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You're A Neanderthal!


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In a previous topic I attempted to compare the language that Christians casually use when referring to homosexuals with the language we might use if talking about immoral women in the same way. I did this because both groups attract a lot of vulgar slang and yet I only see such language getting used on this forum when it comes to homosexuals. Just look up 'queer' or 'fag' in the search engine if you don't believe me.

Now someone has used the word 'hussy'--which just means immoral woman--about a woman they believe is immoral and they have been banned. It looks like double-standards.

I'll sent you a PM. You are mistaken, please check your Message box.
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Thanks for the PM, Matt. For peoples' info, Matt has pointed out that Thomas Cooper has been banned on account of an accumulation of offences--not a single instance--and those offences didn't even include use of the word I picked up on. So I owe a big apology to Matt and the other mods. Furthermore, although Matt was too gracious to mention it, I ought not to have complained publicly in the first instance so I'm sorry for that too.

Best regards


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I do not expose my nakedness like that wayward woman Palin!

Also read 1 Peter 5 regarding how to relate to your elders and betters.

You've been rebuked privately, also from groups, so public rebuke is all that is left for you.

"betters?" You're conducting yourself like a pharisee.
You need to spend time reading Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John?

Matthew 23:12 And whosoever shall exalt himself shall be abased; and he that shall humble himself shall be exalted.
James 1:26 If any man among you seem to be religious, and bridleth not his tongue, but deceiveth his own heart, this man's religion is vain.
Well, it appears I waited too long to do the above. Thanks Matt and mods...I just read the comments on page two of this thread.
1 Corinthians 5:13 But them that are without God judgeth. Therefore put away from among yourselves that wicked person. Edited by 1Tim115
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I should not have said what I did to him. No but about it. I am OBviously not the only one concerned about his approach and demeanor in our fundamental beliefs. He always struck me as a guy who would stand beside the WBC and protest a funeral :eek I don't know, though, he's definitely strong minded.

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