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Republicans Move To The Right On Several Moral Issues

The Glory Land

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Are you still a strong Republican?  I'm not, and I am not for the Democrats... :(




PRINCETON, NJ -- According to Gallup's annual "moral acceptability" measure, updated in May, Americans have inched to the right on a handful of the 15 issues rated, including divorce, use of animal fur in clothing, gambling, and embryonic stem-cell research. Public opinion about the moral acceptability of the other items is essentially unchanged, with no significant increases in support for traditionally liberal positions.




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Republicans tend to have the habit of saying one thing but voting another.


How many times, for instance, have we heard Republicans claim to be for smaller government, claim cuts must be made to get government spending under control and in budget, and yet the Republicans continually vote to raise the debt ceiling, continue to vote for bloated budgets, continue to add their own pork barrel projects to bills?


Look at how many years Republicans have held the White House since the late 1960s and look at where America is today.

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It's all the same, the Republicans and Democrats both head the nation in the wrong direction with only slightly different goals in mind. In the end, they both support and play off one another. As several have pointed out, President Bush the Second laid much of the groundwork for what Obama has been doing. Whoever the next president is, they will continue the course.


Consider how the House has been in Republican hands, every so often a few of them pronounce some bold talk, but in the end they continually cave.


Watch a little "conservative" Fox News and one hears a parade of Republicans and self-proclaimed conservatives advocating for "homosexual rights", including homosexual marriage. This is really nothing new as many Republicans have been quietly supporting homosexual rights for years. This includes President Bush the Second which appointed more open homosexuals to government positions than any other president. He also had a VP with an open homosexual daughter who was a strong voice for homosexual rights and the VP gave his support to his daughter and her cause.


Neither Republicans or Democrats care a whit about the Constitution, neither have any interest in restoring the Republic, neither care about biblical morality. Both Parties are interested in power and money, for themselves.

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Are you still a strong Republican? 


I think Australia should remain a constitutional monarchy: If it ain't broke don't fix it!


Oh, wait, you were talking about the American Political Party!  :bleh:

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Back in the 1960's 2 Brit comedians were discussing the US political system as follows:


There is the Democratic party which is like the (UK) ....... Liberal Party.


Then there is the Republican party which is like the ...........................................................................................................Liberal Party.


True then, more so today!!

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I haven't been paying attention to politics, since Barack Obama was re-elected.  My husband does, though.  John, you are speaking of RINO's in the Republican party.  My hubby gave me a update on the 2016 election last night.  It appears that Hillary Clinton will not be running for POTUS.  She has too much baggage, i.e. Bengazhi, and the Democrats know it.  It is unsure who will be running on the Democratic ticket.

As for the Republican party?  Rand Paul looks like he stands a chance.  I like him b/c he holds to the Constitution like his dad Ron.  If he decides to run, he won't make the mistake of running on an Independent ticket like his dad.  I also like Ted Cruz for the same reason.  It irks me that Christians don't vote, or vote Independent.  And, we wonder why the Progressives have taken over.   :scratchchin:  

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There is no such thing as RINOs anymore because the party is now flush with those once called RINOs.


I don't know the guys name, but a man on Fox News the other night clearly pointed out all the ways the Republicans have caved in to the liberal agenda and time and again have sacrificed their so-called principles for purely political reasons.


While there are many things to admire about Rand Paul, he's not near as solid on the Constitution as his dad. In an interview last year he made his acceptance of many unconstitutional things clear and he has no plan for a restoration of the American government back to a constitutional republic as his dad did.


It's very telling that many Republicans are now trying to get Romney to run again. Why turn to a liberal minded Mormon other than because that's the direction so many in the Republican Party want to go?


Christie, far from being a conservative, was being considered as a top Republican prospect until all the mess with the bridges.


Even if a somewhat Right-leaning Republican were elected president they would find themselves hampered by the liberal Dems and liberal-lite Repubs in congress and those in the courts.


In the last two presidential election cycles we saw the most constitution minded candidates and the ones farthest to the right of center receiving a lack of support from voters and the Party establishment. This gave us just what the Republican Party establishment wanted, liberal leaning candidates, and just what they want next time around.


Presidents Nixon, Ford, Reagan, Bush I and Bush II all failed to stop the slide of America towards the liberal wasteland. In many ways they helped to keep the slide going or even pushed it farther along.


When Republicans have controlled one or both houses of congress they have failed to stand firm for what is right.


We see this continuing today.


The only hope for America is revival and a great awakening.

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It is all in God's hands, John.  If Rand Paul does decide to run for POTUS, my husband and I will be voting for him b/c he is the best shot that conservatives have.  It is unfortunate.  All of this political garbage is just a sign of the times.  Come Lord Jesus...

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Unless Rand Paul caves to some of the Republican Party ways he will face a tough battle. Already the Republican Party is changing their primaries in an attempt to gain more control over the nominee and to ensure their choice is quickly selected, which will leave much of the country out of the decision as to who the Republican nominee will be.


I'm not backing or rejecting anyone at this time because we don't yet know who will run, what positions they will stake out as most important and what stance they will take on several key issues. All too often what they say before, during and after the primaries differs greatly.


When it comes to voting this year and in 2016 I will follow the Lord's leading.

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Unless Rand Paul caves to some of the Republican Party ways he will face a tough battle. Already the Republican Party is changing their primaries in an attempt to gain more control over the nominee and to ensure their choice is quickly selected, which will leave much of the country out of the decision as to who the Republican nominee will be.


I'm not backing or rejecting anyone at this time because we don't yet know who will run, what positions they will stake out as most important and what stance they will take on several key issues. All too often what they say before, during and after the primaries differs greatly.


When it comes to voting this year and in 2016 I will follow the Lord's leading.

True.  However, we don't have a choice in the matter.  Either one votes for the candidate that seems to be the best option, or they don't vote and we are nearer to the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ.  So many souls need to be saved, though.  

That's all we can do, John.  We need to vote our conscience.  It is just those who don't vote that I have a problem with.  They also seem to complain the loudest, too.


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