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Iran (Islam) : vs everyone else.

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In the last nearly 7 months, there have been 2, major attacks, against the "jew", but we will call it Israel.

OCT 7 was the first, and this is well documented, and now, a few days ago, you have Iran (Islam) attacking Israel in the middle of the night, as the devil loves the darkness.......

Many many Ballistic , Cruise Missiles, and at least 200 Attack Drones were sent in by Islam (Iran) to try to kill Jewish citizens. 

Here are some photos, of a few of the Ballistic Missiles and a video.
I wanted you to see the size of just ONE of the Ballistic Missiles so that you can get a real sense of just how much damage and death Islam was trying to again, inflict on the JEW., as they fired over 100 of these... and not just these.










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 God is obviously beginning to focus on the JEW, and that means the "time of the Gentiles', is .......soon to be completed.

It will be interesting to see what Iran does now.....as they will only become more offensive regarding the perspective of the world-view..... from now on.

What LEADERS of countries now realize is that Iran will shoot weapons of mass destruction toward CIVILIANS....

Ballistic Missiles
Cruise Missiles
Drones with war heads.

They just sent over 300 of these to try to kill the CITIZENS in Israel.
Nothing was aimed at a base or a runway or Troops.

IRAN tried to KILL The citizens in Israel, as they always do, with all the Thousands of Rockets that are sent for years and years... from Lebanon, or by Hezbollah, or Hamas, = Gaza.

Israel just last night bombed a BASE in Iran, and destroyed a large Radar Tower.

They didnt try to kill any IRAN Civilians, because Israel is not the murdering mob.....

Israel is a tiny country trying to stay alive.....and God will make certain of it......

IRAN is the murdering mob that sends in their Proxy's... like Hezbollah, and Hamas......who use humans as body shields, and they will kill Jews, Americans, Brits, Australians, Germans......= anything that isn't a Quran worshiping muslim.

These demonic MULLAH's who control all this.......From Iran, they sit there and "mouse click"....>"OK< we need Hamas to do this, and Hezbollah to do that"..

And what IRAN does not comprehend, is that Israel is a War Machine backed by God that will not just fight in Gaza... they will take their fight right down the Throat's of these Iranian "leadership", who seem to believe they are insulated...

They are going to find this out the hard way, now that they have opened the Door to become "under the Gun" regarding GOD's MIGHTY Little nation.

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On 4/18/2024 at 3:43 PM, Behold said:


In the last nearly 7 months, there have been 2, major attacks, against the "jew", but we will call it Israel.

OCT 7 was the first, and this is well documented, and now, a few days ago, you have Iran (Islam) attacking Israel in the middle of the night, as the devil loves the darkness.......

Many many Ballistic , Cruise Missiles, and at least 200 Attack Drones were sent in by Islam (Iran) to try to kill Jewish citizens. 

Here are some photos, of a few of the Ballistic Missiles and a video.
I wanted you to see the size of just ONE of the Ballistic Missiles so that you can get a real sense of just how much damage and death Islam was trying to again, inflict on the JEW., as they fired over 100 of these... and not just these.










Voicing your support for Israel is one thing but there are a lot of assumptions in your post that aren't exactly accurate.

I would completely disagree that Iran and it's leaders reflect the religion of Islam as whole. The Twelver Shia Muslims in power in Iran only represent a very small minority of Islam. Saudi Arabia or a country like Jordan would represent the vast majority of Muslim believers more than the Ayatollahs.

I also don't see how firing missiles or attacking at night makes the situation any more evil than it already is. The US starting torching Baghdad while the sun was down during Iraqi Freedom.

I have a hard time understanding how you can claim that an attack on the Zionist State of Israel is equivalent to Iran and it's proxys wanting to kill all Jews, American, Brits, Australians and Germans considering the IDF just recently stalked and murdered civilian aid workers from all of those countries who there to feed people who need food in a warzone. Plus Iran would have to have superior targeting (to even ours) to fire all those missiles and make sure they are only targeting "Jews" as you suggest. They would have to have God guiding those rockets considering there are Arab Muslims and Christians in every city in Israel. 

This war is escalating fast in areas where civilians are going to be impacted. I don't think Iran necessarily wants to murder innocent civilians anymore than Israel does when they level a hospital or school...but it's war. If anything Netsanyahu put a lot of people at risk by deciding to hit a Iranian embassy or whatever it was when they were already facing a two front war.


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Posted (edited)
53 minutes ago, Disciple.Luke said:

Voicing your support for Israel is one thing but there are a lot of assumptions in your post that aren't exactly accurate.

I would completely disagree that Iran and it's leaders reflect the religion of Islam as whole. The Twelver Shia Muslims in power in Iran only represent a very small minority of Islam. Saudi Arabia or a country like Jordan would represent the vast majority of Muslim believers more than the Ayatollahs.

I also don't see how firing missiles or attacking at night makes the situation any more evil than it already is. The US starting torching Baghdad while the sun was down during Iraqi Freedom.

I have a hard time understanding how you can claim that an attack on the Zionist State of Israel is equivalent to Iran and it's proxys wanting to kill all Jews, American, Brits, Australians and Germans considering the IDF just recently stalked and murdered civilian aid workers from all of those countries who there to feed people who need food in a warzone. Plus Iran would have to have superior targeting (to even ours) to fire all those missiles and make sure they are only targeting "Jews" as you suggest. They would have to have God guiding those rockets considering there are Arab Muslims and Christians in every city in Israel. 

This war is escalating fast in areas where civilians are going to be impacted. I don't think Iran necessarily wants to murder innocent civilians anymore than Israel does when they level a hospital or school...but it's war. If anything Netsanyahu put a lot of people at risk by deciding to hit a Iranian embassy or whatever it was when they were already facing a two front war.


With Hezbollah attacking in the North Israel were obliged to give a response. They attacked an Iranian embassy for that reason. I have nieces who are spouting the anti Semetic rhetoric and protesting in Dallas ( her husband works for the Arab/Islamic causes in this country)and Indiana. Israel didn't ask for the October 7 attacks, and if you listen to the calls of both Hamas and Hezbollah, from the River to the Sea, you'll know just how serious these people are about wiping Israel off the face of the Earth. I'll support Israel over Islamists.  I know you don't support Islam. And, as you stated, this is war. Civilians on both sides have been killed, as they are in every war. Do the attacks on 10/7 justify civilian casualties? Of course not. But it's not going to change the fact that Hamas is using human shields and civilian deaths are going to be inevitable in attacks on Hamas.

Edited by BrotherTony
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Posted (edited)
33 minutes ago, BrotherTony said:

With Hezbollah attacking in the North Israel were obliged to give a response. They attacked an Iranian embassy for that reason. I have nieces who are spouting the anti Semetic rhetoric and protesting in Dallas ( her husband works for the Arab/Islamic causes in this country)and Indiana. Israel didn't ask for the October 7 attacks, and if you listen to the calls of both Hamas and Hezbollah, from the River to the Sea, you'll know just how serious these people are about wiping Israel off the face of the Earth. I'll support Israel over Islamists.  I know you don't support Islam. And, as you stated, this is war. Civilians on both sides have been killed, as they are in every war. Do the attacks on 10/7 justify civilian casualties? Of course not. But it's not going to change the fact that Hamas is using human shields and civilian deaths are going to be inevitable in attacks on Hamas.

Sure brother...I agree Hamas crossed the line with their recent initial attack...but I still struggle to not find fault with both sides. It's just been going on for SOOO long it's hard to think back and pin point who started or provoked what.

I'm not sure I about the embassy thing though. I guess in my mind Hezbollah and Hamas are the constant villains in this war and for the most part  it seemed Iran at least tried to avoid a direct conflict and I guess I just don't see the strategy of hitting an embassy in Syria while Hezbollah is attacking from Lebanon and Hamas in Gaza. We probably threw gas on the fire when we killed Soleimani and that embassy strike just set jt off.

I don't so much take issue with feeling like one side is justified as opposed to the other. What I can't agree with is saying an attack on the secular state of Israel is the same as a attack on Judaism itself or suggesting that the actions of Iran is the same as Islam. The Shia Muslims who control Iran are only around 5% of Muslims worldwide. The Saudis "Arabs" hate the Ayatollahs, Hezbollah, and the Houthis as much if not more than the Israelis.

Edited by Disciple.Luke
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It's unfortunate that Khomeni and Khameni are the Ayatollahs who serve as the state leaders. Ayatollah Sistani in Iraq is considered by far as the most respected Shia Muslim leader in the world and is much more reserved and diplomatic compared to his counterparts in Iran. While Ayatollahs in Iran seek bombs and conflict ...Sistani gets home visits from Pope Francis and other world leaders to share in a glimpse of the knowledge he has.

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The Jerusalem Post just recently had an article that the IDF knew weeks ahead of time that the Oct. 7th attacks would happen.

Also, Netanyahu (his father's real last name was Meliekowsky) had been financing Hamas according to the Israel Times.

I've seen videos of former IDF soldiers who said no way could Hamas penetrate their "Iron Dome" unless they were allowed to.

The USA and Israel have been itching for a war with Iran for a while now.

Edited by SureWord
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