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The flood of waters (Gen.7:6)


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6 minutes ago, heartstrings said:

oh, ok.


According to scientists, the total area of the continental shelf of the world's ocean is about 32 million square kilometers.

Total area of the Earth: 510 072 000 sq.km.

Land: 148,940,000 square kilometers

Water: 361 132 000 square kilometers

Attention: 70.9% of the surface of the globe is occupied by water, 29.1% by land

 The land area and continental shelf area are in total 170,940,000 square kilometers

The radius of the Earth, which is now equal to 6371km

We can easily determine the radius of the Earth that was before the flood:

 r = (170940000x6371): 510072000 = 3700 km

We can compare the radius of the Earth, which it had before the flood with the radius of the Earth, which it now has:

r = 3700km; R = 6371km

I think the error in the calculations is within a statistical error. That is about 3%

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41 minutes ago, Konstantin said:

According to scientists, the total area of the continental shelf of the world's ocean is about 32 million square kilometers.

Total area of the Earth: 510 072 000 sq.km.

Land: 148,940,000 square kilometers

Water: 361 132 000 square kilometers

Attention: 70.9% of the surface of the globe is occupied by water, 29.1% by land

 The land area and continental shelf area are in total 170,940,000 square kilometers

The radius of the Earth, which is now equal to 6371km

We can easily determine the radius of the Earth that was before the flood:

 r = (170940000x6371): 510072000 = 3700 km

We can compare the radius of the Earth, which it had before the flood with the radius of the Earth, which it now has:

r = 3700km; R = 6371km

I think the error in the calculations is within a statistical error. That is about 3%

I'm a what is the point kind of person. What is the point of your studies?

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2 hours ago, Konstantin said:

According to scientists, the total area of the continental shelf of the world's ocean is about 32 million square kilometers.

Total area of the Earth: 510 072 000 sq.km.

Land: 148,940,000 square kilometers

Water: 361 132 000 square kilometers

Attention: 70.9% of the surface of the globe is occupied by water, 29.1% by land

 The land area and continental shelf area are in total 170,940,000 square kilometers

The radius of the Earth, which is now equal to 6371km

We can easily determine the radius of the Earth that was before the flood:

 r = (170940000x6371): 510072000 = 3700 km

We can compare the radius of the Earth, which it had before the flood with the radius of the Earth, which it now has:

r = 3700km; R = 6371km

I think the error in the calculations is within a statistical error. That is about 3%

My friend, the reason the "mid atlantic ridge" matches the curvature of Africa and South America, is because they slid apart when God "divided the waters from the waters" etc.. For the radius of the earth to increase as much as you say, the total MASS of the earth would have had to increase astronomically long AFTER God created it. I will have to acknowledge that asteroids and micro meteors are hitting the earth every day and increasing the earth's mass that way but that is a minute amount compared to what you're saying. I can tell you like math. That's good. I believe that mathematical equations are discoveries of the awesome order that exists in God's creation. Welcome to the forum.

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8 hours ago, heartstrings said:

.. For the radius of the earth to increase as much as you say, the total MASS of the earth would have had to increase astronomically long AFTER God created it. I will have to acknowledge that asteroids and micro meteors are hitting the earth every day and increasing the earth's mass that way but that is a minute amount compared to what you're saying...

Oh sure. The mass of asteroids falling to Earth is negligible compared to the mass of the Earth. It can be neglected. The volume of the body depends not only on the mass, but also on the density of matter. Here are two formulas: m = p * 4 * π * r³ / 3; m = p * V. It can be seen from them that the volume of a body depends not only on the mass of the substance, but also on its density. The Earth's mass did not change after the Flood. The density of the Earth's matter was changed. The products of the chemical reaction and the physical processes that led to a change in the density of the matter of the Earth during the Flood, I brought above.

Oil, coal, underground reservoirs filled with them are the result of the Flood (Gen. 7: 6), but not the result of creation (Gen. 1-2). ‘Scars’ on the face of the Earth, in the form of the Middle Atlantic ridge and other ridges, which are on the ocean floor (see the maps above), is the result of the Flood, not the result of creation. The Middle Atlantic ridge and other fault lines are former ‘fountains of the great deep’ (Gen. 7:11), which were broken up in the beginning of the Flood. These ‘scars’ on the face of the Earth did not take place after ending of the creation (Gen. 1-2)

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Ummmmmm - with all respect, how does this information edify the brethren?

What is the point of it?

Why should we care about your speculation?

I simply don't understand what you are trying to establish here......

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53 minutes ago, DaveW said:

Ummmmmm - with all respect, how does this information edify the brethren?



55 minutes ago, DaveW said:


Why should we care about your speculation?


Can you show speculation?

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I have been following this study, 'The Flood of Waters, Genesis 7:6,' by Konstantine with great apprehension. Part of the reason why is that is he not giving us the full story and he is not crediting the maps  creator, the magazine who originally told the story of the Plate Tectonics, and the latest animation is an evolution animation.

Here are some facts that Konstantine has neglected to bring out.

1. Plate Tectonics

All of the maps are to prove 'Plate Tectonics.'

Why Konstantine has not been forthright over the naming of the ridges as Plate Tectonics in the Oceans is a question I would like to have answered by Konstantine.

2. The Maps that Konstantine has been using.

Two items.

      A. The original maps were written in English and not in Russian. In my thoughts, this deception was done deliberately to prevent the checking of facts.

     B. The maps are from the June 1968 National Geographic based on the research, among others, by Marie Tharp. Again, in my thoughts, this is deception done to prevent the checking of facts. Here is a link by Marie Tharp and her oceanic maps: https://www.spe.org/en/twa/twa-article-detail/?art=2709

 Konstantine did not give any credit to the National Geographic nor to Marie Tharp and her research team. In my estimation, is an error, and should not be continued. I believe it was done to prevent us from researching, and mis-guiding, the issue of Plate Tectonics.

Here is a link to one of the articles on Plate Tectonics and the National Geographic: http://news.nationalgeographic.com/2017/02/marie-tharp-map-ocean-floor/

3. Evolution.

The evolutionists are using the issue of Plate Tectonics to teach the theory of evolution.

4. "A Crack in the Edge of the World,' by Simon Winchester,

Winchester, and every other evolutionist, takes the issue of 'Plate Tectonics (using the same maps), and tries to prove evolution.

Until Konstantine is more honest in his bringing out of facts concerning Plate Tectonics, the maps and animations that he has used, giving credit to those who deserve credit (even if we disagree with their conclusion), and his end conclusion, I am skeptical of his whole reason of this thread.

In my opinion, Konstantine has not told us yet what he is trying to prove and is deceitful in his methods.



Edited by Alan
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5 hours ago, Alan said:


I have been following this study, 'The Flood of Waters, Genesis 7:6,' by Konstantine with great apprehension. Part of the reason why is that is he not giving us the full story and he is not crediting the maps  creator, the magazine who originally told the story of the Plate Tectonics, and the latest animation is an evolution animation.

Here are some facts that Konstantine has neglected to bring out.

1. Plate Tectonics

All of the maps are to prove 'Plate Tectonics.'

Why Konstantine has not been forthright over the naming of the ridges as Plate Tectonics in the Oceans is a question I would like to have answered by Konstantine.

2. The Maps that Konstantine has been using.

Two items.

      A. The original maps were written in English and not in Russian. In my thoughts, this deception was done deliberately to prevent the checking of facts.

     B. The maps are from the June 1968 National Geographic based on the research, among others, by Marie Tharp. Again, in my thoughts, this is deception done to prevent the checking of facts. Here is a link by Marie Tharp and her oceanic maps: https://www.spe.org/en/twa/twa-article-detail/?art=2709

 Konstantine did not give any credit to the National Geographic nor to Marie Tharp and her research team. In my estimation, is an error, and should not be continued. I believe it was done to prevent us from researching, and mis-guiding, the issue of Plate Tectonics.

Here is a link to one of the articles on Plate Tectonics and the National Geographic: http://news.nationalgeographic.com/2017/02/marie-tharp-map-ocean-floor/

3. Evolution.

The evolutionists are using the issue of Plate Tectonics to teach the theory of evolution.

4. "A Crack in the Edge of the World,' by Simon Winchester,

Winchester, and every other evolutionist, takes the issue of 'Plate Tectonics (using the same maps), and tries to prove evolution.

Until Konstantine is more honest in his bringing out of facts concerning Plate Tectonics, the maps and animations that he has used, giving credit to those who deserve credit (even if we disagree with their conclusion), and his end conclusion, I am skeptical of his whole reason of this thread.

In my opinion, Konstantine has not told us yet what he is trying to prove and is deceitful in his methods.



I used maps and other evolutionist publications to prove what happened during the Flood. Some evolutionists argue that this has been happening for millions of years. All your charges have no basis.

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You refuse to give relevant answers to any questions - it seems to me that Alan's "charges" have plenty of basis - you have not given credit to any of the sources you have used, and you have not answered any questions as to your motives or even the relevance and purpose of your posts.

You give irrelevant and useless answers such as; when asked how this info edifies the brethren you answered "Directly" which is a useless and vague answer which in reality is no answer at all.

How about you supply to us the information which so many of us actually want from you: What is your purpose in posting this information?

As far as I can see you are posting irrelevant pseudo-scientific information that to my eyes is actually ANTI-biblical in some respects, not even biblically neutral.

I still can't figure out if you are trying to support the Bible account of creation, or attack it?

What that means to you my friend, is that your information is presented in an unclear manner - you really need to consider HOW you are presenting this material, and the attitude that answer question with.

You can disagree with me all you like, but I am telling you that your presentation is not giving me clarity on your position and teaching - it is giving me many, many questions on who you are, what you believe, and what you are trying to teach. And by the questions others are posting, I am not alone in this.


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