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Is JCPenny off your list for shopping?


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I guess he doesn't understand the basic concept of supply and demand. If people don't like the actions of a store, they can choose not to patronize it...it's called capitalism.

Dave - I don't know if they still charge.

Blessed - practicing self-control is the very best way to avoid $$ problems. Good for you.

Ataturk - board requirements include quoting only the KJB. Please make sure in future posts you heed that. Thanks.

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I don't understand the hullaballo. I shop at stores and frequent businesses that hire greedy people, envious people, sloths, divorced people, people who lie, people who covet. We are all sinners.

I honestly do not care if a person hires a gay person as a spokesperson. I do care about the conditions of the factories where people make the goods that I am buying. I do not like buying things made in sweatshops by 8 year old children. I want to make sure that the farmer that grew my coffee is compensated fairly, so I only buy fair trade coffee. That kind of thing is much more important to me than whether or not a person they hire is gay. They hired Ellen because she is a likable celebrity, not because she is a lesbian. She seems to be a good and trustworthy person. I can think of many worse heterosexual celebrities they could have hired that are of much worse character and terrible role models and if they did so, I bet we would not be hearing of a boycott.

Much ado about nothing, IMHO.

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I don't understand the hullaballo. I shop at stores and frequent businesses that hire greedy people, envious people, sloths, divorced people, people who lie, people who covet. We are all sinners.

I honestly do not care if a person hires a gay person as a spokesperson. I do care about the conditions of the factories where people make the goods that I am buying. I do not like buying things made in sweatshops by 8 year old children. I want to make sure that the farmer that grew my coffee is compensated fairly, so I only buy fair trade coffee. That kind of thing is much more important to me than whether or not a person they hire is gay. They hired Ellen because she is a likable celebrity, not because she is a lesbian. She seems to be a good and trustworthy person. I can think of many worse heterosexual celebrities they could have hired that are of much worse character and terrible role models and if they did so, I bet we would not be hearing of a boycott.

Much ado about nothing, IMHO.

What I'm interested in knowing, Will this influence you to watch "The Factor" now?
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What I'm interested in knowing, Will this influence you to watch "The Factor" now?

I have no idea what "The Factor" is. I have never heard of it. Is it a new Ellen show? I've never really watched her shows in the first place. I don't have cable television and do not spend time in front of the television. So no, I won't watch whatever "The Factor" is.

Please advise what this show is, and I will let you know a better answer. But my answer is, I don't watch it now, and don't plan on beginning to watch television. Edited by kindofblue1977
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I have no idea what "The Factor" is. I have never heard of it. Is it a new Ellen show? I've never really watched her shows in the first place. I don't have cable television and do not spend time in front of the television. So no, I won't watch whatever "The Factor" is.

Please advise what this show is, and I will let you know a better answer. But my answer is, I don't watch it now, and don't plan on beginning to watch television.

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Ok. No, it will not influence me one way or another. I don't have cable television, don't like cable news programing, and will not watch it. Though it has nothing to do with the agenda or beliefs of a news program. I just do not like angry commentators yelling at me or at each other. When I go over to my parents house to visit, they have that garbage on, and it gives me a headache.
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Ok. No, it will not influence me one way or another. I don't have cable television, don't like cable news programing, and will not watch it. Though it has nothing to do with the agenda or beliefs of a news program. I just do not like angry commentators yelling at me or at each other. When I go over to my parents house to visit, they have that garbage on, and it gives me a headache.

I wonder, could this homosexual spokesperson influence your parents not to shop at Penny's stores?
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I wonder, could this homosexual spokesperson influence your parents not to shop at Penny's stores?

No, I don't think so. We have a homosexual cousin, and we all treat him and his partner the same as any member of our family. They don't refuse to go over to his house just because he is gay. So they wouldn't refuse to shop somewhere just because the company hired someone who was gay.
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Mr. O’Reilly defends the lesbian woman.

"And says, what’s the difference between McCarthy era communist blacklist in the 50s and the Million Moms saying, “Hey, JCPenney and all you other stores, don’t you hire any gay people, don’t you dare’ What is the difference?” O’Reilly said."

Bill likes to take these wild positions so he can claim he's "his own man" and not a "conservative talking head".

He really needs to check the facts on the "McCarthy era" because he's spewing liberal propaganda here. Perhaps he could as Ann Coulter who did some in-depth research into the truth of the "McCarthy era".

The issue isn't about "hiring gay people", the issue is about purposefully choosing to hire an outspoken lesbian who is loudly pro-homosexual and loudly anti-Christian. That sends a message and it should be no shock to anyone when decent folks decide to send a message back.
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No real surprise that so many liberal, secular and worldy professing Christians have no problem with this issue. They are unwilling to submit their will to God's and therefore will not practice biblical separation, will not practice being salt and light, will not speak out against sin, will not call sinners to repentance.

They prefer to live their lives their way, not God's. How many will one day stand before Christ and hear Him tell them He never knew them before He casts them into hell?

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No real surprise that so many liberal, secular and worldy professing Christians have no problem with this issue. They are unwilling to submit their will to God's and therefore will not practice biblical separation, will not practice being salt and light, will not speak out against sin, will not call sinners to repentance.

They prefer to live their lives their way, not God's. How many will one day stand before Christ and hear Him tell them He never knew them before He casts them into hell?

I don't think they understand that their Biblical theology doesn't stop because of a sinful secular societal preference.
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I don't understand the hullaballo. I shop at stores and frequent businesses that hire greedy people, envious people, sloths, divorced people, people who lie, people who covet. We are all sinners.

I honestly do not care if a person hires a gay person as a spokesperson. I do care about the conditions of the factories where people make the goods that I am buying. I do not like buying things made in sweatshops by 8 year old children. I want to make sure that the farmer that grew my coffee is compensated fairly, so I only buy fair trade coffee. That kind of thing is much more important to me than whether or not a person they hire is gay. They hired Ellen because she is a likable celebrity, not because she is a lesbian. She seems to be a good and trustworthy person. I can think of many worse heterosexual celebrities they could have hired that are of much worse character and terrible role models and if they did so, I bet we would not be hearing of a boycott.

Much ado about nothing, IMHO.

Yes, I am not surprised that you feel that way.
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No real surprise that so many liberal, secular and worldy professing Christians have no problem with this issue. They are unwilling to submit their will to God's and therefore will not practice biblical separation, will not practice being salt and light, will not speak out against sin, will not call sinners to repentance.

They prefer to live their lives their way, not God's. How many will one day stand before Christ and hear Him tell them He never knew them before He casts them into hell?

True, & again, like one Christian said, "Maybe its even more proof how few of us we actually are?"

For those on the other side of this issue, by the lack of a stand, "Are approving of homosexuality."
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I don't think they understand that their Biblical theology doesn't stop because of a sinful secular societal preference.

Worse, most don't seem to care. They tend to want the covering of Christianity but they don't want to actually be followers of Christ. In effect they are denying Christ before men, what will happen when they stand before Christ?
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True, & again, like one Christian said, "Maybe its even more proof how few of us we actually are?"

For those on the other side of this issue, by the lack of a stand, "Are approving of homosexuality."

As Scripture says, few there be that will follow the straight and narrow path to heaven, the vast majority prefer to take the broad road where they can have things their way, rejecting God's.

It's amazing that as we read the New Testament we see that all those who were true followers of Christ (true believers, born again, saved) actually had a dramatic change in their lives and continually pursued a closer walk with Christ. This, of course, is the biblical example of those who are truly born again, as Scripture tells us if one is born again old things have passed away, all things have become new, we are new creatures in Christ, our walk, our talk, our lives and the fruit we bear will all show this.

Scripture is equally clear than when true believers do err, when they received Godly correction the Holy Ghost witin them will lead them to repentance and a right walk with Christ. Those who reject correction, refuse to submit to Christ and instead walk on in their flesh, are those who were not a part of Christ to begin with. We see this with those who walk away from Jesus when he taught "hard sayings" and we see it elsewhere such as when John wrote of those who were no longer among them because they had never been a part of them.

What's truly amazing is the overhwhelming teaching today that one can simply claim to be a Christian yet continue in the flesh yet they are to be counted as true Christians despite the evidence to the contrary. This teaching is often coupled with the false idea that ones "religion" is separate from how they live their lives, or the equally false teaching that how one lives their lives is not a sign of who they are.

We are called to accept Christ fully and completely, putting Him and the will of God above all else, especially our own selves.

There are millions of "good Christians" out there, but there are few true, born again Christians who actually belong to Christ.
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