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KJV-ER: Thoughts and Opinions

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Thank you. I do hope that you misunderstood and he wasn't just preaching and allowing truth to be carried away by eloquence for the sake of a point. Sadly' date=' I have seen that occur even among teachers who are generally correct doctrinally. Exaggeration is a easy trap to fall into, especially when you are passionately trying to make a point.[/quote']

It was probably a mis-understanding on my part, if this does not sound accurate to you... are anyone. This man is not known to exaggerate. Since I was newly saved, at that time, I probably mis-understood. Again, I will check on that bit of information. :thumb

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It is impossible for a person to know thousands of languages. It takes a person many years to learn a language well enough to translate it. I am quite confident that most Americans could not translate literature into English. Because most Americans can not speak or diagram their native language properly.(Sorry, that was a on the side rant)

I believe I read that the men who translated the Word of God knew at least 4 languages Hebrew, Greek, Latin, and English. A few of them knew Chaldee, I believe they selected the man specially because he knew Chaldee to translate Daniel.

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It is impossible for a person to know thousands of languages. It takes a person many years to learn a language well enough to translate it. I am quite confident that most Americans could not translate literature into English. Because most Americans can not speak or diagram their native language properly.(Sorry, that was a on the side rant)

I believe I read that the men who translated the Word of God knew at least 4 languages Hebrew, Greek, Latin, and English. A few of them knew Chaldee, I believe they selected the man specially because he knew Chaldee to translate Daniel.

What I am referring to when talking about thousands of different languages...I mean, the men, altogether knew how to speak and write these languages fluently. They didn't know thousands of languages each, but combined they new many. I have to check on this...the evangelist was on "the circuit" and was not in church today. I do believe that many, many languages were spoken back in Biblical days. When IFB's talk about "speaking in tongues" I immediatley think of all of the languages that were spoken back in those days. Thousands...is probably an error on my part, so I will get the facts. :thumb I also think about the "Tower of Babel" when I think of languages in Biblical times. :smile

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