expecting free medical advice and care, or at the least preferential treatment for appointments so their loved one bumps automatically to the top of any wait list.  The abuse I get is so extreme I have stayed away from any churches for years now, though I really miss the preaching.

I was shocked.  Could this actually be true of most churches?  If so, shame on us!

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Sad. Too many people are too selfish - their relationships are all about them, not how they can be a blessing to others. My spiritual gifts are teaching and exhortation, so when I am right with the Lord, I strive to use my writings and studies to be a blessing to others (ie. like sharing poems or devotions with those going through trials). It is more blessed to give than to receive. Though I do find when the Lord uses me to encourage and strengthen other believers, I find I am blessed as well.

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When our son was younger, I babysat so that I could stay at home with him. Sadly, a number of fellow members thought that meant that 50 cents/hr (with both parents working) was sufficient to pay me, you know, since they wanted someone to "do it for the Lord." I have to say, though, that I babysat for a few who were absolutely wonderful.

We have hesitated in the past from asking another member to do something, lest they think we want it free. Hubs is always careful to let that person know we expect to pay the going rate. 


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As the sound man at my church I offered and he accepted copies of my pastors sermons sent to him in CD form.  At least he will get some preaching better than most of drivel you hear on our local "christian" radio.  I also directed him to KNVBC Radio for some wonderful preaching as well.


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A hard situation to find himself in. Not the greatest solution by him.

And your help is better than nothing.

Terrible that he feels that his only option is to not attend any where......

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11 hours ago, DaveW said:

A hard situation to find himself in. Not the greatest solution by him.

And your help is better than nothing.

Terrible that he feels that his only option is to not attend any where......

I won't stop at that.  I plan on hand delivering the CD's and discipling him as much as he will allow.  He was a pleasure to talk to and as you can imagine, very intelligent.  I am hoping we can get into some good bible study.  I may get a chance to ease him into coming to church after our Pastor lays down the law on how he is to be treated.  

I have run into the type of situation one other time in my last church 20 years ago when we were in a building program actively erecting a new church building and doing as much of the labor as we could on our own.  Suddenly many of our carpenters, plumbers and electricians disappeared from the church.

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That fellow needs to get right with the Lord and get back into church.  We are all placed in this assembly or that one because we also have gifts; not just there to learn.  He may have missed the point in what he was called to do and was not firm or clear enough with the folks taking advantage of him.

I'll go where I'm called but my thought for him is that he may look into a small church without many members!  

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