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Nothing wrong with these lady’s dress code

Go to solution Solved by heartstrings,

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9 hours ago, TheGloryLand said:

They look just fine, they should use it more here freely, not forced. It is good to cover your self. You will look just fine. ?

So, you're saying you want Christian women following the Islamic dress codes for their women? They may "look just fine" to you, but it looks quite repressive to me and reminds me of the legalism I and others experienced under the overreaching IFB leadership. Adding one's own preferences to what the Bible says is NEVER a good thing. 

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Our previous Prime minister Jacinda Ardern put on the hijab to give Muslims living here a message of 'they are us', following the mosque shooting in my city Christchurch.

The 'they are us' idea was unity in being human... humanistic philosophy. 

It was good to denounce the violence and killing at the mosque, but I thought..what if Jacinda wore that Hijab in Iran?

I know she would be safe in a way because she would be not braking Muslim laws in Iran..but I also thought since she'd be abiding by those laws..would she be subsumed into their society, have her rights mostly taken away and not be able to come back to NZ?

Some one said..no as a tourist she would be fine. But it does make me wonder.

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16 hours ago, TheGloryLand said:

I believe it is not the clothing that is the problem, it is the demands, that you must put this on or that on. Like, you must pray this way or that way. ?

Yeah, that is what I am imagining would happen with a western woman going to Iran.. they would have to abide by the laws and what does that mean for them?

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17 hours ago, TheGloryLand said:

I believe it is not the clothing that is the problem, it is the demands, that you must put this on or that on. Like, you must pray this way or that way. ?

I agree that the clothing is not the problem, but it is an outgrowth of the problem: totalitarian humanism draped in pseudo-religion and "holiness."  There is such oppression and ungodliness in the societies where women are mandated by law to wear this type of clothing (actually, the women in the photo are underdressed for some of the societies...). 

Clothing is always a result of a society's relationship, or lack thereof, with the God of Heaven. 

God says that my hair is my covering - hence, I do not need scarves to cover my head for modesty (not saying someone who wears a scarf is wrong, just saying that to claim it is more modest is stepping beyond what God says). The problem with these ladies' head coverings is that they are rooted in a religion of works. There is no modesty or holiness truly associated with them.

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Their nasty religion reminds me of this.....

Matthew 23:27 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are like unto whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men's bones, and of all uncleanness. 28Even so ye also outwardly appear righteous unto men, but within ye are full of hypocrisy and iniquity.

A woman covering herself is good in and of itself. But I want no part of conforming to any facet of any dead religion which practices, sanctions and celebrates the things Islam does.

Edited by heartstrings
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