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What Our Favorite Book Of The Bible


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I have such a hard time deciding on a favorite, but I have to agree with HappyChristian, Genesis and John are always at the top of the list but I have to say I lean more toward Genesis because it is so foundational. All of our major doctrines rely on it to some degree. It's been such a personal area of interest of mine for the last 4 years for that reason and it's one of the most attacked books in the Bible. You might say I've become somewhat of an apologist on Genesis, particularly with regard to creation.

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I have such a hard time deciding on a favorite, but I have to agree with HappyChristian, Genesis and John are always at the top of the list but I have to say I lean more toward Genesis because it is so foundational. All of our major doctrines rely on it to some degree. It's been such a personal area of interest of mine for the last 4 years for that reason and it's one of the most attacked books in the Bible. You might say I've become somewhat of an apologist on Genesis, particularly with regard to creation.

That's the exact reason I chose Genesis, TS. We need more apologists for Genesis, that's for sure!

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That's the exact reason I chose Genesis, TS. We need more apologists for Genesis, that's for sure!


So true. Many people don't realize how seemingly small compromises in Genesis completely destroy their justificiation/reason for whatever else they believe about God, Jesus, sin, salvation, etc, etc. In one of my seminary papers I showed how disbelief in Genesis creates a belief system that cannot rightly be considered Biblical Christianity. Unfortunately there was a page limit and I feel like I barely scratched the surface of the issue.

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My pastor said if Genesis and Hebrews were taken out of the Bible, the Atheists would have a field day. 


I would tend to agree, though they use "doubts" about them to tear down the Bible anyway so it's 6 of one, half a dozen of the other.

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