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The nuclear war


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The Bible teaches the Antichrist will be a man.

The Bible mentions Russia and its allies being defeated by God when they come against Israel It is possible that the aftermath of the battle (when that does happen) could be the one world leader stepping into power and making a seven year peace treaty with Israel.

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21 hours ago, Jerry said:

The Bible teaches the Antichrist will be a man.

The Bible mentions Russia and its allies being defeated by God when they come against Israel It is possible that the aftermath of the battle (when that does happen) could be the one world leader stepping into power and making a seven year peace treaty with Israel.

How if, he is a transgender?

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On 4/30/2022 at 8:18 AM, E Morales said:

What does the Bible tells us in revelations about the end times wars. The rapture of the Saints, must this happen before there is a nuclear war. Can the man or woman that bring peace to this Ukraine war, be the antichrist.

nuke megaton GIF

Where does it say there can't be any nuclear war before the rapture?

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48 minutes ago, BrotherTony said:

Where in the world did you even come up with this idea? Nowhere in the Bible is this even a possibility. 

You guys are correct, it’s not in the Bible. But we do know that 666 is the number of man. That the Antichrist,  he will pervert that right ways of the Lord. This is something that came to my mine. People will highly approve this right now. For they are nonbelievers, and they are on the wrong side. Maybe people will come back to read this post, in the future. Say that I was lucky.

6 hours ago, SureWord said:

Where does it say there can't be any nuclear war before the rapture?

If there is a nuclear war, there will be no Christians to rapture, just the dead in Christ.

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8 hours ago, E Morales said:

You guys are correct, it’s not in the Bible. But we do know that 666 is the number of man. That the Antichrist,  he will pervert that right ways of the Lord. This is something that came to my mine. People will highly approve this right now. For they are nonbelievers, and they are on the wrong side. Maybe people will come back to read this post, in the future. Say that I was lucky.

If there is a nuclear war, there will be no Christians to rapture, just the dead in Christ.

Your theology is not in line with Scripture. You are, once again, stating that a "people will highly approve"...how many people? A majority? Minority? How many? Yes, there are MANY who do accept this, but, to generalize isn't a good thing. 

How do you KNOW that if there's a nuclear war there will be no Christians to rapture? Once again, your theology isn't in line with the Bible. The Bible has already stated that there will be Christians alive who will be raptured....the dead in Christ will be raised first, "then we which are alive and remain shall be shall be caught up together with them to meet the Lord in the air"....

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4 hours ago, Salyan said:

The antichrist will be a man. No matter how confused transgender people are, they are still fundamentally, biologically and Biblically their birth gender. So even if he's 'transgender', he's still a man.

GloryLand, you're pot-stirring again. Cut it out.

I agree with you, he will be a man.

Pot- Stirring? 

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The Beast will be a man (biological male), will probably be either a homosexual or perhaps asexual. Sort of how Hitler was asexual. Hitler apparently didn't have much interest in women or marriage being singleminded in building his Reich and being "married" to Germany. Eva Braun he kept at arms length.

My guess is he'll be at least half Jewish (regards not the God of his fathers) and half Muslim perhaps from Syria or Turkey based on verses from Daniel and Revelation. This may be a stretch but how else could he broker peace between Israel and the Muslim world? The conqueror from the North in the book of Daniel was from Syria (typlified by Antiochus IV) and the seat of Satan in Revelation would be located in modern day Turkey.

He'll probably be in his early 30s since he'll be a false Messiah figure but this is just another guess.

He'll recover from a gruesome head injury which will leave him with only one good eye and he'll only have use of only one arm the other one being "dried up". This will be a result of war or an assassination attempt. Interestingly, one of the Masonic symbols is covering up one eye as well as holding ones hand inside your jacket as if it is wounded like old military dictators are often shown doing 

My guess is he'll have some military experience or other personal experience going through war.

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