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"Ban The Person Above You" Game


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i ban palatka' date=' because i have no idea what [b']she's :eek talking about.

Hmmm, I'll be right back, I must check on something---------

Yep, I'm still a he. --- At least that's what the profile says. :woohoo:
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I ban Kayla for not knowing Florida history. :annoyed: :annoyed:

Now for the rest of you, in case other inquiring minds want to know, here is your history lesson for the day. :Bleh

Palatka, Florida is south west of St Augustine, Florida and is 10 miles east of where I live. Pronounce Pa-lat-ka, It is the pre-Seminole Indian word for "Crossing".
When the Spanish settled St Augustine and then colonized Florida they ventured westward. They came to an impassible, uncrossable St John's River. They couldn't go north because their enemy the French had established a fort, what is now Jacksonville, at the mouth of the St John's River called Ft Caroline. They then searched for a crossing to the south and came upon an Indian trading post called Palatka by the Indians. At that point in the river, the water was shallow enough for a man to wade across on foot at low tide. Palatka soon became a major crossing for cattle and trade between St Augustine and what is now Gainesville for the Spanish. By the late 1800's, Palatka was the hottest tourist spot in Florida. People came from all over the Northeast to catch a river boat to Silver Springs near present day Ocala. Through the 1920's the NY Yankees had a farm club and spring training facilities here. To this day, Palatka High School still uses the baseball grounds that the Yankees built. Babe Ruth even started a youth league here. :cool

Blessings to all;


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