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Independent Baptist missionaries and not only living like kings in Eastern Europe

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13 hours ago, Jordan Kurecki said:

I think this thread should be deleted. I see little here that brings honor or glory to Jesus Christ.

I agree with Brother Kurecki.


An individual, LexUs (a person nobody knows), brings accusations that cannot be checked, against only IFB missionaires, who cannot defend themselves.


Missionaires receive, every month, receive personal support and work support. A missionaires personal support is almost  very low and his work support is usually higher. Every missionary gives strict accountability of both their personal and work funds to their mission board, church, the host Tax Authorities and the US IRS. I know this for a fact.

 LexUS did not state at any time if the missionary(ies) in question support was personal support or work support.


My above questions (in my first post), was not answered but ignored.


What type of church does LezUS belong too? Can LexUS give us  a good, detailed salvation testimony?


Many missionaires, in order to be legal in some countries, have orphanages, food stations, and other good work organizations. To run an orphanage, or other good works organization, a huge amount of money is needed. It almost seems that LexUS is using the large amount of money that some IFB missionaires handle to insinuate  that they miss-use their funds.


LexUS not only slanders IFB misionaires, without proof, he bashes the IFB missionary's pastor. Maybe the pastor knows who LexUS is and feels that LexUS is a dis-gruntled saint (or sinner), trying to destroy a good missionary?


The Apostle Paul plainly stated, "Against an elder receive not an accusation, but before two or three witnesses." 1 Timothy 5:19 LexUS has not obeyed the scriptual injunction by Paul. Instead of obeying Paul LexUS has slandered IFB missionaires, and a US pastor, in an open internet forum.


"One witness shall not rise up against a man for any iniquity, or for any sin, in any sin that he sinneth: at the mouth of two witnesses, or at the mouth of three witnesses, shall the matter be established." Deuteronomy 19:15 If there is the miss-use of the Lord's funds, and if the missionaires are living like kings, than one witness is not enough to condemn any missionary. Ann open internet forum is not the place to slander other saints by one individual.

Brother Kurecki is entirely correct. The insinutations by LexUS has not honored the Lord Jesus and the thread needs to be closed.


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2 hours ago, Alan said:

I agree with Brother Kurecki.


An individual, LexUs (a person nobody knows), brings accusations that cannot be checked, against only IFB missionaires, who cannot defend themselves.


Missionaires receive, every month, receive personal support and work support. A missionaires personal support is almost  very low and his work support is usually higher. Every missionary gives strict accountability of both their personal and work funds to their mission board, church, the host Tax Authorities and the US IRS. I know this for a fact.

 LexUS did not state at any time if the missionary(ies) in question support was personal support or work support.


My above questions (in my first post), was not answered but ignored.


What type of church does LezUS belong too? Can LexUS give us  a good, detailed salvation testimony?


Many missionaires, in order to be legal in some countries, have orphanages, food stations, and other good work organizations. To run an orphanage, or other good works organization, a huge amount of money is needed. It almost seems that LexUS is using the large amount of money that some IFB missionaires handle to insinuate  that they miss-use their funds.


LexUS not only slanders IFB misionaires, without proof, he bashes the IFB missionary's pastor. Maybe the pastor knows who LexUS is and feels that LexUS is a dis-gruntled saint (or sinner), trying to destroy a good missionary?


The Apostle Paul plainly stated, "Against an elder receive not an accusation, but before two or three witnesses." 1 Timothy 5:19 LexUS has not obeyed the scriptual injunction by Paul. Instead of obeying Paul LexUS has slandered IFB missionaires, and a US pastor, in an open internet forum.


"One witness shall not rise up against a man for any iniquity, or for any sin, in any sin that he sinneth: at the mouth of two witnesses, or at the mouth of three witnesses, shall the matter be established." Deuteronomy 19:15 If there is the miss-use of the Lord's funds, and if the missionaires are living like kings, than one witness is not enough to condemn any missionary. Ann open internet forum is not the place to slander other saints by one individual.

Brother Kurecki is entirely correct. The insinutations by LexUS has not honored the Lord Jesus and the thread needs to be closed.


This I believe I answered to mr Jim_Alaska. Southern baptists are lied worse than IFB. But you must understand, IFB think of themselves way better standards than any other baptist or anabaptist traced-to-present congregation and any other neoprotestant types. That's why and not only I have this issues with IFB. What do you want me to do? Give you names? failed ministries? Bank accounts? That would be the unchristian thing, not the overall rebuke. They can't defend because they are wrong. Oh , you mean they are not aware? So what. Have I gave names? It's not personal. Missionaries pull out money from the local ATM. money sent by an accountant. They pull chunks and they don't have personal and ministry money, and who does that is wasting time, money is money, once YOU have it. I know about raising extra money apart from support, just for a building. The building was stolen by the non independent "brethren" or taken by the state ( take for instance Russia ). You can't trace ALL money. I never saw a missionary lacking things. that tells me he doesn't split personal from ministry dollars. I am saved by the blood, by faith, after national non independent baptists told me I need to quit sin to get saved ( wrong message ). I am saved by grace, by prayer, calling the name of the Lord. I am eternally secured. I have sin problems. But you all are, mister holy thou art. These posts are meant to tell you and show you so. Your main sin is pride and also being hypocrites.

I never used money given by IFB. I am small, I got my national wage worth only, paid under table, no taxes, because most missionaries don't have legal papers to legally pay his employers. They have associations that could run legal stuff but it's not always used proper. I never handled large amounts of money, but I was given things to take care and that I did trustworthy !

I have witnesses, IFB and non IFB. National and american. Some admit here on this forum on this subject, above, that rotten apples are even among IFB. Most people I "bash" are good people, but my hole issue is the overall behavior that they have, and that they think is ok, is fine and also you think as well, because you live like a king in USA don't you? You don't live in Africa or Russia!  If you want witnesses I'll have to give names and countries. I won't. If you want to believe me, I don't expect. Only take in consideration. You think that my post should be deleted because in your mind this is wrong. I understand that. But I also believe that you are ashamed. You don't want to know what's really going on, all the giving into mission might become vain up till now, or what ? No crowns? You care about crowns or people getting saved ?

Edited by .LexUS.,
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16 minutes ago, .LexUS., said:

Most people I "bash" are good people, but my hole issue is the overall behavior that they have, and that they think is ok, is fine and also you think as well, because you live like a king in USA don't you? You don't live in Africa or Russia!  If you want witnesses I'll have to give names and countries. I won't. If you want to believe me, I don't expect. Only take in consideration. You think that my post should be deleted because in your mind this is wrong. I understand that. But I also believe that you are ashamed. You don't want to know what's really going on, all the giving into mission might become vain up till now, or what ? No crowns? You care about crowns or people getting saved ?


My post stands. I am not going to change a word.

For your information, I do not live in America. I am an American, but, I live in Asia (Taiwan), as I am a IFB missionary.  I have been in communist China on several occasions and have personal knowledge of the personal sacrifice that IFB missionaires are making in very difficult situations. I also am personally aware of the cost of runnning an orphanage (and other good works), on the mission field. 

I never said to delete your posts. I said I agreed with Jordan to lock the thread. There is a difference.

I am not ashamed at what I posted. Almost all of the missionaires that I know (and I do know some in Europe), live a sacrificial life in all aspects of the word.

Also, for your information, I do care about winning souls. I am a soul-winner. Just this last week I personally won two men (one was 19 years old and the other was 23 years old), to the Lord.  The church that I started in Taiwan is full of personal, adult, converts from Buddhism that I won to Christ.

Am I the next missionary that you plan to bash? slander? condemn? Are the  IFB  missionaires in Asia next on your list?

I still agree with brother Jordan, your postings do not honor the Lord Jesus.



Edited by Alan
grammer added 'to the Lord'
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2 hours ago, Alan said:


My post stands. I am not going to change a word.

For your information, I do not live in America. I am an American, but, I live in Asia (Taiwan), as I am a IFB missionary.  I have been in communist China on several occasions and have personal knowledge of the personal sacrifice that IFB missionaires are making in very difficult situations. I also am personally aware of the cost of runnning an orphanage (and other good works), on the mission field. 

I never said to delete your posts. I said I agreed with Jordan to lock the thread. There is a difference.

I am not ashamed at what I posted. Almost all of the missionaires that I know (and I do know some in Europe), live a sacrificial life in all aspects of the word.

Also, for your information, I do care about winning souls. I am a soul-winner. Just this last week I personally won two men (one was 19 years old and the other was 23 years old), to the Lord.  The church that I started in Taiwan is full of personal, adult, converts from Buddhism that I won to Christ.

Am I the next missionary that you plan to bash? slander? condemn? Are the  IFB  missionaires in Asia next on your list?

I still agree with brother Jordan, your postings do not honor the Lord Jesus.



Then you don't belong to my Eastern Europe category. Also, like I said, there are good european missionaries but it's not as you all think, that ALL or most are good. It's quite the opposite. I don't know the forum rules and language. You can do whatever you want, freeze , lock erase, I posted my message already, people know what I needed to say !

Edited by Lexus,.
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I personally know an IFB missionary in Romania and an IFB friend whom I  trust to be truthful tells me that he is one of hardest working missionaries he knows (he visits many missionaries regularly), and this missionary certainly has not been living the high life.


Your broad attack slanders this man along with those who MIGHT deserve it. This is the problem with your posts - you make it sound like ALL IFB missionaries fit your description - and that is simply not true.

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21 minutes ago, DaveW said:

I personally know an IFB missionary in Romania and an IFB friend whom I  trust to be truthful tells me that he is one of hardest working missionaries he knows (he visits many missionaries regularly), and this missionary certainly has not been living the high life.


Your broad attack slanders this man along with those who MIGHT deserve it. This is the problem with your posts - you make it sound like ALL IFB missionaries fit your description - and that is simply not true.

Romania has a Hungary level. Ukraine and Russia is not with the 1st two. I'd say that this missionary is not living a low meek life. It's EU zone. It matters even if a missionary is Ukraine west or Ukraine east. People rob you in the day light in Ukraine if they see you have money in your hand,mostly in east. Therefore missionaries "behave" there. Can't drive very expensive cars. Or have expensive houses. they'll get robbed or killed maybe ? But in a EU member, they have more safety I'd say. Life is more expensive too. But affordable comparing support with wages or gas, electric bills. Find EU and non EU members and wikipedia listst of gas prices. Easy figure. You in USA have it cheap. Can't say the same here, compared with the income. FYI, I know 3 missionaries from Romania. They all live pretty fine. Brasov area, I think the one in Brasov left the country, there were two actually, one left to Philippines and one to Greece, also Cluj town has another missionary. Also, In Chisinau I know two, one is a rich guy. That I respect, if you spend your own money ! That is a good christian deed ! Not these guys that live on others backs,people from USA giving churches.

Edited by Lexus,.
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OK, I am locking this thread for reasons I have already put forth, because some members have asked or agreed that it should be locked, but mostly because of doubts regarding this new member's motives.

In looking at all his posts as a whole, including those in which he thinks he is clarifying his accusations, I see just more of the same bashing of all IFB missionaries. I cannot in good faith allow this thread to keep going in the direction it has since the beginning.

I am locking it and not deleting it so that those that read it, or something like it in the future will be able to make up their own minds concerning its validity or place on an IFB message board, as well as other members responses to this sort of issue.

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