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Christian Taking Another Christian To Court

Left the Bldg

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When is it acceptable for a Christian to take another Christian to court?  I've read the Biblical principles where you should go to that person first, then if they don't listen, take one or more witnesses, if they still don't listen take them before the church.  


What if they don't belong to your church?


Also, what if it is the other way around?  What if you're not the one taking them to court but they are trying to take you to court? 

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In 1 Corinthians 6, Paul is telling the Corinthian church to settle their own matters without taking them before a court that is operated by unbelievers.  So, it would appear this has to do with matters within your local church.


I think it can and should apply to all Christians regardless of whether they attend the same church...but sadly, that's an ideal situation that won't be realized in this life.


I heard a good explanation just the other day of why and when it's acceptable for one Christian to go to court against another Christian.  If I can possibly find a link to it, I'll post it in a little while.  Unfortunately, I can't remember what was said.  I don't know that I would agree with everything that was said, but it did sound reasonable.

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In 1 Corinthians 6, Paul is telling the Corinthian church to settle their own matters without taking them before a court that is operated by unbelievers.  So, it would appear this has to do with matters within your local church.


I think it can and should apply to all Christians regardless of whether they attend the same church...but sadly, that's an ideal situation that won't be realized in this life.


I heard a good explanation just the other day of why and when it's acceptable for one Christian to go to court against another Christian.  If I can possibly find a link to it, I'll post it in a little while.  Unfortunately, I can't remember what was said.  I don't know that I would agree with everything that was said, but it did sound reasonable.

I also looked up something on the internet about how Paul exercised his right to use the court as a Roman citizen but he wasn't going up against Christians so not sure that is applicable or proper application.

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Ms. Laura...I'm sorry, but I've racked my brain trying to remember where (and how) I heard the explanation...I just can't remember for the life of me...I'm a complete and utter failure!!!   :shootme:


If I happen to remember, I'll post it.

















Just don't hold your breath.   :nuts:

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Um...is that what Baptists believe?  She goes to AOG.  


I know that neither I nor Mrs. Arbo believe it. 


I do know of some who do, however I do not think that it is a belief held by the majority of Baptists.  I am sure there are others better qualified to speak about it than I.  Just wanted to put the lid back on the can of worms that I may have opened...

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I know that neither I nor Mrs. Arbo believe it. 


I do know of some who do, however I do not think that it is a belief held by the majority of Baptists.  I am sure there are others better qualified to speak about it than I.  Just wanted to put the lid back on the can of worms that I may have opened...

Oh.  I didn't know that.  In my Baptist church they don't believe you have to be Baptist to be saved.  I wasn't aware there were some who thought that.  Learn something new every day.   

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Regarding the Assembly of God denomination, I spent a period in the 1980s attending one of their churches.  Though I have serious issues with the AoG's doctrine, I knew some there who I have little doubt of their salvation.

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Christians should not go to court against another Christian at all. As Paul said, we should rather be willing to suffer loss than for the lost to see Christians opposing one another in a court looking for a lost person to rule between them.


Jesus says we are to sacrifice all for Him. In some instances that could include suffering great worldly loss for the sake of Christ.


As has been pointed out, we can't prevent another Christian from trying to drag us into court, but we should do all we can to settle the matter outside the court, even if that means we suffer loss, because doing so for the sake of Christ is worth it.


Jesus made it clear that following Him can be costly, we have to love Him above all else, be willing to give up all for Him, and we should count the cost to see if we are willing to surrender to Him or not.


Paul said we should be willing to let the least in our church settle our differences rather than to take a matter before a worldly court.

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