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Ann Coulter Says that Romney is "the most conservative candidate still standing."

Brother Rick

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The only picture of Ann on the link I showed was her face. I was asking about what you thought of the article and her opinion, not her dress style.

My thought wouldn't be any different than my comment on her dress. The picture was a pop-up of Ann in a low slung evening gown requesting me to provide my email for daily updates.
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A while back Ann left the stick-to-your-guns conservatism she grew famous for. Where she once rightly pointed out one of the flaws of the GOP was nominating weak, not real conservative candidates while pointing out that when the GOP nominated actual conservatives they won.

In recent years Ann has changed her tune and now says it's more important to support whoever in the GOP is most likely to win. This was her initial reason for supporting Mitt.

Ann is correct that Newt isn't a real conservative. It's also true that Newt likes to talk conservative but he never governs as one. Newt has a long history of compromise and capitulation.

If one goes by what Mitt says he stands for now, then Mitt would possibly be the most conservative candidate. The problem is, Mitt has had to change his positions on a number of issues in order to be able to make such claims. The question we have to ask now is, if Mitt is elected president, will he actually govern according to his new conservative positions, will he revert back to his liberal positions, or will he simply compromise on whatever comes along?

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I don't see anyone worshipping Romney. He has laid claim to a few conservative positions but he's not held to them in the past.

One thing I've noticed, possibly because it's not politically correct to talk about such, but there's been no mention of the fact in Mormon prophecy they believe a Mormon will rise to power fix, change or save America in some manner according to the Mormon worldview.

That Mormon prophecy should be of as much concern to folks as was the concern about JFK and the pope about 50 years ago.

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Coulter is wrong, Paul and Santorum are political conservatives while Gingrich and Romney are pretenders.

Coulter, like Limbaugh are politically conservative to a point. However they are socially and theologically liberal. Neither has a salvation testimony, one a sometimes Presbyterian and the other a Methodist only because his family is. Gingrich and Romney are little different, Paul and Santorum get two out three right; kinda!

How conservative is someone who in their private life is liberal, their theology is liberal but publicly in politics a conservative? This is the question our American ancestors used to teach their children and ask themselves before selecting their leaders.

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