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Covid Thread (Covid topics are merged in here)


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Glad you're feeling better! I haven't heard of the joint thing as an aftereffect before, but C does seem to hit different people different ways. 

I figure that once we've had Covid, our natural antibodies will be able to pivot and fight it any future variant we might catch better than a single-shot vaccine. I also hear that the worse your case, the stronger the antibodies. This theory has proved true with the friends who have caught it twice. The natural antibodies are at their strongest three months after infection, and durable up to 8 months after (length of trial, not end of protection). My brother had a friend who went for general antibody testing - not only did he have Covid antibodies, he had bird flu & swine flu antibodies. Those went around 10-15 years ago!

Make sure you do your research, since some are suggesting that getting the vaccine after having had Covid might be even more dangerous.

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Connecticut is the first state to try and implement a QR coded vaccine passport for it's residents. If it's in one state, it will soon be presented in others....The dry run for the "Mark" may be in full swing now!


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Regardless of whatever our view of the end times is and whether or not we have received some shots, do not participate in the "vax passport" tyranny. Draw your personal line there my friends. Whether paper, on your phone or coming soon in your hand or forehead. No where in prophecy does the Lord say the mark has to be an actual "financial transaction mechanism" and He never specifies how it is introduced. Do not rule out the distinct probability that it is introduced deceitfully in the guise of public health (for years even) only to later be associated with some man's name. 

Now the global government has the cards and the Qcodes on the phones. Some countries have introduced a chip in the hand and thousands are getting it, the tech is now readily available: Seems eerily similar to these three:

Rev 13: [17] And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. 

None of us are 100% certain about prophecy so do not take the chance regardless of whom tells you it is ok, do not trust them because it probably won't be ok. Anything that looks and performs like the mark of the beast must be avoided at the cost of your very lives. The vaccine passport that is incrementally being introduced the world over is certainly intended to perform like the mark of the beast in Revelation. It's only function in prophecy is to allow people to buy and sell (in other words: participate in society). It is coercive by its very description "and that no man might buy or sell" so that hint alone tells me that it is introduced worldwide in a deceptive manner and make no mistake friends, it will never be referred to by the global governments as a "mark" of the beast. The old bait and switch that Satan enjoys so much and his people constantly employ. 

Covid's relationship to 5G is unknown but highly suspected as well as the shots proprietary ingredients relation to 5G. I have little doubt now that the digital passport may also be linked to 5G. Don't think you are immune to "strong delusion" and tempt the Lord my friends. 

Millions of folks in the U.S. alone (according to Tucker Carlson) have counterfeit vax cards so this will be the excuse to go digital only. Seems consistent with our Lord's teachings that the "weeds" will "weed themselves out" of His Kingdom to save their lives in this fake world system. Don't be one of them. Actively participating in the global government's passport scheme will weed you out IMO whether it is in a man's name yet or not. 

Just a warning and reminder about the big fat elephant in the room, to do with what you will.


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We have digital QR cards in Alberta now… sad state for the ‘conservative’ province! 

I agree that no one who loves liberty should participate in the vaccine passport program. But I’m not sure that the mark of the beast will be such a sneaky thing. Considering that those have the mark cannot be saved… I don’t think God would allow people to be tricked into it that way. I feel that there must be some definite choice made. But the vaccine passports will definitely feed into the societal requirement to have such a mark in order to continue buying and selling.

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I understand Salyan but please consider that this is why the Lord gave us the signs to look for so that we would not be duped with the world. This vax passport is being pushed and/or discussed by the installed puppets globally and it is barring people as we speak from society and it gets worse as each day goes by without any signs of letting up. The global government has made their move with Covid and there won't be any going back. The richest in the world simply will not flush this opportunity since their hand has been played. It has taken them decades of deception to get to this point. The installation of their political puppets in America was the last piece to their one world government puzzle IMO.  

On a side note: Trump is the father of the shots so even if he or his "camp" comes back it will make no difference but will rather accelerate the passports. He is not what many think he is, merely opposition control only IMO. January 6th has proven that in addition to his continuous promoting of the shots. Who knew, right? Satan is a tricky devil.

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49 minutes ago, wretched said:

I understand Salyan but please consider that this is why the Lord gave us the signs to look for so that we would not be duped with the world. This vax passport is being pushed and/or discussed by the installed puppets globally and it is barring people as we speak from society and it gets worse as each day goes by without any signs of letting up. The global government has made their move with Covid and there won't be any going back. The richest in the world simply will not flush this opportunity since their hand has been played. It has taken them decades of deception to get to this point. The installation of their political puppets in America was the last piece to their one world government puzzle IMO.  

On a side note: Trump is the father of the shots so even if he or his "camp" comes back it will make no difference but will rather accelerate the passports. He is not what many think he is, merely opposition control only IMO. January 6th has proven that in addition to his continuous promoting of the shots. Who knew, right? Satan is a tricky devil.

When the vaccine is placed on your wrist, or forehead, start worrying.   

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2 hours ago, E Morales said:

When the vaccine is placed on your wrist, or forehead, start worrying.   

I assume you mean the passport and the hand. Worrying is for the dead friend, not the living.

Edited by wretched
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7 hours ago, Salyan said:

We have digital QR cards in Alberta now… sad state for the ‘conservative’ province! 

I agree that no one who loves liberty should participate in the vaccine passport program. But I’m not sure that the mark of the beast will be such a sneaky thing. Considering that those have the mark cannot be saved… I don’t think God would allow people to be tricked into it that way. I feel that there must be some definite choice made. But the vaccine passports will definitely feed into the societal requirement to have such a mark in order to continue buying and selling.

A lot of people have been physically forced to receive the vax including children.  I wonder if God will make an exception for those who are made to take the mark by force.

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6 hours ago, wretched said:

I understand Salyan but please consider that this is why the Lord gave us the signs to look for so that we would not be duped with the world. This vax passport is being pushed and/or discussed by the installed puppets globally and it is barring people as we speak from society and it gets worse as each day goes by without any signs of letting up. The global government has made their move with Covid and there won't be any going back. The richest in the world simply will not flush this opportunity since their hand has been played. It has taken them decades of deception to get to this point. The installation of their political puppets in America was the last piece to their one world government puzzle IMO.  

On a side note: Trump is the father of the shots so even if he or his "camp" comes back it will make no difference but will rather accelerate the passports. He is not what many think he is, merely opposition control only IMO. January 6th has proven that in addition to his continuous promoting of the shots. Who knew, right? Satan is a tricky devil.

All those people languishing in prison and Trump is running around on some silly speaking tour with Bill O'Reilly talking about how much he liked Obama. Not a peep out of him about these political prisoners.

I won't vote for him again that's for sure. Maybe DeSantis, Cruz or even Paul but not Trump.

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50 minutes ago, E Morales said:

The passport or vaccine, does not apply to one receiving the mark to buy or sell, The End Times. Passports and vaccines have been around with us for many years. 

Not combines they haven't, and these two are heading towards being inexplicitely linked together.

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1 hour ago, BrotherTony said:

Not combines they haven't, and these two are heading towards being inexplicitely linked together.

True, but how can you combine these two with receiving the mark of the beast, which have to be on the wrist or the forehead, according to scriptures.

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1 hour ago, E Morales said:

True, but how can you combine these two with receiving the mark of the beast, which have to be on the wrist or the forehead, according to scriptures.

I stated that they were the forerunner...comprehension, friend...comprehension. You're the one who introduced the hand or forehead....

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