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King James Onlyism: A New Sect - A Bible Believer's Response

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Well, I know many Calvanist who are not KJV Only. I am not a 5 point Calvinist. I do hold to some truths of Calvinism. As you do too, if you believe in Totally depravity, and the perseverance of the saints. But no, I do not go all the way with irrestable Grace, I do not believe in limited atonement. I do believe in unconditional election. I believe that Election is not based on God fore seeing man repent and trusting Him and then God elected Him to salvation. If that is the case who did the electing?

2Ti 1:9 "Who hath saved us, and called us with an holy calling, not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began,"

Myself as well as many others do not hold to modern translations for doctrinal reasons, even though some do, but for language reasons.

God Bless

I do not hold to any of the so-called "truths" of calvinism. It is true that I believe man has a sin nature, but I do not by any means believe in the "total depravity" of man the same way a calvinist does. I believe the saints are saved eternally, but I do not believe in the "perserverance of the saints" in the same way a calvinist does.
I do not associate myself in any way with calvinism. Even if there are some similarities in terminology, the doctrines behind calvinism do not line up with the Bible and therefore should not be associated with by any Bible believer. I am not a 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 point calvinist. To claim to be any of those is an unnecessary association with a false system of theology.
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