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Someone has been impersonating me

Bob from England

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I would like to make the following announcement:

My name is Bob Hutton, the real one, and I want it to be known that someone in my area of Kent, England has been impersonating me on the internet by the use of a publicly used computer, ie in the local library.

As a street preacher based in Canterbury I have had a great deal of opposition from opponents of the Gospel who have attempted to stop me.  Not content with that, they have been going on social media and putting my name to comments, most of which have been deeply disrespectful to others.  I discovered, yesterday, that this happened to your forum.  The kind of comments he, or she, has made, were designed to impugn my character and make me appear odd, or even mentally unbalanced.

Therefore, I have registered as "the real Bob Hutton". in order to put the record straight. 

I do hope this will be read by all who have been caused offence by this imposter, and that my good name will be restored.

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12 hours ago, The real Bob Hutton said:

I would like to make the following announcement:

My name is Bob Hutton, the real one, and I want it to be known that someone in my area of Kent, England has been impersonating me on the internet by the use of a publicly used computer, ie in the local library.

As a street preacher based in Canterbury I have had a great deal of opposition from opponents of the Gospel who have attempted to stop me.  Not content with that, they have been going on social media and putting my name to comments, most of which have been deeply disrespectful to others.  I discovered, yesterday, that this happened to your forum.  The kind of comments he, or she, has made, were designed to impugn my character and make me appear odd, or even mentally unbalanced.

Therefore, I have registered as "the real Bob Hutton". in order to put the record straight. 

I do hope this will be read by all who have been caused offence by this imposter, and that my good name will be restored.

OK.  I met the real Bob Hutton  many years ago when I lived in Faversham and we invited the visiting Hutton family back to lunch, after our morning Sunday service..  If you are the real Bob Hutton, you will remember the details.  Please give them.  Will the real Bob Hutton stand up?

Further info you can give, Which church do you attend? Who was your last pastor who retired?

Edited by Invicta
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Reply to Invicta:

We, Debbie, my wife, and my 2 sons, Simon and Ben, used to live in Sheerness, we attended, as a one-off, a meeting at a Gospel Mission, in Tanner St, Faversham,where we met a  family who invited us back to dinner.  They lived by the railway and there was a bridge by their house. (It was in the mid-1980s).  As I recall they had 2 daughters in their teens.  We had a mutual friend called Judith who, at the time, attended the same church as us, on Sheppey, called Minster Rd, Baptist.  Their names were David and Kay.

I attend Rehoboth Grace Baptist but that is common knowledge, and the last Pastor was Mike Swales but that is common knowledge.  It is also common knowledge that I have 2 sons in the ministry and that I have been going to Canterbury for many years (20) to give out tracts as a member of the Open Air Mission, in the UK.  Other facts about me are not difficult to obtain as I am well known in East Kent. 

There has been a campaign on social media to discredit me by using information about me to put my name next to comments and make me look foolish.  E.G. On secular message boards comments containing really vile swear words have been attributed to me.  

I am the real Bob Hutton and have no desire to go on forums showing gross disrespect to forum members or directors.


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Further to my last comment - I also recall that there was a group of Christians called "Saltmine Trust" doing a mission in the area, and that the head of the house used to commute to London from Faversham.

I also recall that the church had a single man as pastor (though my recollection is hazy on this point!) and that the church had some kind of brass band that attended social functions.  If I can recall any further proofs of my true identity I will post them on this thread.

You should be aware that my e-mail account has been hacked into 3 times and I have had to reset it and change the password, I have also had to set up another e-mail account as a safety measure; it wouldn't surprise me, given the technology available, if the person, or persons, behind this can hack into my ISP.

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51 minutes ago, The real Bob Hutton said:

Further to my last comment - I also recall that there was a group of Christians called "Saltmine Trust" doing a mission in the area, and that the head of the house used to commute to London from Faversham.

I also recall that the church had a single man as pastor (though my recollection is hazy on this point!) and that the church had some kind of brass band that attended social functions.  If I can recall any further proofs of my true identity I will post them on this thread.

You should be aware that my e-mail account has been hacked into 3 times and I have had to reset it and change the password, I have also had to set up another e-mail account as a safety measure; it wouldn't surprise me, given the technology available, if the person, or persons, behind this can hack into my ISP.

Thanks Bob, that information is correct except for the Saltmine.  I believe the Saltmine were doing a mission in Herne Bay at time, yes I did commute to London.  Mike and his wife are now members of our church. 

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Bob.  I remember Judith.  We lost touch with her some years ago when she  moved to Essex somewhere.  My youngest daughter managed to contact her via the Baptist Church, we wanted her to know that a common friend had had a road accident and was killed. He had felt unwell and stopped the car, and passed out.  His wife tried to revive him but she is blind and didn't know the car was in gear and it went forward had hit another car and she was badly injured and so was the other driver but her husband was killed.

Our eldest daughter is 47  this year and the younget is  45 with five children all home educated and the eldest two are at university.  Their teenage years seem an age away.

I think you said before that Ben was 2½ and in a pushchair when you came to our house. That should date it.

Best wishes,

David & Kay. 

Edited by Invicta
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2 minutes ago, Invicta said:

Bob.  I remember Judith.  We lost touch with her some years ago when she  moved to Essex somewhere.  My youngest daughter managed to contact her via the Baptist Church, we wanted her to know that a common friend had had a road accident and was killed. He had felt unwell and stopped the car, and passed out.  His wife tried to revive him but she is blind and didn't know the car was in gear and it went forward had hit another car and she was badly injured and so was the other driver but her husband was killed.

Our eldest daughter is 47  this year and the younget is  45 with five children all home educated and the eldest two are at university.  Their teenage years seem an age away.

I think you said before that Ben was 2½ and in a pushchair when you came to our house. That should date it.

Best wishes,

David & Kay. 

Many thanks for your kind words.

I remember watching an episode of the Waltons when the father (John) said that the finest time of his life was when he was raising his sons.

I look back with great fondness to the days when we were raising our boys.  The Lord has been so good to us; both boys got saved about the same time (1992) when Simon was 10 and Ben 6.  We prayed so much for their salvation and then when they were called to be preachers it was as if the Lord had done "exceeding abundantly above all we ask or think".

The Lord bless you both and give you His presence day by day - please give our regards to our precious former Pastor and his dear wife.

Bob Hutton

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Thanks Bob, I will do.  Maureen runs our womens monthly prayer breakfast.  Yesterday they went for their Christmas lunch. It was late because one of our members, Luke, who is a chef was opening a new cafe/bistro called Salt and Light in Herne Bay and they went there.

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