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Why are people not applying for work…


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Amazing, the prices are rising on everything from food to rent and gasoline, but there are still people not wanting to go to work. I know in some parts of the country the weather is the big problem, but people are just giving up. I remember when a person would not quit their job, to they had another one lined up. Not anymore, some will quit their jobs, and go back home with mom and dad. The I don’t care attitude has risen also on the job, many people just don’t care, I’ll do my eight hours and I’m out of here. You almost have to put a knife on the throat and plead for them, to do overtime. I’m tired of this job, they don’t deserve me here, and they don’t pay enough.  

Friday Night Work GIF by Equal Parts Studio

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Many these days just don't want to work....some are still afraid of "the virus", and some are just taking advantage of the circumstances and are living off the government as much as they can...and that's because the government is making it easy for them to do so...

Yes, inflation is increasing. Yet, many don't seem to care. Now, as far as people on the job not caring...many still do care and go above and beyond what is asked of them. My wife is one of these. Yet, there are many times that they want to have "volunteers" for OT, and my wife will usually one of those who will volunteer, but many companies today take advantage of that and try to make the company the main focus over family and other obligations. So, the companies are just as much to blame for the way things are. 

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I cannot blame the government for everything right now, I’m not aware of any programs or do I know anybody living off any government programs to help pay them, and their bills. It’s like, if I have somewhere to sleep,to eat, and have a wireless connection, that’s all I need attitude.

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59 minutes ago, E Morales said:

I cannot blame the government for everything right now, I’m not aware of any programs or do I know anybody living off any government programs to help pay them, and their bills.

Come visit me in the greater NY metro area and I'll show you thousands.

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1 hour ago, PastorMatt said:

Come visit me in the greater NY metro area and I'll show you thousands.

Same here in Tennessee...also in Illinois where my mother lives, MN where my cousin lives, Indiana where my birth father and several nieces and nephews live, Kentucky, SC, FL, GA, etc., where I have many relatives and friends. They're not that hard to find....

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51 minutes ago, E Morales said:

I believe you’re talking about welfare, this has been around a long time. This we’re seeing now is a different crisis.

Not at all, there are MANY different programs OUTSIDE of welfare...Unemployment insurance is one...it's been extended by the Federal government several times for many individuals, and by the states that many of the people who are collecting it live in. Special programs through each state also qualify. The federal goverment has continued to make the citizenry dependent upon government during this time of crisis, and that's exactly what they want. If people are dependent upon government, then they're not dependent upon themselves or upon God.

Edited by BrotherTony
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59 minutes ago, E Morales said:

I believe you’re talking about welfare, this has been around a long time. This we’re seeing now is a different crisis.

lol, just come for a visit so I can take you to people that will tell you to your face they stopped working because they are better off on unemployment and other benefits. They move in with their parents or relatives and stay unemployed. 

Dozens have told me they will not work because they get more off government benefits than they would at a job. 

Come for a visit and come bus visitation with us and we'll show you.

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Ain't easy explaining real life to folks whom live in a boob tube bubble and think the TV represents real life.

On the bright side, the installed puppet is now giving free crack pipes to folks to help them cope with staying at home on the taxpayer dime:

China joe bribem say: If you don't want free crack pipes "then you ain't black":

Get your free crack pipes here endorsed by Hunter

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24 minutes ago, E Morales said:

I can see the part where someone cannot make ends meet, for rent is so high and working doesn’t cover all the bills. For some you have to work two jobs seven days a week, just to keep up. This is not normal Way of living here in America.

In my early married years (the 1980s) it was very hard, even working two jobs, to make ends meet. My wife and I BOTH worked two jobs...full-time jobs, and then part time with my parents in cleainng newly constructed houses. We barely made ends meet and could BARELY make the rent on our 2 br apt. We were working 65 hours a week each, if not more, and were only making $3.35 an hour, $5.00 an hour with my parents. Today, however, I have many nephews and nieces who don't believe in work, and work as little as they can, yet they still expect to have everything their parents had. 

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26 minutes ago, BrotherTony said:

In my early married years (the 1980s) it was very hard, even working two jobs, to make ends meet. My wife and I BOTH worked two jobs...full-time jobs, and then part time with my parents in cleainng newly constructed houses. We barely made ends meet and could BARELY make the rent on our 2 br apt. We were working 65 hours a week each, if not more, and were only making $3.35 an hour, $5.00 an hour with my parents. Today, however, I have many nephews and nieces who don't believe in work, and work as little as they can, yet they still expect to have everything their parents had. 

Today many people will not just work 2 jobs,  I’m not going to kill myself for nothing attitude. Parents and relatives paying their cell phone is not helping. If you take away their smart phones and computers internet service. This might make them go to work.


Try it out…

Triple H Reaction GIF by WWE

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Once they're in their 20s and 30s one can't MAKE them do anything for the  most part. If they're living with the parents because the WON'T work, they can be forced out on their own. It's not always pretty or easy to do, but it can be done. In our case, when I was ill and we didn't know what was going on and I couldn't hold a steady job because of continued vertigo attacks, we had to live with my in-laws. It wasn't always easy, but we did it. We paid our fair share most of the time, and even though I couldn't hold a steady job for several years because of the symptoms, I was always out collecting cans from dumpsters, the side of the road, etc. Believe it or not, I made more doing this than I did working two jobs. 

I know in the case of one nephew, he just got married. He and his wife both work, but they lived with his dad and step mom for a year or so, and then his mother and stepdad helped pay the rent on a mobile home in front of the one they own. Their other son just got an apartment, but because the boy hadn't worked but a few months in each venture into the work place, and his age being 30+, they ones who rented to him wanted assurance that if he quit his job, they'd be payed...My SIL and her husband guaranteed that it would be paid. 

If my wife and I would have had kids, we wouldn't be paying anything for them...period. They'd have to make their way like we did. Even when I wasn't able to work and wasn't drawing Social Security disability, I was doing something to try and make money. I still do on occasion.

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39 minutes ago, BrotherTony said:

Once they're in their 20s and 30s one can't MAKE them do anything for the  most part. If they're living with the parents because the WON'T work, they can be forced out on their own. It's not always pretty or easy to do, but it can be done. In our case, when I was ill and we didn't know what was going on and I couldn't hold a steady job because of continued vertigo attacks, we had to live with my in-laws. It wasn't always easy, but we did it. We paid our fair share most of the time, and even though I couldn't hold a steady job for several years because of the symptoms, I was always out collecting cans from dumpsters, the side of the road, etc. Believe it or not, I made more doing this than I did working two jobs. 

I know in the case of one nephew, he just got married. He and his wife both work, but they lived with his dad and step mom for a year or so, and then his mother and stepdad helped pay the rent on a mobile home in front of the one they own. Their other son just got an apartment, but because the boy hadn't worked but a few months in each venture into the work place, and his age being 30+, they ones who rented to him wanted assurance that if he quit his job, they'd be payed...My SIL and her husband guaranteed that it would be paid. 

If my wife and I would have had kids, we wouldn't be paying anything for them...period. They'd have to make their way like we did. Even when I wasn't able to work and wasn't drawing Social Security disability, I was doing something to try and make money. I still do on occasion.

It’s has been pretty tough for you, but the Lord is good and got you through it.

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