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Prayer request....


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My wife and I recently had to leave our doctor because he wasn't treating our health conditions correctly and was lax in actually trying to get to the root of these challenges. Both my wife and I have been diagnosed recently with myocarditis (heart failure), and I was put on heart medication this past week. My wife's heart meds were increased in dosage. This was a shock to both of us when given the information. I had my bloodwork come back and my A1C's were at 10.3, the highest they've been in the last six years. The medication our previous doctor had me on was causing serious health problems, and when he was notified of these things, he told me to continue taking the medication. I did up until three weeks ago when I took myself off because of serious side effects. He had switched my medication 3x, all three in the same class of drug (same underlying ingredients) when he had already been notified of my physical reactions to the drug. I'm considering reporting him to the medical association for negligence. My blood sugar is far worse than it was when my wife and I started seeing him back in January. The inability and ineptness of this physician makes me question my association with regular medical doctors. It makes us want to go to naturopaths and chiropractors. 

At any rate, the conditions my wife and I are experiencing had a surprise diagnosis....they seem to be linked to our "adventure" with Covid 19 last year. I am currently being tested for kidney failure. My health overall this past year has continued to take a downward spiral though I've been active and trying to push myself beyond my capabilities. I'm asking for prayer for both my wife and myself, as at present, things aren't looking as good as we'd hoped. But, we KNOW that Jesus is the Great Physician and he has the final say and can cure us or improve our conditions. Thanks in advance. 


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I will keep you B.T and your wife in my prayers. I think you’re doing the right thing on a second opinion. It is different, to me, that both of you have the same heart problem. I am not sure about it being COVID related. Since it affects everyone differently. We believe that our God can heal today, like yesterday. He hears his children. 

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2 hours ago, swathdiver said:

Brother Tony, it is ok to fire the doctor and get another one.  With regards to your health issues, did you get "vaccinated" and boosted?  If you were hospitalized for Covid, did you take Remdesivir?


My wife had "slight" symptoms both times. Since she was considered an "essential worker" in the shipping industry, we believe she brought the virus home from work both times. Since we had the virus the first time in December of 2019 before they knew what it was, we hadn't gotten the shot (sorry, I can't call them "vaccines" as a vaccine will protect you from the virus totally). The business my wife works for suffered from a serious outbreak of tornadoes that wiped out one warehouse in our area, and seriously damaged a couple of others as well as taking out a school and a couple of subdivisions. It was around this time that the US gov't was finally starting to admit there was a Covid 19. The second time we believe my wife brought the virus home was in August of 2021. I got my diagnosis on August 31st, and my wife got hers on Sept 2nd. I had to go to the ER the second or third day because I couldn't breath and had passed out in our kitchen, waking up in the floor. I was the only one home, so, I had to drive myself to the ER 18 miles away. They "observed" me for several hours. My oxygen was down to 78%, and they wanted to admit me. But, the doctor decided, because I hadn't gotten the shot, that I needed to stay in the ER for several hours under more "observation." After six hours, my oxygen started to show signs of improvement. The doctor refused to treat me with antibiotics or anything else available. My own physician, when he was informed of what was going on, refused to give me any type of antibiotics, oxygen, etc. He wouldn't allow anyone who had the virus into the office, and didn't treat them over telemed. He's no longer my doctor. 

I had many friends who had received the shot, one who was already in the hospital that I went to. The day after I was in the ER, he was placed on a ventilator, and two days later, he died. He was six years younger than me. All but three of them experienced serious side effects from the shot. 

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8 hours ago, TheGloryLand said:

I will keep you B.T and your wife in my prayers. I think you’re doing the right thing on a second opinion. It is different, to me, that both of you have the same heart problem. I am not sure about it being COVID related. Since it affects everyone differently. We believe that our God can heal today, like yesterday. He hears his children. 

I was diagnosed with Cardiomyopathy in 2002. It was just "slight" at that time, and I didn't need medication but for a short time. My wife's cardiomyopathy was actually finally diagnosed  when she was in an auto accident in December of 2015. One of the many ribs that was broken pierced her left aorta. They said she'd had the condition for several years (heart health issues run heavily in both of our families, her grandmother having had four major heart attacks before the fifth one finally claimed her in May of 1990. Vivian's mother had also suffered two heart attacks before she passed away from cancer in 2005. On my side of the family, my biological father has had three major heart attacks, and several major strokes. His mother had three heart attacks, the last one claiming her. I've also had a 1/2 brother who has had open heart surgery after a heart attack. The heart attack left him in a coma for 42 days. My maternal grandfather died from a stroke. So, we already knew I had a very high risk of developing the challenges. After Covid, there was a marked increase in heart enzymes, and recent studies have proven that Covid does indeed have an effect on heart, brain, and kidney health. 

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On 10/20/2022 at 5:50 AM, BrotherTony said:

My wife had "slight" symptoms both times. Since she was considered an "essential worker" in the shipping industry, we believe she brought the virus home from work both times. Since we had the virus the first time in December of 2019 before they knew what it was, we hadn't gotten the shot (sorry, I can't call them "vaccines" as a vaccine will protect you from the virus totally). The business my wife works for suffered from a serious outbreak of tornadoes that wiped out one warehouse in our area, and seriously damaged a couple of others as well as taking out a school and a couple of subdivisions. It was around this time that the US gov't was finally starting to admit there was a Covid 19. The second time we believe my wife brought the virus home was in August of 2021. I got my diagnosis on August 31st, and my wife got hers on Sept 2nd. I had to go to the ER the second or third day because I couldn't breath and had passed out in our kitchen, waking up in the floor. I was the only one home, so, I had to drive myself to the ER 18 miles away. They "observed" me for several hours. My oxygen was down to 78%, and they wanted to admit me. But, the doctor decided, because I hadn't gotten the shot, that I needed to stay in the ER for several hours under more "observation." After six hours, my oxygen started to show signs of improvement. The doctor refused to treat me with antibiotics or anything else available. My own physician, when he was informed of what was going on, refused to give me any type of antibiotics, oxygen, etc. He wouldn't allow anyone who had the virus into the office, and didn't treat them over telemed. He's no longer my doctor. 

I had many friends who had received the shot, one who was already in the hospital that I went to. The day after I was in the ER, he was placed on a ventilator, and two days later, he died. He was six years younger than me. All but three of them experienced serious side effects from the shot. 

Many folks I'm sure you've learned who took the jabs were rewarded with myocarditis.  I wondered if this was the case with you. 


My lungs were wrecked by the Wuhan Flu, I have no breath to do even the simple things like go to the bathroom, get the mail, make eggs, etc. 


I refuse to go to a doctor still playing politics with masking, they're all fired in my book.  Like you, I am need of a good, principled doctor who takes their oath seriously.  

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3 hours ago, swathdiver said:

Many folks I'm sure you've learned who took the jabs were rewarded with myocarditis.  I wondered if this was the case with you. 


My lungs were wrecked by the Wuhan Flu, I have no breath to do even the simple things like go to the bathroom, get the mail, make eggs, etc. 


I refuse to go to a doctor still playing politics with masking, they're all fired in my book.  Like you, I am need of a good, principled doctor who takes their oath seriously.  

My wife and I never took the jab. We never will. We never trusted the sham science and the lack of accountability by the government and their cronie agencies trying to push the things. We had too many friends who had serious side effects from them, and we were wise enough, and strong enough to fight public opinion and stay away. 

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23 hours ago, BrotherTony said:

My wife and I never took the jab. We never will. We never trusted the sham science and the lack of accountability by the government and their cronie agencies trying to push the things. We had too many friends who had serious side effects from them, and we were wise enough, and strong enough to fight public opinion and stay away. 

Same here.  My mother took it and has been fine.  My father and sister took it and were rewarded with cancers and other ailments.  My little brother took it, had his children take the shots, they seem fine, he keeps getting covid and wonders why.

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Sadly, it has been shown that many of those who have heart issues and get C*vd will develop worse heart problems. We had our own bout with it (and have not gotten it again...some friends who have had the jab and all the boosters have gotten it several times), and it didn't seem to affect hubs' heart, thankfully (he as fibrillation on both sides of his heart).

I'm glad you're looking for another doctor. Naturopaths are good, for sure. Maybe a naturopath can recommend a medical doctor. When they work in tandem, great things can result. Sure hope you can get that A1C under control. Hubs' only got up to just over 9. Happily, he has been back on keto for a while, and became more serious about it when his INR just wasn't getting to where it needed to be (it's too low, which means he could form blood  clots). He was also put on Jardiance, which we weren't thrilled with (he's also on metformin, which we don't like). But...he has lost 17 pounds since July and his A1C is down to 7. Still way too high, but much better! 

Will be praying for you both, Tony.

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1 hour ago, HappyChristian said:

Sadly, it has been shown that many of those who have heart issues and get C*vd will develop worse heart problems. We had our own bout with it (and have not gotten it again...some friends who have had the jab and all the boosters have gotten it several times), and it didn't seem to affect hubs' heart, thankfully (he as fibrillation on both sides of his heart).

I'm glad you're looking for another doctor. Naturopaths are good, for sure. Maybe a naturopath can recommend a medical doctor. When they work in tandem, great things can result. Sure hope you can get that A1C under control. Hubs' only got up to just over 9. Happily, he has been back on keto for a while, and became more serious about it when his INR just wasn't getting to where it needed to be (it's too low, which means he could form blood  clots). He was also put on Jardiance, which we weren't thrilled with (he's also on metformin, which we don't like). But...he has lost 17 pounds since July and his A1C is down to 7. Still way too high, but much better! 

Will be praying for you both, Tony.

We'll be praying for you and hubs as well. I tried Jardiance and ended up in the ER unable to breath. This new FNP-C has put me back on Tresiba and metformin along with glimiperide. It seems to be doing well. I'm not happy about taking a nightly shot, but, if it means an improvement in health, I'm ll for it. We've considered going back to keto, but my bride has a hard time with some of the foods. We did lose some weight on it. 

We greatly appreciate you prayers. 

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44 minutes ago, BrotherTony said:

We'll be praying for you and hubs as well. I tried Jardiance and ended up in the ER unable to breath. This new FNP-C has put me back on Tresiba and metformin along with glimiperide. It seems to be doing well. I'm not happy about taking a nightly shot, but, if it means an improvement in health, I'm ll for it. We've considered going back to keto, but my bride has a hard time with some of the foods. We did lose some weight on it. 

We greatly appreciate you prayers. 

Yeah, I was concerned about the combo of the two drugs. They can cause issues with blood pressure, but so far not. My grandmother used glimperide and had good results.  I'm glad it seems to be helping you. Thank you for the prayer as well.

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Please pray that Jesus repair my relationship with Josh, that He mold Josh to be the helper best fit for me and send him back to me when he is willing and able to reciprocate all that I have to give; that he fight to get me back and fight to keep me. May Josh & I find our way back to each other soon and may we be joined together in marriage, peace, faith, protection and love that never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful and endures through every circumstance. Please remove anything and anyone that has come between us and let no further damage come to our relationship and may no harm ever touch our bond again. May God's will be done; may this be written into His will. May He give me a yes as He did to Hezekiah and bring my dream to pass in haste! Praise Jesus!!! Thank you to all who pray and may God bless you!

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