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Nothing Is Naughty


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I saw cartoon with someone asking Santa about his lists and a downcast Santa says that he doesn't keep lists anymore because nothing is naughty anymore.


That is becoming so true and even the world is noticing.


I thought of a few commercials I've seen. One, a car commercial, with Santa giving those on his naughty list a new red car and those on his nice list a new white car. Another commercial was for Harley-Davidson showing a biker Santa who gives biker gifts to those on a naughty list.


Traditionally a lump of coal was given to naughty children. Even when I was a child it was common to hear one say they knew they wouldn't get much for Christmas or they wouldn't get what they really wanted because they had been bad.


These days there seems to be no distinction made between nice, good, positive behavior and that which is naughty, bad, negative. In a typical family today the good child and his bad sibling will get the same sort of gifting; often in excess.


This post isn't about Santa, it's about the clear and sharp decline in morals and more specifically about the loss of the belief and practice of actions having consequences, such as good behavior is rewarded while bad behavior is not rewarded.


Unfortunately this is even seen in Christian families.

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This has been the first year where I just don't feel any Christmas spirit.  We've kept the TV off as I was frustrated with all the commercialism.  We also limited our gift giving and they will be practical gifts that are needed.  Our kids are so bombarded I have to remind them daily what Christmas is about and they need to be thankful for food, shelter and clothing.

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This has been the first year where I just don't feel any Christmas spirit.  We've kept the TV off as I was frustrated with all the commercialism.  We also limited our gift giving and they will be practical gifts that are needed.  Our kids are so bombarded I have to remind them daily what Christmas is about and they need to be thankful for food, shelter and clothing.

Amen! We will have a slim Christmas this year. I've tried to make sure we all remember we should be thankful for all we have and remember the real gift is what Jesus has given us, not what we might get as a present.


The TV is terrible and the commercials are among the worst. Victoria Secret Christmas commercials! REALLY??? I can still remember when they couldn't even show a woman wearing a full bra on TV, let alone the skimpy stuff Victoria Secret calls underwear. Then I wonder where the more traditional Christmas programs have gone as I see all these modern Christmas stories which tend to be love stories or something mocking traditional Christmas.


I'm also very tired of hearing Christmas music. Whether secular or Christian, it seems so many singers want to sing the songs in some different way and it seems to end up awful or very distracting. Then there is the problem of hearing the same songs over and over again.


The specialness seems to be gone. Hallmark Channel has been showing their idea of Christmas shows since October. Some radio stations have been playing nothing but Christmas music since the beginning of November. The commercials and the way most people seem to act make it as if Christmas is nothing more than another holiday only with an excuse to spend lots of money and do other things one shouldn't.


Oh well, I have to go for bloodwork now, I hope they don't have Christmas music playing in the office!

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I can certainly relate to all of this.  We have almost all of our Christmas shopping done, except my brother, my in laws, and  his uncle.  My husband is the oldest of nine children.  Then, we have the grandchildren.  We the majority of shopping before Thanksgiving, b/c of all the hustle bustle out there.  The world has certainly taken away what truly matters during this season.  Although, I know that Jesus was not born on Dec. 25th, it sure does take away the day that we glorify and honor our Lord Jesus Christ's birthday.  I am trying so hard to stay away from the secular music on the radio, but that is so hard to do in my area, b/c we aren't in the Bible Belt.  Thankfully, I have good, godly Christmas music on CD.  Praise the Lord for that!   

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I hear some parents saying they are going to buy their rotten children some really great and expensive gifts and then maybe their children will learn to behave.


One young girl screamed through the store today and the mother didn't seem to care, did say a word, didn't do anything to stop the tirade.


In another cart a young boy was slinging little cans of Vienna sausage out of their cart at people.

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I saw cartoon with someone asking Santa about his lists and a downcast Santa says that he doesn't keep lists anymore because nothing is naughty anymore.


That is becoming so true and even the world is noticing.


I thought of a few commercials I've seen. One, a car commercial, with Santa giving those on his naughty list a new red car and those on his nice list a new white car. Another commercial was for Harley-Davidson showing a biker Santa who gives biker gifts to those on a naughty list.


Traditionally a lump of coal was given to naughty children. Even when I was a child it was common to hear one say they knew they wouldn't get much for Christmas or they wouldn't get what they really wanted because they had been bad.


These days there seems to be no distinction made between nice, good, positive behavior and that which is naughty, bad, negative. In a typical family today the good child and his bad sibling will get the same sort of gifting; often in excess.


This post isn't about Santa, it's about the clear and sharp decline in morals and more specifically about the loss of the belief and practice of actions having consequences, such as good behavior is rewarded while bad behavior is not rewarded.


Unfortunately this is even seen in Christian families.

The only naughty things will be the things that used to not be naughty.

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The only naughty things will be the things that used to not be naughty.

Good point. Many today view it as a naughty thing to speak biblical truth regarding homosexuality; it's naughty to say a woman shouldn't murder her unborn baby; it's naughty to claim Christianity is true and Christ the only Way.

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I hear some parents saying they are going to buy their rotten children some really great and expensive gifts and then maybe their children will learn to behave.


One young girl screamed through the store today and the mother didn't seem to care, did say a word, didn't do anything to stop the tirade.


In another cart a young boy was slinging little cans of Vienna sausage out of their cart at people.


That is so sad, John.  Parents rewarding their children for acting bad, ignoring them, by not punishing them?  This time of the year surely brings out the worst in people, sometimes.  We send shoe boxes through missionaries in Mexico.  Those children are so pleased with what little they get in those boxes.  It is amazing to see the videos of them holding up their boxes, saying that is exactly what they asked for.  These children are coming to Christ, and appreciate all that we do in, Jesus' Holy Name, for them.  It might be nice if some people would visit 3rd World Countries, take their children with them, and truly appreciate what they have.  "Jesus is the Reason for the Season."  :)

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Fox News, which seems to find any excuse these days to show scantily clad women, did a spot on the Victoria Secret Christmas ads. Naturally they had to show most of the ad, and then show some of it again...and again...and again...and again as they talked and openly lusted over the tiny underwear wearing models.


Then when it came time for a commercial there was an ad for pajamagram!


It's dangerous to even try to watch a little news these days. Even the weather channel is now featuring shows with much cussing and the weather women are dressing like the Fox News women in their short, too tight dresses.

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I don't have cable but local stations and TBN of course! Anyway, I stopped on 700 Club a few weeks back and the host sitting there with Pat Robertson looked like a street walker! She had on a mini mini skirt, very tight, super high heeled black boots to her knees, super tight sweater that was VERY low cut. Not to mention the makeup of a clown and this is no exaggeration! I was in utter shock! I used to watch before attending IFB with Terry Meusen and she never dressed or looked like this lady.

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It's getting to be very common for Christians to dress much like the world and yet think they are dressing okay. Many Christians think as long as they are covered, at least covered enough in their view, that's all that matters. Some Christian women think it's okay to wear a mini skirt or dress if they are wearing them with high boots. They think form fitting tops and dresses are fine because they are covered. They often rationalize various top styles that leave the back, shoulders, or a good deal of the front uncovered. Much of the time their rationale is in comparing what they are wearing to what some celebrity wears that covers less (no, not a biblical approach!).


It seems short, form fitting dresses are the style these days, even among many Christians.


A few weeks ago I was looking at a video on modesty with two young women discussing the importance of modesty. One of the young women had very long hair which was hanging in front. When this young woman tossed her hair behind her and pushed it behind her ears one could then see her top and that it had a very low neckline, showing too much and showing more when she moved. I shut the video off. Not only did I not want to see any more, but it was already clear that video wouldn't be any good to use with youth on the topic. What a shame. Up to that point what these young women were saying was biblically sound, and they quoted the right Scripture on the topic, but that one young woman's top didn't agree with what she was saying and totally distracted from what might have been a very good message.

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They often rationalize...That's the big problem.  Rationalizing is using our own judgment rather than God's Word. It always leads to less than God's best!

"Every man did that which was right in his own eyes..."  We are back to that style of living, because standards are "legalism" and showing someone scriptural principles or patterns is considered meddling, judging, or playing the Holy Spirit.  As to Fox News, they aren't a Christian organization, so if one watches it, one has to be prepared for as much filth on there as anywhere else.

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It wasn't on Fox news it was 700 club on TBN

I know - I was referring back to John's comment about Fox.  :icon_smile:  But even watching "Christian" stuff is dicey nowadays.  Because every man (and woman) does that which is right in their own eyes...(well, not every one, but enough!).

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God's Word....

Jas 1:21 Wherefore lay apart all filthiness and superfluity of naughtiness, and receive with meekness the engrafted word, which is able to save your souls.

I love that phrase - superfluity of naughtiness - :lol: really rolls off the tongue :lol:

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