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This is what happens when reporters get bored...


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One of the reporters for the Cincinnati newspaper was on the internet last Monday, and found her way to our church's site. She saw "bus visitation" on the upcoming events list and wondered what that was so she called. After a couple interviews, this article is the result.

http://news.nky.com/apps/pbcs.dll/artic ... /701200423

Last year at this time Tony (Skippy) was a heavy drinker, but he came to our Reformers Unanimous program and found freedom. Now he heads our bus ministry and has grown it tremendously during the time he's been involved with it.

Praise the Lord!

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Some are also getting people to church the old-fashioned way: picking them up at home and driving them there.

I still remember (Mr. Borum) who use to pick me up to go to church when I was little, along with the rest of the crew he would pick up each Sunday. He was very dedicated in serving the Lord. Praise the Lord for such people.

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