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May I get some encouragement?

Lisa Anne

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I find a lot of encouragement on this board and in seeing that I would like to express a few anxieties I have about Thanksgiving. OBviously recently my husband and I joined the IFB church. Our lives have changed dramatically in what we do, how we act, how I dress and such. We still know how to enjoy ourselves and aren't crazy uptight by any means. We just have a better understanding of how we should live and where we stand morally. In that, next week we will be going to my aunt's house in Nashville for Thanksgiving. I will be picking my brother up and taking him along. My dad will be there, my grandfather, and a few other family member's on my Uncle's side. Most of them are Catholic, devout. My dad is not so much religious is any way. I know years ago while married to my mom he claimed to have been saved and was even baptized but the fruit doesn't show and hasn't for yeaaaars. Nonetheless, I learned from my mom a couple weeks ago that my dad thought my husband and I had joined a cult. He apparently sent my brother a text message asking him (brother lives with my mom) so my mom told my brother that my Dad needs to understand we have decided to live our life for Christ and have in no way joined a cult.

I feel like I'll be walking in to a firestorm but I'd like to believe my family wouldn't pick on me or bring anything up that could be offensive towards my beliefs. I don't know though so I just ask that everyone remember me and keep me in your prayers as I enter in to a situation I have yet to experience. May the Lord give me peace of mind and help me to overcome these anxieties that shouldn't be bothering me!

I understand your prOBlem, we have the same kind of thing, no catholics but other issues, and a lot of them belong to a lot of apostate churches, yet we go and enjoy their company, our most common prOBlem is they start drinking that is when we make a graceful exit, but this cause some anxiety before hand, There is one that prOBably thinks we r in a cult as well, but we don't worry so much about that, He and I have had many discussions, i have found that his mind is closed, I will pray that your thanksgiving will be an uneventful one, that you can enjoy yourself and your family. The best thing to do is be as you would anywhere else and hopefully your dad will see, If He is not saved I hope you have a chance to work with him on that. Family can be more cruel than strangers unfortunately.
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I believe your right. It would make them defensive right off the bat and you would get no where. The best thing to do is have a good attitude. and be open to answer any questions they have. You can easily tell them what the bible says without bringing up their religion. IF they are to be offended let the bible do it. God bless. :)

I feel as though this would be the best route to take, LIsa. :icon_pray:
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It is no secret that the Anglican "church" is satanic. There is no need to step a foot into one of their dens. Frankly, I doubt your "church" even uses the Christian Bible!

Perhaps many are, but so perhaps are many Baptist Churches.
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Perhaps many are, but so perhaps are many Baptist Churches.

By definition, an Anglican church is yoked with an ungodly organization which practices and teaches unbiblical doctrine, leading folks astray and serving the purposes of Satan. "IF", there were a good Anglican church with a good Anglican pastor, one would have to ask why the pastor and church places allegience to the Anglican church higher than OBeying the Word of God. By remaining yoked to such an ungodly system rather than OBeying the Word of God to separate, they are placing the wicked Anglican church above Christ.

When considering Baptist churches one has to consider who they are yoked with, if anyone. IFB churches are not yoked to a denominational organization. Non-IFB Baptist churches may or may not be yoked to some denomination or organizational group such as the SBC or General Baptists. If any are yoked with ungodly, wicked organizations then born again believers should have no part in them, just as they should have no part with an Anglican, Episcopal, United Methodist or some other churches.
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I did just want to update. All went well yesterday, most of the focus was on my daughter who opened up a lot from previous years. Prayer before dinner was awkward because they started out with the "father, son, holy spirit" dealio. Not sure if any of you are familiar with that prayer but I grew up on it. My husband and I kept our heads bowed and didn't participate. My dad told me this morning before we left that he was proud of what I'm doing with my family and gave me kudos. He never said anything about our faith but I have a feeling he is glad that we are trying to raise our daughter well in a Christian home.

I'm very grateful all went well and we were able to enjoy ourselves with the family. We had a great time :)

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I did just want to update. All went well yesterday, most of the focus was on my daughter who opened up a lot from previous years. Prayer before dinner was awkward because they started out with the "father, son, holy spirit" dealio. Not sure if any of you are familiar with that prayer but I grew up on it. My husband and I kept our heads bowed and didn't participate. My dad told me this morning before we left that he was proud of what I'm doing with my family and gave me kudos. He never said anything about our faith but I have a feeling he is glad that we are trying to raise our daughter well in a Christian home.

I'm very grateful all went well and we were able to enjoy ourselves with the family. We had a great time :)

:clapping: I'm so glad for you! And your dad is watching...that's good! The fact that he told you he was proud speaks volumes for your testimony before him!!!
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See, in spite of all the different opinions, the Lord came through for you! He always will; Christ has never let anyone down whenb they trust in Him.

As an ex-Catholic, I feel for you, and understand your dilemma. I handled it wrong, and drove a wedge between myself and my family. It took many years before my mom got saved, even though I had "preached" to her every time I saw her. At one time, it got to the point where they were threatening to dis-own me. I cried many tears, and cannot really say I would do it differently today, but at the time, I could have been more gracious. Anyway, glad to hear that things worked out. (I was praying too, just didn't post anything about it. The encouragement you needed came from the Lord, and not from us)

Edited by irishman
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