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No God? Billboards...

Guest "I am chief"

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I just pray for those people. For people who profess there is no God, they sure do spend a lot of time and money railing against Him. The Bible is clear that one day every knee shall bow, and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. One day they won't be so assured that there is no God. Their logic and reason and science will be an exercise in vanity. But we are in dark times. Christianity is a dying faith. More and more churches are going emergent. Many people who professed fundamentalist Christianity are leaving Christianity altogether. Just earlier today, on a knitting forum I belong to no less, a woman posted that it's everyone's ethical duty to openly ridicule religion, because that's the only way Christians will no longer feel empowered to "exercise their majority privilege". She saw Christianity waning in followers as a wonderful thing. Just twenty-five years ago her message would have been met with contempt and pleas for a change of heart. Today, her message was met with nothing but glowing approval. I imagine if she were in a group saying those things she'd have received high-fives all around. Shameful.

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I find it humorous, to a certain extent, that groups like this think they are reasoning things through.  God says, "Come now, and let us reason together...though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool."  "The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God."


Mankind tries to elevate themselves above God by claiming God doesn't exist - simply on the basis that they don't believe in Him.  But, as Jims said, every knee shall bow, every tongue confess.  And then they will believe.  Truly reasonable people would listen to God before it's too late.

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I just pray for those people. For people who profess there is no God, they sure do spend a lot of time and money railing against Him. 


No kidding, eh?  I don't believe in Santa Clause or the Easter Bunny, but I don't waste my breath trying to convince people they don't exist and talking about how stupid it is to believe in them. Methinks they doth protest too much...

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No kidding, eh?  I don't believe in Santa Clause or the Easter Bunny, but I don't waste my breath trying to convince people they don't exist and talking about how stupid it is to believe in them. Methinks they doth protest too much...


What do you mean there's no Santa Clause or Easter Bunny???   :puzzled3:


I heard him yell "Ho Ho Ho, heard the boot steps and running reindeer on my roof and saw Rudolf's red nose flashing in the distance!  And all those presents, they weren't there before I went to bed!   :scratchchin:


No, no, tell me it isn't true!  :hsyft:

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We Christians do often point out, even preach and write books about, the fact there is no Santa Clause, Easter Bunny, and no other God but the God and Father of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.


It's better these people are out in the open so we know who they are and where they are so we can take the Gospel to them and we should target areas with such signs for heavy duty soul winning missions.


We should be even more bold in declaring the Gospel than they are in attempting to deny their very Creator.

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