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New Cambridge Paragraph Bible

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So are you going to talk about what I said or just dance around the issue all night? :wink:

What did you say that I'm "danc[ing] around"? :? I thought I was addressing your statements very concisely, but perhaps I'm wrong.
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I really don't think that asking which Textus Receptus has anything to do with the heart of what I posted. If the translation is a faithful copy of a faithful copy(TR) then it is God's Word. That is the issue. The KJV is not the standard, God's Word is the standard which happens to be found in an excellent translation known as the KJV.

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I really don't think that asking which Textus Receptus has anything to do with the heart of what I posted. If the translation is a faithful copy of a faithful copy(TR) then it is God's Word. That is the issue. The KJV is not the standard, God's Word is the standard which happens to be found in an excellent translation known as the KJV.

The United States Constitution is to be the absolute, final, complete authority on the laws of the United States. Any question regarding the law must be submitted to the authority of the Constitution.

Imagine for a second, that there were multiple differing editions of the Constitution. They are all very similar, yet are different in a few different areas. Any number of disagreements can arise from the differences found within the different editions of this Constitution. What do you do?

In this same way, we find the Bible issue. There are many many different editions of the Textus Receptus available today. If you decide that the KJB is not the standard, as you have just intoned, then you must chose which edition of the TR you are going to accept. That is the heart of the issue: "What is Truth?"
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I haven't studied the TR enough to know what the differences in them are but I know that we do have reliable Greek texts. It's just absurd to think that the KJV is the standard for the simple reason that it is the KJV. It's not the standard anymore than the Geneva.

Two standards?

"A double minded man is unstable in all his ways."
(James 1:8)

I don't see how we can accept two different things as the authority. I'm not discrediting the Geneva-in its time. However, we have the Ultimate authority in the King James Bible, so I have no more need of the Geneva than I have need of a broken leg. It's completely unnecessary.
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This shows that "Easter" is an acceptable translation of the word "pascha." It is not advanced revelation, but agrees with the Greek.

I agree with Vince about the meaning of Passover. Seems clear enough...Passover, days of unleavened bread.

Leviticus 23:5 In the fourteenth day of the first month at even is the LORD'S passover.

The context in Acts 12:3,4 makes it fairly decipherable. The Passover began the days of unleavened bread, and so the word pascha in verse 4 would not be correct to be translated as Passover. If you're saying the days of unleavened bread are the passover, that isn't what Leviticus 23:5 says, and there is a distinction in terms used in verses 3 and 4--they don't both say days of unleavened bread, and, in Greek, they don't both say pascha, and nowhere in the Bible are they used as synonyms...because they're not.

And the King James came from numerous Greek texts each called the Textus Receptus. As such, it represents a new Textus Receptus edition, and if you hold to any one like Beza or Erasmus as having the infallible compilation, then you no longer have the word of God in the English language. I'll just stick with the King James as my accepted Textus Receptus edition. If I were forced to choose a single Greek text,I'd say Scrivener, since it was compiled after the King James, to match the King James, but even it doesn't correlate 100 percent.

Edit: Anddddddd just for Katy-Anne, a link from Wikipedia! :wink:
What's the Greek word for Easter today? Gasp! Pascha!

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The United States Constitution is to be the absolute, final, complete authority on the laws of the United States. Any question regarding the law must be submitted to the authority of the Constitution.

Imagine for a second, that there were multiple differing editions of the Constitution. They are all very similar, yet are different in a few different areas. Any number of disagreements can arise from the differences found within the different editions of this Constitution. What do you do?

In this same way, we find the Bible issue. There are many many different editions of the Textus Receptus available today. If you decide that the KJB is not the standard, as you have just intoned, then you must chose which edition of the TR you are going to accept. That is the heart of the issue: "What is Truth?"

Vey good post.

The KJB:

"Translated out of the ORIGINAL TONGUES and with PREVIOUS TRANSLATIONS diligently COMPARED and REVISED"

God had His hand on the KJB- period.

It is the FINAL AUTHORITY on faith and practice- period.

There is no other book like it and there never will be.

Many years ago a liberal Baptist pastor told me that the Bible is not the Final Authority on everything eg it doesn't tell you what car you should or shouldn't buy.

Since I accepted the KJB as the perfect and preserved word of God I know different.
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I believe the KJB is perfect and is the word of God.
I do not believe in advanced revelation. No way, no how.
Read my clarification post a few pages back. Inspiration maintained by way of preservation. The King James Bible's translators just did a really good job going diligently through all the sources and figuring it out for every word. Haven't found them in error yet.
With so much evidence, I believe by a mustard seed of faith that God has preserved His words in the King James Bible.

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