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Covid Thread (Covid topics are merged in here)


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Here we go again with the WHO changing it's mind on vaccines. They can't seem to keep one opinion long enough, especially if it's against the pandemics original guidelines. Seems like most of the leaders of the world want to follow this crazy group of people, and I can't understand why. Now they're saying that people NEED ANOTHER DOSE of the vaccine, and continue on in this article about how it will keep people safe from severe disease and death from the Omicron variant. Before the WHO said that the Omicron variant wasn't really anything to become overly concerned about, that it was mild. This group of health officials and others, NIH, Surgeon General, CDC, etc, are contributing to the confusion and misinformation. 


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On 3/8/2022 at 2:52 PM, BrotherTony said:

Here we go again with the WHO changing it's mind on vaccines. They can't seem to keep one opinion long enough, especially if it's against the pandemics original guidelines. Seems like most of the leaders of the world want to follow this crazy group of people, and I can't understand why. Now they're saying that people NEED ANOTHER DOSE of the vaccine, and continue on in this article about how it will keep people safe from severe disease and death from the Omicron variant. Before the WHO said that the Omicron variant wasn't really anything to become overly concerned about, that it was mild. This group of health officials and others, NIH, Surgeon General, CDC, etc, are contributing to the confusion and misinformation. 


Nobody believes the WHO, CDC or FDA anymore and that's a bad thing.

Now it's been exposed that the bio lab the Russians are trying to take in Ukraine is one of ours who knows what deadly virus will be let out next.

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11 hours ago, SureWord said:

Nobody believes the WHO, CDC or FDA anymore and that's a bad thing.

Now it's been exposed that the bio lab the Russians are trying to take in Ukraine is one of ours who knows what deadly virus will be let out next.

Apparently there are SOME people who believe them, or this wouldn't have been reported. I believe many Christians have finally opened their eyes, but, that's not much comfort when people are following the way of the world and the anti-Christ.

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  • 4 months later...
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1 hour ago, TheGloryLand said:

Is COVID,  back again here in America, or is this fake news.Doctor Surgery GIF by E!

Covid never left America. It declined a bit, but, it is still definitely here. We have several friends who have it at this present time. I'm not so sure that it's as severe as before, even though the WHO have been trying to make it look like it's something to fear. Of course they would! It's coming up on election time here in America again, and it's the only way the Democrats can try to use means to gain an advantage. Still, I think most have caught on to their dastardly deeds. 

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Just like any other virus, cvid is not gone. But it no longer strikes fear since folks are catching on to the CDC, FDA, and WHO (3 organizations that ought not exist; the CDC and FDA are non-elected departments that have far too much power over American citizens while WHO is same on an international level). But WHO and Gates are beginning to push the Monkey Pox fear to replace it. Midterms.

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1 hour ago, HappyChristian said:

Just like any other virus, cvid is not gone. But it no longer strikes fear since folks are catching on to the CDC, FDA, and WHO (3 organizations that ought not exist; the CDC and FDA are non-elected departments that have far too much power over American citizens while WHO is same on an international level). But WHO and Gates are beginning to push the Monkey Pox fear to replace it. Midterms.

Yes, ma'am. We have several cases here in Tennessee right now, and there are doctors at Vanderbilt, Meharry Medical College, and other hospitals that are pressing to have it declared a national emergency or a world-wide pandemic. I can't believe how gullible and blind people are to what's truly going on. 

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23 minutes ago, BrotherTony said:

Yes, ma'am. We have several cases here in Tennessee right now, and there are doctors at Vanderbilt, Meharry Medical College, and other hospitals that are pressing to have it declared a national emergency or a world-wide pandemic. I can't believe how gullible and blind people are to what's truly going on. 

I have no doubt that there are cases - you guys be careful not to get it! But the fact remains that viruses and bacteria have been with us since the fall of man and will not be eradicated by these wanna-be-tyrants declaring an international emergency (which is what Gates and WHO are pushing for). Quarantine the sick and leave the rest of us alone.

Fear is an amazing control, isn't it? The push about cvid altered the thinking process of a lot of people, I believe. And that is one reason why they are so gullible. I think we're just gonna see it get worse, too. Perfect setup for the population to totally fall in line with the Antichrist.

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  • 5 months later...
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On 1/31/2022 at 1:12 PM, Razor said:

I doubt that is any way to accurately predict who will or won't die. I believe there are indicators that would lead us to believe that one person is more likely than another to die. But, to make an absolute prediction every time it, I believe, impossible. 

Almost a century ago,  simply easy testing and observation was available and practiced where the health provider/healer was able to let someone know if they were going to die in a week,  a month, or six months,  when they had various conditions.   If the client then did what was required as directed ,  they could recover their health instead of dying.  If they did not,  they died.  This is still truth today,  but 'secret' as the big money acrively quashes it daily.

On 2/3/2022 at 7:36 AM, PastorMatt said:

Thank you for the reply. I also have questions about cancer, but the difference I see is that with cancer I am not being forced to be vaccinated from cancer to work, enter restaurants, go to sporting events, and forced to live stream church services. It's basically my decision how to live when coming to cancer. I'd feel the same way if the government try to mandate things with cancer. 

My response was in direct response to you quoting that unvaccinated are more likely to die.

Government and corporations and most ama devices mandate things with cancer to increase death rate, sickness rate,  and all for more profits.     Healing doctors , licensed even,  once were allowed to practice in the usa, and some published their results,  but the powerful death dealers were thousands times as strong financially and politically, so the healing 'disappeared' and everything possible was/and is/ done to dis-credit it  , continually.

On 3/9/2022 at 4:54 PM, SureWord said:

Nobody believes the WHO, CDC or FDA anymore and that's a bad thing.


If enough people exposed the wickednesses,   and if enough people who are in power fought the lies and exposed them,   perhaps people could legitimately at least listen to those powerful groups.   Instead,  the whistle-blowers,  truth tellers,   are silenced quickly,  censored from all the social media, newspapers, television, facebook, twitter,  and so on.

As long as money is the goal, the object of desire,  the reason for those groups to operate as they do,   it is directly as Jesus Says Today "Love of money is the root of all evil".

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On 3/8/2022 at 1:52 PM, BrotherTony said:

Seems like most of the leaders of the world want to follow this crazy group of people, and I can't understand why.

Money and Power.   Money and Power.  Money and Power.    Who do you know that can fight the fda, the ama, the who,  the governments of the world ,  corporations worldwide,  pharmakeia everywhere,   and not be silenced ,  shot,  or just disappear ? 

On 7/23/2022 at 8:37 PM, HappyChristian said:

Fear is an amazing control, isn't it? The push about cvid altered the thinking process of a lot of people, I believe. And that is one reason why they are so gullible. I think we're just gonna see it get worse, too. Perfect setup for the population to totally fall in line with the Antichrist.

Does anyone remember pharmakeia deceives the whole world ?  

Anyone who comes against them,  is not only risking their life and their family's lives,  but often have disappeared.     For one simple example,  use duckduckgo or other not-so-censored search engine,  and look up for fun and for shock value > the virus theory.     

Just like that.    See what has been covered up since Antoine Bechamp , before Pasteur with his germ THEORY.

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1 hour ago, Martyr_4_FutureJoy said:

Money and Power.   Money and Power.  Money and Power.    Who do you know that can fight the fda, the ama, the who,  the governments of the world ,  corporations worldwide,  pharmakeia everywhere,   and not be silenced ,  shot,  or just disappear ? 

Money and power, to a degree...yes. Still, they aren't the final word in what goes on. Many ARE fighting the FDA, AMA, WHO, NIH and other government entities. Remember how the courts overturned Biden's SHOT mandates? The pharmeceuitical companies didn't get their way there....nor did the government. I don't see anyone disappearing, though many are being silenced through censorship. I can't say I agree with many of your conclusions. 

1 hour ago, Martyr_4_FutureJoy said:

Does anyone remember pharmakeia deceives the whole world ?  

No, tbh I don't. Care to expound so we know exactly what you're trying to convey?

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