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School “lunch inspector” replaces child’s healthy lunch with “nuggets,” bills mother


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It is child abuse to send one's child to a government school. They are largely staffed with Proud, knowing-nothing fools. For a Christian to send their child to a government school is disobediance to the Word of God.

Well call me a child abuser then. :-)

Ok...I cannot let this go. This statement is just filled with ignorance.

1. Child abuse to send a child to public school? Are you kidding me? What a terrible thing to say. I find it ironic that if a parent allows his child to eat unhealthy food and grow overweight, you would likely say that is the parent's choice and the governement should not interefere, but you call a parent who sends their child to public school a child abuser.

2. What a terribly unChristian attitude. Hurling accusation like stones, totally unloving, over generalization that is completely untrue.

3. Moses went to the ungodly Egyptian schools and got a tremendous education while staying faithful to God. So did Daniel.

4. You seem to trupmet paretal choice, but then tear down people who chose, or have no choice but, to send children to public schools.

5. There are many stellar public schools around. Open your eyes and take a look.

6. Education is VERY important. God values education. Again, he placed Moses in the best Egyptian Pharoah run school to equipm him to lead people. Daniel went to the best Babalonian scools. WHere you send a child to school has NOTHING to do with whether or not the family is Christian.

So your comment is ignorant, offensive, totaly off base, and comes from a very unchristian attitude. There are public schools I would not send my child to, but there are other very good ones. Edited by kindofblue1977
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kindofblue, I "liked" your post because, even though I'd never choose to send my kids to public school, I do agree that school choice is a parental decision.

IMO, those who decide to put their children into the public school just have to learn to deal with the arbitrary decisions of "lunch inspectors" along with all of the other potential junk they've opened themselves up to. Lunch inspectors are part and parcel of the public school experience now, from what I hear. I don't agree with the decision that this particular lunch inspector made, but my hunch is that not all lunch inspectors are this brain dead. The only real problem I have with public schools (since they're not even a part of my life) is that Americans who do not use the public schools still have to pay for them, and that so much tax money is wasted on them. (I hope the "lunch inspector" position doesn't receive a full-time salary with benefits.)

I don't see why anyone who puts their child into the public school would have any reason to complain about "lunch inspectors." The school is a government-run institution; why would it be any surprise that lunches would be as regulated as the curriculum?

Edited by Annie
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How did I ever survive preschool eating turkey and cheese sandwiches? I'm starting to feel like my childhood was deprived.

You had turkey and cheese? Man! We had peanut butter and jelly. Or bologna and cheese. Of course, that was back when bologna was good. It's so gross now! (Jerry, I used to eat fried bologna and cheese sandwiches. Loved 'em)
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How did I ever survive preschool eating turkey and cheese sandwiches? I'm starting to feel like my childhood was deprived.

Did I say, although back in those days a fried spam sandwich was a favorite, now I cannot stand the taste of spam?

An older friend a few years back told of trading his biscuit & piece of ham for a baloney sandwich!
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Even the poor today tend to have more money than many folks did in the 50s and 60s and even into the 70s. Somehow they managed to feed their children whether it was a peanut butter sandwich and apple or a bologna sandwich and a banana or something similar. One kid I went to school with ate Slim Jims, Pop Tarts and a small bag of Fritos every day for dinner from the time we were in grade school all the way to high school.

While many folks back then would do all they could to avoid taking a hand out, most folks today look for every way to get a hand out. If they can get free meals for their kids they want it whether they need it or not.

I know the schools in this area encourage the parents of every student to fill out the free and reduced lunch application just in case they might qualify whether they really want it or not. The school district makes a lot of money off this program because the government sends them much more money per student than what they actually spend on food per student.

When the government gets involved it quickly becomes a racket and people are the worse off.

Amazing to think that folks survived for about 6,000 years without some government telling them how to manage their daily and personal lives but today so many think it's the governments job to babysit everyone and provide "free" handouts, never caring that nothing is free and someone else is being robbed every time somebody gets something for "free".

When I was at school, which was during the war abd soon after, children who had free meals were those whose fathers were killed in the war. Well at least, all those that I knew of.
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I ate those public school lunches and they kept me going and some were favorites. The thing I detest and abhor about public schools is a curriculum of secular humanism and social experimentation.

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Ok...I cannot let this go. This statement is just filled with ignorance.

...Are you kidding me? What a terrible thing to say.

What a terribly unChristian attitude. Hurling accusation like stones, totally unloving, over generalization that is completely untrue.

...people who chose, or have no choice but, to send children to public schools.

There are many stellar public schools around. Open your eyes and take a look.

...WHere you send a child to school has NOTHING to do with whether or not the family is Christian.

So your comment is ignorant, offensive, totaly off base, and comes from a very unchristian attitude.

“And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up.” - Deuteronomy 6:7

“Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” - Proverbs 22:6

“He that is not with me is against me; and he that gathereth not with me scattereth abroad.” - Matthew 12:30

“But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven.” - Matthew 19:14

“The light of the body is the eye: therefore when thine eye is single, thy whole body also is full of light; but when thine eye is evil, thy body also is full of darkness.” - Luke 11:34

“It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones.” - Luke 17:2

“And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.” - Ephesians 6:4

“Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.” - Philippians 4:8

Ma’am, your statements and personal attacks towards me show that you are ill prepared to discern good from evil when it comes to government education.

Since the 1800s the goal of public educators and the school unions has been to separate man from God. They do this by promoting secular-humanist values which includes the tenets of socialism and communism, that the State, not God is the highest form of power, moral relativism, all religions equal, promote pride and self-esteem because they believe man can be perfected and worse of all, they promote all manner of sexual deviancies. School psychologists now take your kid out of class without your knowledge and explore their home life. Schools are creating outdoor gardens for meditations and idol worship. The United Nation’s pervert dominated UNICEF, Planned Parenthood and GLAAD are also roaming your school’s hallways spreading their evil agendas too. Have you seen Planned Parenthood’s 5th grade curriculum for children? If you or I showed our children these things we’d rightfully be thrown in jail and labeled perverts, when Planned Parenthood does it with the blessing of the government, it’s called education.

A government school with high grades and lots of awards has them because they are loved by the world, not God. Do you remember this verse dear lady?

“…know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God.” – James 4:4

Even with classes staffed with Godly teachers the curriculum is still corrupt. A lot of it has been written by the terrorist, Bill Ayers and his academic associates. This guy is a communist who has spent his life shaking his fist at God all while corrupting our children with secular-humanism. Have you read the innocent looking novels that your children have in their classrooms and libraries? I did; one of them taught young girls (3rd grade) the joys of nude sunbathing. Have you researched the authors of these books? Only the most progressive, the most liberal, get all the accolades from the world and therefore access to your child’s heart and mind in the classroom.

I have some suggested reading for you:

“Child Abuse in the Classroom” by Phyllis Schlafly
“NEA: Trojan Horse in American Education” by Samuel L. Blumenfeld
“From Crayons to Condoms” by Steven Baldwin

These are among the titles that I have read personally. There are several others. I was sent to government school as a kid and personally experienced many of the events contained within the pages of these books. Unfortunately so did some of my children before I wised up.

Personally, financial hardship was not an excuse going to win out over subjecting my children to the evils of government education. My wife and I sacrifice greatly to give our children the education that the Lord commands. We moved, cut our expenses to the bone, buy used clothes, only have one car, etc. There were even a few months that I did not have any shoes and couldn’t leave the house because my dog thought they were chew toys. But my children will get a Godly education even if I have to live under a bridge or in defiance of the law or unto death. I love the Lord and my children that much.

Ma’am, you’re thinking is not right on this subject. Please pray and search the Word of God so you can get right with the Lord on this.

Edited by swathdiver
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“And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up.” - Deuteronomy 6:7

“Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” - Proverbs 22:6

“He that is not with me is against me; and he that gathereth not with me scattereth abroad.” - Matthew 12:30

“But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven.” - Matthew 19:14

“The light of the body is the eye: therefore when thine eye is single, thy whole body also is full of light; but when thine eye is evil, thy body also is full of darkness.” - Luke 11:34

“It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones.” - Luke 17:2

“And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.” - Ephesians 6:4

“Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.” - Philippians 4:8

Ma’am, your statements and personal attacks towards me show that you are ill prepared to discern good from evil when it comes to government education.

Since the 1800s the goal of public educators and the school unions has been to separate man from God. They do this by promoting secular-humanist values which includes the tenets of socialism and communism, that the State, not God is the highest form of power, moral relativism, all religions equal, promote pride and self-esteem because they believe man can be perfected and worse of all, they promote all manner of sexual deviancies. School psychologists now take your kid out of class without your knowledge and explore their home life. Schools are creating outdoor gardens for meditations and idol worship. The United Nation’s pervert dominated UNICEF, Planned Parenthood and GLAAD are also roaming your school’s hallways spreading their evil agendas too. Have you seen Planned Parenthood’s 5th grade curriculum for children? If you or I showed our children these things we’d rightfully be thrown in jail and labeled perverts, when Planned Parenthood does it with the blessing of the government, it’s called education.

A government school with high grades and lots of awards has them because they are loved by the world, not God. Do you remember this verse dear lady?

“…know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God.” – James 4:4

Even with classes staffed with Godly teachers the curriculum is still corrupt. A lot of it has been written by the terrorist, Bill Ayers and his academic associates. This guy is a communist who has spent his life shaking his fist at God all while corrupting our children with secular-humanism. Have you read the innocent looking novels that your children have in their classrooms and libraries? I did; one of them taught young girls (3rd grade) the joys of nude sunbathing. Have you researched the authors of these books? Only the most progressive, the most liberal, get all the accolades from the world and therefore access to your child’s heart and mind in the classroom.

I have some suggested reading for you:

“Child Abuse in the Classroom” by Phyllis Schlafly
“NEA: Trojan Horse in American Education” by Samuel L. Blumenfeld
“From Crayons to Condoms” by Steven Baldwin

These are among the titles that I have read personally. There are several others. I was sent to government school as a kid and personally experienced many of the events contained within the pages of these books. Unfortunately so did some of my children before I wised up.

Personally, financial hardship was not an excuse going to win out over subjecting my children to the evils of government education. My wife and I sacrifice greatly to give our children the education that the Lord commands. We moved, cut our expenses to the bone, buy used clothes, only have one car, etc. There were even a few months that I did not have any shoes and couldn’t leave the house because my dog thought they were chew toys. But my children will get a Godly education even if I have to live under a bridge or in defiance of the law or unto death. I love the Lord and my children that much.

Ma’am, you’re thinking is not right on this subject. Please pray and search the Word of God so you can get right with the Lord on this.

Public school is to tempting for many. They grew up in public school, doing all the things other children have done in public school, listen to public school teaches teach them, & to take their children out of public school would take them out of their comfort zone, plus it would squeeze their pocketbook, so they defend public school while not having a leg to stand one.

And of course anyone who disagrees with them is ignorant & acting unchrist like, & abusive.

But don't feel bad, they attacked Christ in the same manner, & would do it again if He were here teaching them.
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Its amazing how much food these "hungry" children throw away.

Just sayin.

Very good point. The fact is, there is really little actual hunger in America so the liberal socialists are targetting "malnutrition" which they give such a broad definition they can fit that to anyone who doesn't eat an exact definition of their idea of "perfectly nutritious".

No doubt some folks eat healthier than others but is it really the business of the government now to tell us what we can and can't eat and whether or nor not our child can have a cheeseburger and a small bag of chips?

The problem is that liberal socialists believe they can create a perfect world. After all, they see themselves as the enlightened elite and they don't believe in God, only in their amazing abilities to bring about a perfect society filled with perfect people.

Actual hungry children around the world would love to have the "unhealthy" meals so many in America eat each day. They would survive and thrive on such food, just as so many in America have done for years.
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Public school is to tempting for many. They grew up in public school, doing all the things other children have done in public school, listen to public school teaches teach them, & to take their children out of public school would take them out of their comfort zone, plus it would squeeze their pocketbook, so they defend public school while not having a leg to stand one.

And of course anyone who disagrees with them is ignorant & acting unchrist like, & abusive.

But don't feel bad, they attacked Christ in the same manner, & would do it again if He were here teaching them.

There are so many erroneous assumptions here and in swathdivers statements above, it is not even funny.

1. I will start off with the fact that I am merely disagreeming with someone's choice of not sending children to public school. I think it is great that there are options, and think that it is great that some families can send their children to private school or homeschool. But the fact of the matter is, that option is not available for many families. You act all high and mighty because you did one thing, and look down on those who do not have the same option. I will give you an example, from my life. My daughter will be going to public kindergarten next year. Our expenses are already, "cut to the bone" and we live a very simple lifestyle. Private school tuition here is at least $800 per month, plus books, uniforms, etc. That is the cheapest private school in our area. That is more than our house payment. We do not have that kind of money lying around. It is just not possible. Homeschooling is not an option for us right now either, for various reasons I'm not going to go into. We know many families who homeschool or go to private school, and that is great for them. However, it is not possible for many people.

2. Well, my friend, you are acting un-Chrit like. You act slike you have it all together, and just because some families must send their children to public school, they are terrible and abusing their children. ABUSING THEIR CHILDREN! Let that statement sink in for a minute. That is a highly offensive statement that has no base in reality. It is a very broad generalization. It is not taking time to get to know people and it is not loving people. It is hurling accusations, just like the Pharisees did at the adultrous woman, with one big difference...many of these parents you hurl accusations of child abuse at are doing the best they can for their children, are very good parents, many of whom are devout Christians. Shame on you, swathdiver.

3. I agree the Bible teaches that parants are to raise and train their children. Just because a parant sends a child to public school does not mean they are not doing that job. Furthermore, teh Bible is silent on HOW we should educate children. Furthermore, you completely ignore my points that Daniel, Moses, and others were raised up and taught in the "Government schools" of their day, the very best ones in fact. Their character mattered. They learned in a secular program that in fact taught the worship of other gods, yet they remained faithful to Yahweh.

I am glad for how you educated your children, as that was an option for your family. Taht is not an option for many families, and hurling accusations that their choice is akin to child abuse is a very un-Christian attitude and statement. Such a statement is vile, filed with hatred, poisonous, and is exteremely hurtful to many people. You are not spreading the love of Christ by expressing such an attitude, you are turning people away from Christ through such accusations. You are being offensive and hateful to Christian teachers who teach in public schools, to families who cannot afford to send their children to private schools, to families who do not have the option of homeschooling, etc.
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