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My Daughter is in Bruselles for a couiple of days visiting the Chrismas markets.  Yesterday she said could I feed luke our teenage grandson while she was away.  

I had a steak which IK was planning to have today and IK would have cut it in half and frozen the rest, but6 I thought that half would not be enough for a growing lad, so I went to Aldi and bought another one.

I saaid to him this morning "I am not going to ask you what you want, you will have to put up with steak." "Oh goody goody," he said.

I did it with potato slices sauteéd in butter with parsley and garlic. roasted red onions and rattatouille . Luke was very appreciative of it.  He has alwayus been appreciative of my cooking  since he was quite young .

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My s-i-l did lunch today, Spag Bol. I did  Leek, Cellery and Goat's cheese flan for the two vegetarians, my wife and my granddaughter Rachel, with exta vegetables for them.

Did sandwiches for supper.

Edited by Invicta
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My daughter and her husband have gone away for a few days and she asked if I would feed her 16 year old son..  Yesterday I did chicken and leek in a cream cauce and today I did slow cooked beef stew with vegetables and mushrooms. My grandson said "Grandad you have always been a good cook but your mushrooms are the best in the world."  My wife added "That's remarkable isn't it seeing he doesn't like mushrooms."

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Yesterday I made something I have never made myself before, fish chowder. I am originally from Gloucester, Mass. and both fish and clam chowder are a staple there since this is a fishing village dating from the 1600's.  I said this to say that because of my roots in a fishing culture, I am well aware of what constitutes a good chowder.

For a first try mine turned out well, although not exactly the best I have eaten. I will modify the recipe for this chowder and see if it can be improved upon. Chowders are one of those dishes that improve with time to sit and cool before reheating. My wife and I reheated the chowder later in the day and it was decidedly better than at first. So we intend to have it again this evening, I made enough for at least two meals. I expect it to be even better today than yesterday. Stay tuned for results.

Chowders are best served with either oyster crackers or a hard bread like French or Italian bread. I had neither, but will pick up some hard bread today after church for dinner tonight. some restaurants serve chowder n a "bread bowl", which is a round hard bread that has been hollowed out to make an actual bowl. It is wonderful because you can eat the whole thing; bowl included.

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Chicken and noodles. The noodles are home made by my wife. She saves and freezes all left over chicken and bones until she has enough to make this dish. The left over chicken and bones are made into a rich broth, then the home made noodles are added.

The resulting aroma is almost irresistible as I write this.

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We went back to our former church for the seniors "Bethany Lunch" today, Roast beef, roast potatoes, carrots  and brocolli. followed by Raisin sponge and custard..

Our former pastor once loaned me a book where the writer went to the French alps of the Waldenses. He said the  food in the alps did not match the rest of France, but there was  always a welcome Pot au Feu on the stove. We visited France for the day on Friday and for lunch I had Pot au Feu for the first time.  It is beef and vegetables in stock simmered on a stove.  I thought the beef and the vegetables were overcook and I could do better.  On Sunday I tried this in the slow cooker and it was much better.  In the recipes the include marrow bones, but our supemarkets don't do them. The dish is supposed to do at least three meals.  The beef and vegetables, then the broth as soup, then the marrow spread on toast.  I did the first two. I made my wife a vegetarian version with flageleot beans, which we call Potée which is actually a pork version.  We were once invited to lunch by an elderly French couple who had been missionaries in South America.  They did Potée but we didn't inform them that my wife is vegetarian and I don't like pork.  .

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I fixed burgers again tonight. I've been making "mug bread" for Randy - it's made from almond flour, and is cooked in a mug in the microwave, hence its name. I've been using it for a variety of things (he loves it just sliced in half and fried after it's cooked in the microwave - he says it's almost cornbreadish).  He enjoyed his burger. =D

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On 1/1/2019 at 4:16 PM, Invicta said:

I thought you didn't believe in leaving over chicken?

When I said "left over" I may have misled you. There is never any actual left over chicken, but there is broth or gravy, bones, skin and small scraps of meat, these are what she saves until she has enough to make chicken and noodles. Once in a while she buys chicken drumsticks or thighs and may not use them all. These she might add to the chicken and noodles also so that there is enough meat. She caters to me well because she knows I am a "meat guy".

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