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Well, I for one will not watch a video that has no explanation.

I won't watch many videos anyway, but there is no chance of me watching a video where the poster simply posts the video with no indication of what it is about.


Maybe others are the same, but that is why I have not commented.

(This is in no way intended to be a rebuke of any kind, simply an explanation of my non-participation.)

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I've not studied out that passage of scripture, but I always thought since Jesus spoke in the past tense ("I beheld"), that he was referring to the original fall of Lucifer/Satan, not the anti-Christ. Isaiah 14:12-15  



(Dave--the video is basically saying this passage in Hebrew would read "I saw Barak OBama fall from Heaven", and calling him the anti-Christ)

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Li, Jesus may have been speaking in past tense.  But given some of his words, He may have been speaking of a future happening. 

We read of John, while on the Isle of Patmos, seeing future events.  Daniel, Ezekiel, & Isaiah also saw future events

Since our Lord knows future events (He knew Jeremiah even before Jeremiah was conceived ) is it at all possible that he was speaking of future in Luke 10:18?

And why would a man who had been born "Barry Soterio" change his name to "Barack (baraq) OBama (u bama)?

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There were also prophesy preachers declaring that President Reagan might be the anti-christ because according to their formula Ronald Wilson Reagan was 666.


Then others came out saying Soviet President Gorbechev could be the anti-christ because the birth mark on his head looked like a dragon and that was the mark of the beast.

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You guys keep looking for the anti-christ, I will keep looking for the return of Christ and making sure that I am ready for His return.  I will know for sure who is the anti-christ after I hear a loud trump and I am looking down on him as I rise to meet my Lord in the air.  Of course being saved is all that is required to by "ready" for His return, but there are things still in my life that I don't want to face my Lord with in that day.  Pray for me.

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If the Antichrist were here and I met him walking down the street it wouldn't change a thing in my life.  He would be just another important world figure who could make decisions that may mean life or death for me or millions but could not really affect anyone's (including mine) eternal destiny.  I guess that was just my long, drawnout way of saying "who cares".  God is in control.

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That's one thing that has long amazed me, is so many Christians so busy looking for the anti-christ they fail to give full heed to Christ.


This especially considering so many say the anti-Christ won't be revealed until after the rapture, yet they spend so much time trying to identify the one they claim won't be known to them! Why?


Christians are called to be busy for the Lord as we await His return. We are to be about the Father's business so we may be found serving Him at the Lord's return, not sidetracked with other things.

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No, I don't for a.minute think Jesus was talking about BO. THE antichrist has to be accepted by the Jews. BO is too OBvious in his support for Muslims and his disdain for Jews to all of the sudden morph into a messiah. Do I believe BO is antiChrist - as in being against Christ? Yepper. But I honestly think we are going to be seeing his fall from power soon.

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