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Urgent Request, Are y'all still here????

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Those following this guy are either not saved or they don't read and study the Word for themselves as Scripture commands.

Scripture is clear that NO MAN will know when Christ will return.

Scripture is equally clear that if someone makes a prophetic declaration, as did Camping, and it doesn't come to pass, that means they are a false prophet. I think was back in 1994 Camping made a similar prediction which, of course, was wrong.

True Christians who know the Word should recognize Camping as a false prophet, denounce him, warn others of him, and separate themselves from him and anyone connected with him.

There is a reason Scripture tells us over and over again to meditate upon the Word day and night. There is a reason Paul, by inspiration of the Holy Ghost, applauded and held the Bereans up as a positive example for not taking everything they heard as true until they verified it by searching the Word of God.

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Those following this guy are either not saved or they don't read and study the Word for themselves as Scripture commands.

Scripture is clear that NO MAN will know when Christ will return.

Scripture is equally clear that if someone makes a prophetic declaration, as did Camping, and it doesn't come to pass, that means they are a false prophet. I think was back in 1994 Camping made a similar prediction which, of course, was wrong.

True Christians who know the Word should recognize Camping as a false prophet, denounce him, warn others of him, and separate themselves from him and anyone connected with him.

There is a reason Scripture tells us over and over again to meditate upon the Word day and night. There is a reason Paul, by inspiration of the Holy Ghost, applauded and held the Bereans up as a positive example for not taking everything they heard as true until they verified it by searching the Word of God.

None of this is new, of course. Long ago the RCC taught that the millenium would begin in 1000 AD, and many gave all their property to the "church", when nothing happened, they tried to get it back, but found the priests and monks had stitched it all up legally.
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None of this is new, of course. Long ago the RCC taught that the millenium would begin in 1000 AD, and many gave all their property to the "church", when nothing happened, they tried to get it back, but found the priests and monks had stitched it all up legally.

That's true. I've read of many other similar things. Most often the turn of a century was viewed as a time when people made such predictions and during specially numbered years, such as 666 AD, 1666 AD, etc.

For reasons such as you mentioned, the RCC fought so very hard to keep the Scriptures in a language the common people couldn't understand. So much easier to control people when you are the only one who can read the Scripture, and then supposedly be the one to tell others what you read. This is why the RCC fought so hard against King Henry and the move to push the RCC out of England and put forth English Bibles; not so much because of their stance against divorce as they proclaim.

Meditate upon the Word day and night. God tells us this in Scripture many times.

We are told of the importance of hiding God's Word in our hearts so we don't sin against Him.

We truly need to be people of the Book.
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Oh, so now he says he was off by five months.Hey, I suppose that's as good of an excuse as any. Now its October 21, will all his followers once again stand behind him.

I think he had this backup plan in mind all along. Even when he was saying the rapture would be in May, he was predicting judgement in October. So sad that some are blind enough or delusional enough to continue listening to him.
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Interesting thing we noticed this past Saturday. The Wall Street Journal had a little section on date setting, starting back in the 1650's! (so, I guess Darby wasn't the first to start talk of a rapture!! :icon_mrgreen: ) But all of the date-setters listed that gave an actual day instead of just a year chose the 21st day of the month - March, May, June. Now, this fellow is saying Oct. 21. And the Mayan calendar says the world will end on December 21, 2012 (or, at least, it doesn't go any further so some people believe that means the world may end that day). What is significant about the 21st? It can't be the equinox, as someone we know suggested, because there is no equinox in May or October. Anyone have any thoughts about it?

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I wonder does this give us a hint of when the Rapture will take place, in a manner no man can measure it and predicts when this point has come, so that only God knows as we are told in the New Testament.

Ge 22:17 That in blessing I will bless thee, and in multiplying I will multiply thy seed as the stars of the heaven, and as the sand which is upon the sea shore; and thy seed shall possess the gate of his enemies;

And that be when Abrahams seed is of the number of the stars in heaven and the grains of sand on the shore of the sea?

This is a though I had a day or 2 ago, haven't really thought it out. And as I stated this is not a way for us to determine when it takes place.

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