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Why is Steven Anderson hated?


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Anderson isn't only hated by the world, but he is hated by the brethren. Why? IMO even if one disagrees with his stance on Israel or the rapture, you would have to see his love for the lost. What is the true measure of love? FWBC is winning like 100 per week, why would any christian want him to go away? 

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I and many don't hate Anderson but are not afraid to rebuke his false teachings. Anderson teaches homosexuals can't repent and be saved. This is contrary to the Bible (1 Corinthians 6:9-11). He denies things such as the Holocaust. His followers use profanity on a regular basis when someone disagrees with Anderson. Anderson gets into petty fights with people such as Sam Gipp. Anderson needs a good dose of Matthew 5:9-12, Matthew 5:38-48 and Galatians 5:22-24. They may say they save 100 per week but where is the fruit? In the Bible converts were added to the church. Saying a prayer doesn't save anyone if there is no belief in the words of that prayer.

Edited by MatthewDiscipleOfGod
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10 hours ago, Matthew24 said:

Anderson isn't only hated by the world, but he is hated by the brethren. Why? IMO even if one disagrees with his stance on Israel or the rapture, you would have to see his love for the lost. What is the true measure of love? FWBC is winning like 100 per week, why would any christian want him to go away? 

100 per week? That's great, how large is his church and how does he handle the 100 new people each week?

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5 hours ago, Matthew24 said:

Idk...I think he has 300-350 that come on sunday. Obviously,.most people that get saved dont automatically start coming to church and living a christian life.

Then were they really saved to begin with?  Aren't we given a new heart with new desires?  Don't old things pass away?

Anyway, Anderson preaches many heresies and should be rebuked, marked and avoided.

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Last year they had around 20 - 30 regularly according to a man who was a member there until then.

They were claiming at that time to have seen around 20,000 people saved, but I don't know over how long.

This is first hand report from someone who was a member there.

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From friends that visited last year, they are averaging around 35. When it was mentioned that 100  souls saved per week I thought maybe they grew drastically. If only 1% of those was claimed to get saved came to church it would be 520 added each year. 35 each Sunday does not support the claim of 100 per week. 

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They may be winning 100 people per week but it doesn't look like they're baptizing 100 per week. Emmm Great Commission consist of going, winning, baptizing and teaching, not just the first two. 

I think another reason people don't like him is because of the false rumors he spreads about other good preachers. (i.e. Paul Chappell allowing transgender people in Lancaster's restroom)

Edited by BaptistJonStewart
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3 hours ago, BroMatt said:

After looking at the church website http://www.faithfulwordbaptist.org they very well may be averaging well over the 35 I previously mentioned. 

Not according to the guy I was talking to recently (as mentioned above, a former active member.)

He also was very clear that one of tge reasons he left was that they get people to pray a "salvation prayer" within minutes of them knocking on the door.

Either they are very powerful witnesses, or they are among those who practice "quick prayerism".

The latter, if the man I was talking to is to be believed. 

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So I guess Anderson is supposed to force people to come to church, get baptized, and teach them. The numbers of people that truly get saved is irrelevant, the point is they are putting in the work that most are failing to do. Only criticism comes from the brethren and accusing them of not presenting the gospel correctly...like they just walk up quote john 3:16 and ask them to pray.


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I am sure not everyone that goes out is thorough with presenting the gospel, but that isnt because Anderson isnt teaching a thorough presentation. None of this is the reason that he is hated. I mean more than half of IFB preachers dont even go soul winning and I dont see anyone hating on them. It's really ridiculous. 

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You are obviously a fan.

Fact is that he presents his ministry as a big one when it is not as big as he presents it.

This is deceitful. 

Fact is, he attacks good men, and encourages his people to attack good men, and he/they do so without evidence and proof. I personally know of one man who has been called a false teacher publicly  (youtube) but the accusations against him are false.

Fact is, he often presents unbinlical arguments and attitudes to the wider public, thereby opening all independent baptists up to criticism.

Fact is, his attitude in general is not God honouring.

Fact is, of 20,000 claimed saved (over how long, I don't know) there shoild be more than 30 or so in evidence. Something is clearly going wrong in this "mighty work".

We are not talking a small discrepancy, but a VASTLY DISJOINTED representation. 20,000 to 30 or so in evidence?

This is aside from his clearly unbiblical doctrines in many areas, for which he should be censured.

So, deceitful, false doctrines, ungodly attitudes...... which of these should we overlook?

Now then, for my part, I rarely comment publicaly on this man, although I do warn my church people to avoid him, but that is part of my job.

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