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Culture of Dependence


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Culture of Dependence
Posted on transparent.pngWednesday, August 10, 2011 at 09:54PM

Let America take a long, hard look at what is happening in London...then take a deep breath and learn a powerful lesson.

When anarchists and hooligans were trying to riot in Athens, Greece, most people rolled their eyes and said, "Oh, well, it is Greece." Wrong reaction! Be that as it may, now it is happening in a city and a country that is the closest to the U.S. in terms of history, culture, and alignment.

As we watch London burn, again, leftist politicians are blaming the conservative government's economic policies-adopted by their coalition government a little over a year ago. This is not unlike the leftists in America who came out in force last weekend to blame the "Tea Party" for the downgrade by the S& P.

From what I know about the "Tea Party" [not firsthand], they are a grassroots movement who want to halt the country's descent into a "Nanny state" of spending itself into oblivion. For that, they are being blamed for all of the ills that were created by reckless politicians.

Historically, whoever tries to bring sanity to a nation or a culture heading in the wrong direction will become the scapegoat. The very people who warn of the danger of senseless action by reckless policies become the victims.

Remember Nero?

When Christians brought the truth and the light of Christ to Rome with its convicting power against all of Rome's sin and immorality, the Christians got blamed for everything. False accusations are always levied on those who are messengers of truth to a world swimming in falsehoods.

In Britain, however, the combustion ignited in the streets of London did not happen overnight. For years, the British labor government, like a sugar-daddy, doled out very generous benefits to those who refused to work.

Some friends told me that those benefits were extended even to the multiple wives of Muslim immigrants, because only giving benefits to one wife would appear...well...discriminatory.

Given the severe economic realities of today, this 'open sesame' door began to slowly shut. Thus, it produced pent-up anger and the wrath of those who got used to these free giveaways.

But guess who the leftist politicians in England are blaming? Not the hooligans, not the anarchists, not even the previous government's reckless immigration and economic policies. No! They place the full blame squarely on the conservative government.

America must never succumb to the temptation of passing the blame and pointing fingers. That will only encourage the lawless to take advantage of the situation and cause chaos. Moreover, American exceptionalism must be proclaimed from the rooftops without shame, embarrassment or fear. It is American exceptionalism that brought millions of immigrants to this country, not just to share in her blessings, but also to share in her sacrifices. Unless this message is drummed into the hearts and souls of those who are encouraging a culture of dependence, we may follow London/England.

May God protect the United States of America.

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"America must never succumb to the temptation of passing the blame and pointing fingers."

To late, this is already been done.

Yes and we have a president and many Dem leaders who seem to know how to do nothing else. What a wonderful example to our already messed up culture.
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Too true.

When police in Tottenham failed to act against looters, it gave a green light to thugs all over the city and the country, to do the same.

There have been 5 deaths during these disorders, one shot dead in Croydon, three mown down by a car while they were defending their property and one in Ealing today who died after being attacked while trying to put out a fire.

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Too true.

When police in Tottenham failed to act against looters, it gave a green light to thugs all over the city and the country, to do the same.

There have been 5 deaths during these disorders, one shot dead in Croydon, three mown down by a car while they were defending their property and one in Ealing today who died after being attacked while trying to put out a fire.

It's sad to listen to the British PM warn the thugs about the full force of the law and yet this continues. Full force should have been used long ago to protect the law abiding citizens and the country rather than standing back and letting things get worse.
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In a way it seems America lost its innocence after the start of the Vietnam War, & its been a FAST roller coaster ride ever since.

World War II took a toll on Americans. When the men were away the women changed. When the men returned, they were changed. Together they changed the way their children were raised, or not, and it was their pursuit of wealth and the good life, to the neglect of their children, that led to their children being the ones who went into rebellion during the 60s.

The failure to rightly deal with the rebellion in the 60s fueled further rebellion and gave us the mess of the 60s and 70s which so wickedly changed America and so tarnishes all things today.
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It is because as a nation we have widely rejected God.

The "disadvantaged" and a great many of the rioters and looters were not, the "disadvantaged" saw the wealthy bankers bring downthe economy of the world, get massive state bailouts and then pay themselves multi million pound bonuses, so they decided they would get some of the action.

Some of the rioters were not "disadvantaged" and at least one was extremely wealthy. Some called it recreational rioting.

Our streets are still far safer than those in USA and most other countries.

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Invicta, you are so right! America has also widely turned her back on God. Just hearing about things that go on is heartbreaking and horrifying.

Most of the rioting in America has non-disadvantaged at it's back. The Saul Alinsky school of social change through revolution is alive and well...and the Communist Manifesto is being very closely followed (whether or not Communism is dead - which it isn't!).

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The black riots in Cinci a few years ago was at first thought to be about upset welfare blacks using the excuse of a black who was shot while fleeing the police to reap revenge (the media sounded as though this was okay). It turned out that many of the black rioters who were arrested were not even from the local poverty areas, they were middle and upper-middle class blacks who had drove in from the suburbs to riot!

Indeed, the underlying problem is the lost state of these people and just how far our governments and nations have turned from God.

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World War II took a toll on Americans. When the men were away the women changed. When the men returned, they were changed. Together they changed the way their children were raised, or not, and it was their pursuit of wealth and the good life, to the neglect of their children, that led to their children being the ones who went into rebellion during the 60s.

The failure to rightly deal with the rebellion in the 60s fueled further rebellion and gave us the mess of the 60s and 70s which so wickedly changed America and so tarnishes all things today.

World War II took a toll on Americans. When the men were away the women changed. When the men returned, they were changed. Together they changed the way their children were raised, or not, and it was their pursuit of wealth and the good life, to the neglect of their children, that led to their children being the ones who went into rebellion during the 60s.

The failure to rightly deal with the rebellion in the 60s fueled further rebellion and gave us the mess of the 60s and 70s which so wickedly changed America and so tarnishes all things today.

Yes John, But patriotism seemed to forever change with the coming of the Vietnam War, and no longer was it about what is best for America for the American politician nor American business man. Seems to me that during the Vietnam War was the time period that big business stretched it arms overseas investing there, instead of here. And now our military forces is more about protecting business interest in foreign land.

I did not mention this but its the main thing, Americans turning away from God turning to sin, mainly the sin of greed.

​Its so sad that so many have only doom in front of them, for man's only hope is at the 'Cross of Calvary.'
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The London riots began after police shot dead a youth. There was a peaceful demonstration which was hijacked by thugs who started the riots. Thugs in other areas saw that the police did not react enough and took advantage to plunder premises.

2 people today have been senteced to 4 years each for inciting people to riot on Facebook. They were unsucessful in getting people to riot.

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