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Will Christians Still Vote For Trump… ??

Go to solution Solved by CatahoulaMom,

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2 hours ago, bro. Mark said:

Hey guys.  I didn't come here to offend or to bicker with brothers over a really non important matter.   Rather you're political or not, you're right.  No judgements.  I assumed we were having a discussion until the belittling and name calling began.   I'll bow out of this, and just focus on the Christ's Kingdom.   Not this one.  

There will always be people who follow the steps and traditions of their fathers. Good and bad, they will seek the less of two evils, which is not in the Bible. Vote for Caesar or Ferro, Vote for the less evil 👺 

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1 hour ago, TheGloryLand said:

There will always be people who follow the steps and traditions of their fathers. Good and bad, they will seek the less of two evils, which is not in the Bible. Vote for Caesar or Ferro, Vote for the less evil 👺 

That's a pretty obtuse comparison. People didn't vote for Caesar or Pharaoh. I'd really like to know where TGL comes up with these things. Sad, really. 

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4 hours ago, TheGloryLand said:

There will always be people who follow the steps and traditions of their fathers. Good and bad, they will seek the less of two evils, which is not in the Bible. Vote for Caesar or Ferro, Vote for the less evil 👺 

Absolutely.  It's weird to me that people actually believe that voting for one demon over another is somehow the christian way.  Jesus would not have any part of it.  Could you imagine Jesus going to the voting booth to select some lying adulteress greedy family wrecking person, just because the other one sucks more? 

They kept mentioning voting is the Jesus thing to do.  But, that's clearly just a way to force tradition into scripture.  

I'm pretty sure Jesus says not to support and praise and enforce evil.   What do you think voting for them is doing, if not literally participating in their evil?

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11 hours ago, bro. Mark said:

Absolutely.  It's weird to me that people actually believe that voting for one demon over another is somehow the christian way.  Jesus would not have any part of it.  Could you imagine Jesus going to the voting booth to select some lying adulteress greedy family wrecking person, just because the other one sucks more? 

They kept mentioning voting is the Jesus thing to do.  But, that's clearly just a way to force tradition into scripture.  

I'm pretty sure Jesus says not to support and praise and enforce evil.   What do you think voting for them is doing, if not literally participating in their evil?

According to a 2022 article from the PEW Research Center “As recently as the early 1990s, about 90% of U.S. adults identified as Christians. But today, about two-thirds of adults are Christians.”

Now we all understand that the term Christian is pretty loosely used but I think we can safely assume that most of these so identified would be of a more conservative leaning.

Let’s set the stage. I think we have to agree with Romans 3:23 and say: For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God. So, we’re all sinners, but when was the last time you can recall that we have even had a true Christian run for the office of President. Not in my lifetime and I’m 63. To be fully forthcoming I have seldom seen anyone running for any office (local, state or federal) that I could truly identify as a Christian.

Now let's imagine the 66% - 90% of America’s population that identify as Christians took the same position as TGL and Bro. Mark and did not vote because none of the candidates were truly Christian and they were all sinners. I believe it is safe to assume that I would never have seen a conservative in ANY office in my lifetime. Now, where would that put our country?

Remember that when you vote for president you not only vote for that one person, but you are voting for the person that could potentially replace him/her should they die or be proved unfit to serve. You are also voting for every cabinet position. Every Supreme Court Justice that may be appointed during his term, along with the justices appointed in lower courts. You are also voting for the overall platform of the party the President represents including their vision and general values. And this holds true for every lesser office as well to a lesser extent.

If this was true for just my 63 years, where would our country be? First, I don’t believe we would be free to even have this discussion on a public forum. I have little doubt Christianity would be much more persecuted and absolutely silenced in the public forum.

Not only would there not be a current debate about abortion, I believe that abortions would likely be mandated in many cases should Christians not have voted in the past.

The left has already done great damage to our healthcare system. Imagine what it would be like if they had complete control. Don’t rule out mandatory euthanasia for those deemed unfit or too old.

Home-schooling would be forbidden, and private schools would be mandated to follow strict liberal education policies. Common Core and Critical Race Theory would have nothing on the swill that would be coming out of our educational system.

I could go on and on, but I believe the point is made.

So, you say you won’t vote because the candidates are sinners. That’s your choice. That is what an election is, a choice. By choosing to not vote you are making a choice. You have voted. You have voted to not support either person, or their party, or the subordinates they may place under them. But think on this:

James 2:10 For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all. As we saw in Romans 3:23 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God. So according to James we are all guilty of all.

Voting is a choice. Have you chosen to go to a church? Do you realize there are sinners in that church? Do you understand that the Pastor in that church is a sinner? Do you tithe? Do you realize you just chose to attend a sinners’ church, run by a sinner, that you are supporting with the money God gave you to be a wise steward over?

Are you choosing to buy products from the store? Do you realize that most of those products come from corporations that are run by wicked, evil people that often promote wicked and evil causes?

Seems to me that you are “literally participating in their evil”.

Well, I guess that is your choice.

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14 hours ago, bro. Mark said:

Absolutely.  It's weird to me that people actually believe that voting for one demon over another is somehow the christian way.  Jesus would not have any part of it.  Could you imagine Jesus going to the voting booth to select some lying adulteress greedy family wrecking person, just because the other one sucks more? 

They kept mentioning voting is the Jesus thing to do.  But, that's clearly just a way to force tradition into scripture.  

I'm pretty sure Jesus says not to support and praise and enforce evil.   What do you think voting for them is doing, if not literally participating in their evil?

In most cases, voting is the right thing to do. We try to the best of our ability to make the right choice. There are cases where the person you gonna pick is not really the best choice. The word voting for the less of two evil should never be used. We should be voting for the best person that can do the job. Being a independent voter, I believe at this time Trump, is the better person. But at the same time, I believe us Christians, will regret this later. True Christians all should vote against liberalism. Today you have Christians voting and supporting for people that support abortion, gay marriage, which is incorrect.

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1 hour ago, TheGloryLand said:

In most cases, voting is the right thing to do. We try to the best of our ability to make the right choice. There are cases where the person you gonna pick is not really the best choice. The word voting for the less of two evil should never be used. We should be voting for the best person that can do the job. Being a independent voter, I believe at this time Trump, is the better person. But at the same time, I believe us Christians, will regret this later. True Christians all should vote against liberalism. Today you have Christians voting and supporting for people that support abortion, gay marriage, which is incorrect.

I actually agree with this quote, TGL. As for regrets, I've had regrets with everyone that has achieved office, whether I voted for them or not. I would likely end up with regrets even if I ever held an office. No one ever gets it right all the time. We have to pull for that one we believe will get it most right.

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We vote based on the one who is closest to following the Constitution - which is the law God helped our founders set as Rex (king) of our country. As Roger Williams said way before we had a Constitution or were even an independent country, IF we have a guide it actually doesn't matter the religious practices of those for whom we vote. Why? Because citizens should hold those feet to the fire and MAKE them obey the Constitution. Sadly, however, the majority of citizenry has never even read the Constitution or any other founding documents, so they have no idea how our REX LEX is supposed to bind our public servants.

God gave us this country. Even with all its warts, I believe it's the best place on Earth. We disrespect that gift God gave us by not participating in the set-up that our founders gave us. If someone does not vote, that is their choice, albeit I believe a wrong one. I do know that it is a natural response to disregard what those who do not vote think about those running for or in office. I am around someone like that on the daily - I have no idea the last time this person voted, but they are full of obnoxious opinions about all things political. IMO, it's rather a double-minded thing. 

I actually was disappointed to read RFK's policies (other than vaxxings) because they were socialist to the core. I am glad he suspended his campaign and thrown his support behind DT. I'm not copacetic about him becoming part of DT's administration as a health-watcher (whatever the title will be). Simply because the health of the American people is outside the purview of government. Anyway, it would have been interesting to see if RFK were more like his uncle. JFK was a Dem, but he was more constitutional than the rank-and-file GOP is today. 

That said, during this cycle, the closest is Trump. I do not like him. Nor do I trust him. But here's the thing: KH is poison. TW is poison. Serious poison. They do not want to IN ANY WAY be constrained by any part of the Constitution (just listen to all they plan to "do" and you'll get that).  In effect, our votes will be AGAINST KH more than FOR DT.



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I'll vote for him again. Three times the charm, blessing,right?❤️🫣 I just hope he makes it for four more years 


They tried to kill him,failed. They put him on trial,and unlawful proceeding in a corrupt NY court with a Biden aligned Judge. The Judge's daughter worked on JB's campaign. Which calls for an immediate recusal.


And now they've made another indictment on trumped up charges.




God bless and protect Brother Donald  and his family.

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19 hours ago, Danielle said:

I'll vote for him again. Three times the charm, blessing,right?❤️🫣 I just hope he makes it for four more years 


They tried to kill him,failed. They put him on trial,and unlawful proceeding in a corrupt NY court with a Biden aligned Judge. The Judge's daughter worked on JB's campaign. Which calls for an immediate recusal.


And now they've made another indictment on trumped up charges.




God bless and protect Brother Donald  and his family.

Trump said, that he was half Christian. How can he be a brother in Christ ?

Check asking, for we cannot be half Saved or born again. 

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25 minutes ago, TheGloryLand said:

Trump said, that he was half Christian.

Can you give us a link to this supposed quote from Trump? I did a Google search and got nothing. 

I'm not saying Trump is a Christian or that he is not a Christian. I admit the fruit is a bit sketchy, but his standing before the Lord is between him and the Lord.

Before you start casting aspersions could you please provide a viable source, or as we used to say in the Navy, Maintain silence about the decks

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Here DJT said he WAS NOT Christian. Notice: The link has a dirty word in it, but it's on "Reddit" so consider the source. 


He may be saying that he's half Christian. I've seen transcripts one stating "not" and the other saying "half." 

Edited by BrotherTony
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2 hours ago, Napsterdad said:

Can you give us a link to this supposed quote from Trump? I did a Google search and got nothing. 

I'm not saying Trump is a Christian or that he is not a Christian. I admit the fruit is a bit sketchy, but his standing before the Lord is between him and the Lord.

Before you start casting aspersions could you please provide a viable source, or as we used to say in the Navy, Maintain silence about the decks

No problem, here you go.  But it still won’t change anything. He is not a brother in Christ.

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23 minutes ago, TheGloryLand said:

No problem, here you go.  But it still won’t change anything. He is not a brother in Christ.

IS he saying "half Christian" or "a Christian". Not very clear. Doesn't sound like "half" to me. Sounds more like "act". Perhaps a mispronunciation on his part.

Regardless. TGL must have it right since he has placed him on an even standing with God by KNOWING who is saved and who is not.

29 minutes ago, BrotherTony said:

Here DJT said he WAS NOT Christian. Notice: The link has a dirty word in it, but it's on "Reddit" so consider the source. 

He may be saying that he's half Christian. I've seen transcripts one stating "not" and the other saying "half." 

Whatever. As I've stated before (somewhere on this forum) if we only voted for those that were truly Christian, I doubt any on this forum would ever have voted. EVER! Who's the last presidential candidate that we have had that you could safely say you believed was a Christian? None in my 63 years.

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18 minutes ago, Napsterdad said:

IS he saying "half Christian" or "a Christian". Not very clear. Doesn't sound like "half" to me. Sounds more like "act". Perhaps a mispronunciation on his part.

Regardless. TGL must have it right since he has placed him on an even standing with God by KNOWING who is saved and who is not.

Whatever. As I've stated before (somewhere on this forum) if we only voted for those that were truly Christian, I doubt any on this forum would ever have voted. EVER! Who's the last presidential candidate that we have had that you could safely say you believed was a Christian? None in my 63 years.

I knew you were not going to accept the video. But, like Trump said, he can kill somebody and people will still vote for him. This was just a joke too, but it is true.

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7 minutes ago, TheGloryLand said:

I knew you were not going to accept the video. But, like Trump said, he can kill somebody and people will still vote for him. This was just a joke too, but it is true.

I didn't say I did not accept the video. I just said it was not clear what specific word he said. I am not a Trump fan. He is just the best alternative we have at the moment, which in and of itself is a sad testimony on the state of America.

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