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More tests...UGH!


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I am here again...requesting prayer again as I face another round of medical tests....Tomorrow I have an appointment with a new pain management doctor. I don't know how this will go with her...I've been told she's good, but, I'm a bit apprehensive about going to another pain management physician after the last experience. But, my PCP wants me to go to this one post-haste. So, I'll go. I'm also facing some more CT scans and MRIs with contrast on my back and neck. The OD wants me to possibly have neck surgery to remove several vertebrae and then to have a "cage" put in and fused to hold my neck in place. All of this testing has about worn me down....but, I've put many things off far too long. 

My last round of testing revealed I didn't have COPD, but, rather, had advanced restrictive lung disease as well as chronic asthma. My cardiologist told me that my diagnosis of a mild heart attack years ago was either incorrect, or that I had been healed...but, that I did indeed have unstable angina pectoris and an unstable heart rhythm. He's waiting until the results of my MRIs and my CT scan before beginning a treatment plan. I can understand his caution. I just thank the Lord that all of this is in HIS hands and not the doctors or my own. I hope you younger people realize that getting older is no picnic and that it's not for sissies! ? I'm experiencing the joys of getting older, as my mother constantly says! LOL 

Thanks in advance for your prayers. They ARE appreciated. 


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44 minutes ago, SureWord said:

I've had asthma my whole life and it stinks. My mother has COPD which is even worst. I wish you the best.

Thanks. I've had asthma for as long as I can remember. I had my first major attack of asthma when I was 9 years old. 

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