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Finally starting homeschooling!!!!!!!!!!!

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We had a similar situation John, although ours was in a Christian school with a very Public school mentality.

Our oldest son was above the others in reading ability. The teacher said to us that we should let him look at the pictures and guess the words - that was how they did it.
We covered up the pictures and made him actually read - and hence his reading was well above the others.

When we moved him to his current school, which uses ACE curriculum and is therefore somewhat "self paced" he actually had to go back in a few subjects - yet he was top in his year for math and reading at the old school! :roll

The ACE program not only lets kids learn at the best pace for them, it doesn't allow them to proceed until they have actually passed the current subjects - and it is an 80% (I think) not 50% as in public schools.

Now we can allow them all to move a little quicker - even with the ACE the current school (a really good one by the way) just doesn't have the resources to get to the kids in good time - which slows them down.

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