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....the Power Of The Dog....2.......


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A chihuahua can't sniff you places you don't want to be sniffed and it can't send anyone to the hospital either; or the morgue. I can deal with teeny weenie dogs much better than big slOBbering ones. My Wife has two weenie dogs and a mini schnauzer. I got rid of my sheep dog because she wouldn't stay in the pastures. She was very well behaved though, except when she eventually discovered her hOBby of chasing cars.

But they do jump - and not just straight up, but up and out, too.  We had to work on breaking her of jumping at me. She aimed right at the back of my knees (sometimes the front of them, if I was facing her).  They are small, but strong little boogers.  We did have to work with her to keep her from biting at people.  Because we are the only two at home, she was getting used to just us. If someone approached while we were walking, I would warn them not to bend down to her.  The people that didn't listen got a surprise - she jumped at them, snapping.  She believed she was protecting us and these folks were getting into what she perceived as our/her space.


We had a lab years ago that was a very well behaved dog.  My hubby taught her to be very OBedient.  She OBeyed hand and voice commands.  He even taught her to find us.  We would go hide and he would send her to find us. She did every time.  It was a game, but my hubby thought it would be good in case of something like a fire.  She was a very good dog.  Didn't jump, sniff, bite, etc.  But if someone were to try and hurt us (especially our son), I know she would have gone in to hyperdrive.


Then we got another lab.  Absolutely wild dog.  We did train him to do a number of things, but his personality was different and we eventually had to get rid of him.  


I've been wanting a beagle lately, but I'm changing my mind. I'd like a smaller dog, I think, because I want one that can sit on my lap.  But I really like big dogs, especially labs and shepherds.

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If you like big dogs, you would have loved my sheep dog and I would sure have given her to you. She was just a pup here......




It's difficult to hand feed your sheep with the dog wanting attention too. Most sheep don't care for dogs...


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This little girl was just attacked by three pitbulls, but they're reporting that the brilliant authorities are going to release the dogs back to their owners "in 10 days" citing that the dogs "have not attacked before".   These type dogs, and a few others, have already killed about 16 people in the US since Jan 1 of this year, so they'll wait until these three dogs attack again? This is what I'm talking about. People put ANIMALS before people. Now this little girl has to go back home and face the real possibility of these maulers attacking her again with even more tragic results.  People are "fierce", have no "natural affection", "iniquity abounds" and "the love of many has waxed cold".



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Lev 11:27  And whatsoever goeth upon his paws, among all manner of beasts that go on all four, those are unclean unto you: whoso toucheth their carcase shall be unclean until the even.

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Chihuahuas are vicious little things.
I once heard about a chihuahua that killed a great Dane - you heard right - great Dane.

The little thing got stuck in its throat and the great dane choked to death........


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Lev 11:27  And whatsoever goeth upon his paws, among all manner of beasts that go on all four, those are unclean unto you: whoso toucheth their carcase shall be unclean until the even.

Tell that to the Vietnamese, Chinese, Koreans, etc..  I am not going to eat my dog or my wife's cat no matter how expensive the alternatives are.  I'll go vegan first.


God bless,


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My main prOBlem with dogs is actually with their owners. Why have dogs if you are not going to train them to behave well?


One guys house I walk by about 6 days a week as I walk to my Dads, and I've been doing this for years, has dogs that start barking when they see me a full block away from them. Most dogs are at least smart enough to eventually realize that someone passing by nearly every day isn't a threat and will stop barking on their own. Not these dogs, and their owner gives not one bit of training to the dogs.


We have neighbors across the street now who have a large golden retriever and a small dog house dog. They will tie the small dog up but turn the big dog loose. The golden charges at anyone nearby with a deep bark that scares many people. On more than one occasion I've gone out my door to escort someone past the place because they are frozen in fear. The first time that dog acted that way towards my family I confronted the dog and she learned that I won't allow it. Now, as soon as that dog sees me it goes back to its own yard.


The cops get on people for the least of things that amount to nothing, why don't they get on dog owners for allowing their dogs to run loose, unattended and harassing people?


I do not, nor will I own dogs and I really don't like going to people's homes where dogs live inside. Mainly because of allergies and asthma, but because they are filthy too.


As to dog owners, I believe that if you expect me not to be bothered by your dog barking at 2:00 AM, then you shouldn't mind hearing my rifle barking at 2:01 AM.

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As to dog owners, I believe that if you expect me not to be bothered by your dog barking at 2:00 AM, then you shouldn't mind hearing my rifle barking at 2:01 AM.

I am really tempted to call this Clownspeak, but I suppose everyone is allowed their opinions.
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Way back in time when I was much younger it was illegal for doctors and lawyers to advertise (in Oregon anyway).  I don't have any statistics to prove it, but there were a lot less lawsuits then than now.  I wonder who it was that changed the laws about lawyer advertising?  :th_wellduh:


God bless,


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