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Are You Odd?


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A lot of people, including my friends, have always thought of me as being a little odd.  I have not argued with them about it because I think I do think differently than most people I know.

I have come to think of myself as not being normal, of being odd if you will.  No shame it that, I think.


But now today I find out I have a disease.  I have ODD.  Oddly enough I am happy with my disease, so I will not be going to a shrink to get cured.  I will not be taking any pills for it.  I am odd, and quite comfortable in being so.  :popcorn:



God bless,



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A lot of people, including my friends, have always thought of me as being a little odd.  I have not argued with them about it because I think I do think differently than most people I know.

I have come to think of myself as not being normal, of being odd if you will.  No shame it that, I think.


But now today I find out I have a disease.  I have ODD.  Oddly enough I am happy with my disease, so I will not be going to a shrink to get cured.  I will not be taking any pills for it.  I am odd, and quite comfortable in being so.  :popcorn:



God bless,


You're not ODD, Bro. Larry, you're conformed to Christ!  :)

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I definitely have ODD and it seems to be getting more pronounced every year. Yet I do not see the change in me, but in what is being accepted as normal.


We can joke about this or roll our eyes, but as they seek to control those with so-called ADD, ADHD, SAD, etc. with Ritalin or Zoloft, this new "Psychiatric Disorder" may some day drive a mandate that we either conform or be made to take similar drugs. Don't take the drugs, lose health care or some other essential.

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Some of my direct ancestors have been referred to as "peculiar" and I'm afraid I suffer from the trait as well.




I think we all are peculiar.


Tit 2:14  Who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works.
1Pe 2:9  But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light:
The Jews were also peculiar.
Ex 19:5  Now therefore, if ye will OBey my voice indeed, and keep my covenant, then ye shall be a peculiar treasure unto me above all people: for all the earth is mine:
De 14:2  For thou art an holy people unto the LORD thy God, and the LORD hath chosen thee to be a peculiar people unto himself, above all the nations that are upon the earth.
De 26:18  And the LORD hath avouched thee this day to be his peculiar people, as he hath promised thee, and that thou shouldest keep all his commandments;
Ps 135:4  For the LORD hath chosen JacOB unto himself, and Israel for his peculiar treasure.

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Some shrinks and professors have already put forth the idea that certain religious beliefs, most notably biblical Christianity, are a matter of a psychiatric disorder.


One report I read a year or so ago showed brain scans which showed certain areas lit up more among "religious" folks where it wasn't in the non-religious brain. They used this as part of their "proof" that some brain "disorder" was the behind those who are "radically religious".

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So according to these wizards of smart, the less brain activity the better?   :ROFL:


That certainly bodes well for Satan and the Democrat Party!   :nuts:


I've always been the odd man out, the one who didn't conform, the one who either led or remained anonymous depending on circumstances.   :hide:


In just about any doctor's office (about all I get out to see these days), my views (Bible based and therefore conservative) are contrary to everyone elses.  Even at the shooting range, most all of those gun packin' conservatives, their hope is in man and the Republican Party and not Jesus Christ and the Bible.   :thumbdown:

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I suppose I both HAVE ODD and am odd.


I had a felow coming to my church once who is a long-time IFB, though from considerably larger churches than ours. He once commented on how different I was than many IFB pastors he knew. Now, he wasn't talking doctrine or any such, just, well, me. I suppose part of it was that I don't play golf, and he was always used to playing golf with his pastors, so i was odd there. As well, of course, I raised goats, I admit to a weird sense of humor-nothing profane or dark, just weird. I guess none of his pastors had a sense of humor? And of course, I play ukulele and watch cartoons sometimes.  But I countered him with, Would any of your 'normal' IFB pastors last a month here when I serve?" and he admitted, prOBably not.


I had an evangelist come out for a week once, Johnny Campbell. Now this guy has been all over the place for years, but he was in culture shock here. He told me that he admired me for sticking it out, because I think he barely lasted the week. And I have been told that by other pastors, as well.


But see, the Lord needed an odd person, a K.O.O.K., Keeper Of Odd Knowledge-type for such an area. And I don't lift myself up at all in this-I look at my life experiences and see that I have been groomoed my whole life to be here, in jOBs and mistakes and victories and fellows and failures. All made me the odd person I am, and a perfect fit for where I serve. And I'm happy and blessed to be so.

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There are people who cannot interact with authority, or be trusted in authority positions, because they experience rage when they are opposed, no matter the situation.

This used to be called a "Bad Temper".


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