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The Four Stage Return of Christ.

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Basic Revelation Outline:
The Four Returns of Christ.
1-4 For His Body (Rapture of the Church, 7 Candlesticks)
5-7 For His House (Cleansing the Temple, 7 Seals)
8-14 For His Nation (Saving Sealed Israel, 7 Trumpets)
15-22 For His Kingdom (Judging The World, 7 Vials)

Chronology of Revelation is progressive and accumulative in nature.

Edited by John Young
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Basic details of the Four Returns of Christ in Revelation (Part 1 of 4)

The Return For His Body (Chapters 1-4)

When: On the Lord's Day

Where: In the Spirit (In the Air)

How soon: The time is at hand, when the voice like a Trumpet sounds

Who is included: Anyone who Hears what the Spirit says

Preparation: Angels need to guide their churches and keep them strong, Churches need to listen to the Spirit and fix their problems so they can be proper witnesses, The 7 churches have a special role to get the Book of Revelation out to the other churches.

Timeline: The things which are (before the Lord's Day)

Notable Persons Places and Things: Angel of Christ, Apostle John, The Spirit, 7 Angels (7 Stars), 7 Churches (7 Candlesticks), Christ (one like unto the Son of man), 24 Elders, 7 Spirits of God (7 lamps of fire), 4 beasts (cherub), The throne room of God.

Edited by John Young
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On 9/20/2019 at 1:38 AM, John Young said:

Basic Revelation Outline:
The Four Returns of Christ.
1-4 For His Body (Rapture of the Church, 7 Candlesticks)
5-7 For His House (Cleansing the Temple, 7 Seals)
8-14 For His Nation (Saving Sealed Israel, 7 Trumpets)
15-22 For His Kingdom (Judging The World, 7 Vials)

Chronology of Revelation is progressive and accumulative in nature.

Bro. John, I did not respond to this post back in September simply because I am not seeing four actual returns of Christ. I have always thought of the second coming of Christ in two separate phases; the first is at the Rapture where we meet Him in the air. The second is after Armageddon, when His feet actually stand on the ground of the mountain. I do not think of this as two separate returns but rather one return in two parts.

So this still leaves me wondering if perhaps instead of the word "returns", you may have meant "happenings" when He returns? Perhaps you might elaborate more on the terminology you used so I can get un-confused.

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3 hours ago, Jim_Alaska said:

if perhaps instead of the word "returns", you may have meant "happenings" when He returns?

It can also be thought of as "Four Stages of Christ's Return" but I wanted to  emphasize the fact that in His return to establish His millennial kingdom, the bible does not actually teach that there will only be one "touch down" for restitution of all things but rather in His return He organizes and sets in place and motion and then "comes for" each of these groups in separate events before finally finally coming to earth in Revelation 19 with the armies of heaven.

In the First stage He comes in His Spirit for His Body (Revelation 1 and 4), In the second Stage He comes In God's Glory to cleans the Temple at the abomination of Desolation (Ezekiel 9, Revelation 7) , In the Third Stage He Comes as the Lamb and the Son of Man to save His Sealed Saints, and to make war with the Beast (Revelation 14), Then in the fourth stage he comes as the Word of God and In Power to judge and take over the world (Revelation 19).

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Basic details of the Four Returns of Christ in Revelation (Part 2 of 4)

The Return For His House (Chapters 5-7)

When: At the Abomination of Desolation (on the great day of his wrath)

Where: In the Temple (By His Glory)

How soon: When the Temple is dedicated (to the anti-Christ religion at the placement of the image of jealousy) 

Who is included: All of Jerusalem will be judged of God's Glory and then retribution by the Anti-Christ will affect the whole world (Mark of the beast will be implemented after this act which will include wide spread Martyrdom of those to trust in Christ because of this event)   

Preparation: Cry and sigh for the abominations done therein. Sanctify yourself. Read and Understand.

Timeline: Hereafter , Mid Week

Notable Persons Places and Things: Seven Sealed Book, Strong Angel, Christ (Lion of the tribe of Juda, the Root of David/Lamb as it had been slain), The Four horsemen, The souls under the throne and their fellowservants/brethren, The Four Angels of the earth, Angel with the seal of God, The 144,000 Israelites, The great multitude that "came out of great tribulation", His temple.

Edited by John Young
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Basic details of the Four Returns of Christ in Revelation (Part 3 of 4)

The Return For His Nation, Israel (Chapters 8-14)

When: At the Gathering of the First fruits of Israel to Jerusalem (at the harvest/Reaping of the Earth by the angels)

Where: At Mount Sion (As the Lamb, and Son of Man)

How soon: Forty-two months after the Sealing of the 144,000 and three days after the two witnesses of God are killed in Jerusalem.

Who is included: The 144,000 and believers of Christ (those who endured through unto the end).   

Preparation: Don't worship or take the mark of the Beast. Believe on Christ, expect to be be martyred or endure unto the harvest. Don't persecute the Saints or retribution will be given in like measure.

Timeline: Hereafter, At the Harvest of the Earth, Forty-Two moths after the sealing of New Israel (The Woman with Sun Moon and twelve Stars, picturing the 144,000 who received Christ)

Notable Persons Places and Things: Half hour in Heaven, Seven angels with seven trumpets, Angel with golden censer, Prayers of the saints, the golden altar, fire of the altar, Wormwood, The angel crying woe to the earth, the three woes, the star with the key, the bottomless pit, the locust of the pit, Five months of torture, Abaddon, the four horns of the golden altar, the Four angels in Euphrates, an hour, and a day, and a month, and a year, the army of horsemen, another mighty angel with a little book, seven thunders, time no longer, the seventh angel, the mystery of God, the voice from heaven, the continuing prophesy Of John, the reed like unto a rod, the Gentiles, Forty-two moths, the holy city, the beast of the pit, the remnant, The last Trump (the seventh angel sounded), the temple of God opened in heaven, the ark of his testament, a great wonder in heaven, The woman with child (New Israel), the red dragon, a man child caught up to heaven, the wilderness, a place prepared of God, the war in heaven, Michael and his angels, a flood and the earth, the remnant of the woman's seed (the 144,000), the beast from the sea, the wounded head, the mouth speaking great things and blasphemies, names not written in the book of life, another beast coming up out of the earth, the image to the beast, the number of the beast (666), a Lamb standing on mount Sion, his Father’s name, the new song of the 144,000, the firstfruits, another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel, another angel, saying, Babylon is fallen, the third angel with a warning against worshiping the beast, a voice from heaven comforting the dead in Christ, a white cloud with one Like the Son of man, another angel coming out of the (earthly) temple, the harvest of the earth,  another angel coming out of the (heavenly) temple, the great winepress, a thousand and six hundred furlongs.

Edited by John Young
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Basic details of the Four Returns of Christ in Revelation (Part 4 of 4)

The Return For His Kingdom (Chapters 15-22)

When: At the marriage Supper

Where: Earth, Babylon

How soon: An hour and a day after Christ's return to Mt. Sion (An hour to judge and destroy the city of Babylon and then a day to finish the marriage supper Battle at Armageddon)

Who is included: Anyone who is with Babylon and gathered to the battle against Christ will be judged and destroyed.

Preparation: "Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues."

Timeline: Hereafter, After New Israel is gathered to Mt. Sion.

Notable Persons Places and Things: Seven angels with seven vials, sea of glass mingled with fire, harps of God, the song of Moses, the song of the Lamb, the temple of the tabernacle of the testimony in heaven (no man was able to enter into the temple, till the seven plagues of the seven angels were fulfilled), angel of the waters, Angel of the Alter, the kings of the east, unclean spirits like frogs, Armageddon, Babylon (the great whore), scarlet coloured beast, sins reaching unto heaven, the merchants of the earth, a stone like a great millstone, a voice coming out of the throne, the marriage of the Lamb, the marriage supper of the Lamb, the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy, heaven opened, white horses, Faithful and True, the Word of God, the armies which were in heaven, a sharp sword, an angel standing in the sun, the supper of the great God, the beat and false prophet, a lake of fire, remnant were slain with the sword, angel with a key and chain, Satan bound a thousand years, thrones, the first resurrection, Gog and Magog, tormented day and night for ever, a great white throne, the book of life, death and hell, a new heaven and a new earth, new Jerusalem, the water of life, the second death, a golden reed to measure the city, the glory of God, the nations of them which are saved, the Lamb’s book of life, the tree of life, the Spirit and the bride, The grace of our Lord. Amen.

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"The Rapture"
(Part one: A word about "the rapture". Part two: What is the rapture, Where do the Major Christian Frameworks place the rapture and why.)

Part one: A word about "the Rapture".

As we study The four returns of Christ as outlined, we are going to intentionally not speak too much about the rapture directly nor make it the primary focus, as Revelation is not about the Rapture, nor is specifically stated as an event in the book of Revelation.  The Rapture and its order in the events is actually spoken of more by apostle Paul than by anyone else and that only briefly with the intent to give peace of mind to church age believers. 

The timing of Paul's church rapture in many theologies are then overlaid on to passages such as Matthew 24, and the book of Revelation. Not based on the contextual method of study but rather on incomplete similarities and theological assumptions of what constitutes a rapture and to whom it actually applies. Because the word "rapture" does not appear in English scripture (Its the Latin word for "Catching away" something, as in reference to a Kidnapping or theft, or as in 1 Thessalonians 4:17 "caught up" together).

The Timing and Placement of the rapture in various rapture theories therefor is heavily dependent on other terminology that they associate with happening with or as being the rapture itself, such as The call of "Apostle john to heaven", "The falling away", "The ascension of the two witnesses" "The return of Christ after the tribulation", "The reaping of earth by the angels", "The gathering of Israel/ or the elect", "The resurrection", and etc. Depending on their assumed associations of the given theology "the Rapture" will be placed in any one of these assumed locations with little more proof given than stating "this is also that".

Another tactic that is often done in rapture theologies is the rearrangement of the Book of Revelation to suit their given preference. Sometimes the Book is broken into two, three, or even four or more, sections and then placed in a parallel timeline or mixed and matched arrangement of chapters in order to get the preferred result. Otherwise the natural chronological and progressive flow of the book becomes inconsistent with their rapture placement and other theology assertions.

Given the diversity and variant opinions, and assumptions on the rapture, and the tampering of the book's natural flow and manipulation of terms, (Not just among heretics, or "Christians" in general, but also among otherwise good fundamental Baptist) the question needs to be asked, Why would otherwise contextually consistent Christians chose one view over the other? and additionally divide over the issue? To the simple it seems a frivolous thing to divide over a few years or on something "no one can agree on or prove definitively and we have no control over anyway". However, as with most theology, what is on the surface to the simple, as non issue, or matter of preference, is actually a defining issue. Where you place the rapture will ultimately determine which theology as a whole you will allow to teach you the Bible.

In general Rapture theologies do not exist in a vacuum but are the end result of an overall Biblical framework and understanding the reasoning behind them belongs to them of full age (That is why Revelation is the last book in the Bible!). Unfortunately because of the emotional and sensational nature of end times events in general, and OUR rapture most specifically, it is most often one of the very first things a young and unlearned Christian wants to learn or is concerned about. (given a show of hands most of us would have to agree this was true for us as well). Because of this were we emotionally lock in our placement will determine what we decide is theologically correct in our later development and study. There are also many who were told a location but later changed their position after "much study" (usually meaning a charismatic and skilled teacher picked apart a flawed version of their told placement in favor of the teachers preferred placement) but do not change their previous framework. Given time the framework must change with the rapture theology in order for the person to remain theologically consistent. So if "the timing of the rapture" is the only thing "we disagree on"...give it time and the rest will also change. Either that or the person is not an honest biblicist and is fine with picking and choosing theology with no theological constancy or is choosing to remain ignorant, simple, or detached from study, in favor of his chosen crowd of fellow Christians. 

So what does this all have to do with "The Four Returns of Christ" as outlined? Simply put, the major Frameworks in Christianity place the Rapture at one of these key points in the Return of Christ and confuse the simple to where they feel that they cannot understand the overall events and timings and therefor need a chart or skilled teacher to untangle the book of Revelation. It is the hope of this study to untangle the book of Revelation from artificial frameworks in favor of the bible's natural and consistent contextual flow. In so doing I hope to show, among other things, the simple flow of the book and events do not need to be rearranged, that the Rapture's correct placement is Pre-tribulational, and that the correct framework is dispensational in nature (in a later study I would like to look at the various errors within the certain dispensational views that cause many to forsake the truths of its basic bible principles for another framework. However that study will probably be a while off.) and lastly to show and teach the events in a way that can be grasped by the simple christian so that they can start off on a good theological footing.

In part two we will look at the assertions of what the rapture is biblicaly, the reason for it, and according to the various frameworks, the Rapture placements and their fixed associations with their given theological Framework and why one must follow the other in order to be theologically consistent.

Until then is their any clarification or additions that anyone would like to ask or add that would be helpful to the study so far?

Edited by John Young
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  While Jesus said that whenever/wherever two or more are gathered in His name, He would be among them, he meant SPIRITUALLY. I agree with Jim Alaska that He will first come only in the air at the rapture, & won't be visible to those not raptured. And, at His PHYSICAL return, when He will "touch down" on the Mt. of Olives, EVERY EYE shall see Him, as He said in Rev. 1:7. That includes those in hades, whether in paradise or torments, as it includes those who pierced Him.

   That's the only physical return of Jesus that He Himself mentioned. I reckon that it depends upon one's personal beliefs whether His coming in the air at the rapture counts as a 'return' or not.

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The Rapture"
Part two: What is the rapture, Where do the Major Christian Frameworks place the rapture and why.

Please note that this section is not meant to be an in depth study of all “rapture” views and does not represent each view with the same terminology or variants to which adherents to those views may prefer but rather is just meant to, in very broad strokes give an overview of the issues involved along with a title indicating the general origin of those doctrinal views.

At its simplest, the rapture teaching is the “catching away” of the church body of Christ, from Earth to Heaven, to forever be with Christ. Those theological frameworks which teach a rapture, in general, agree with this description. However, controversy has arisen as to when this rapture occurs within the Revelation timeline. Division over the timing of the rapture centers over three main questions, “Is the church the same or separate from Israel?”, “Is the Rapture and Return the same event?”, “Is the rapture and resurrection the same event?”. The answer two each of these questions by the major theological frameworks will determine where they place the rapture and how they will manipulate the book of Revelation and other scriptures to fit their assertions. It is the goal of this study of “The Four Returns of Christ.” to show the natural placement of these events in the Book of Revelation and to show that each group and event is separate. To show that the Book of Revelation, or any other passage of scripture, does not need to be rearranged to fit the events or artificial framework's assumptions upon the text about the rapture.

Rapture theologies that see a type of rapture are generally pre-millennial (before a future literal 1,000 year Earthly kingdom of Christ on earth) and are considered “Pre” (Before), “Mid” (In the middle), and “Post” (at the end or after) the 70th week of Daniel (also generally called “The Tribulation Week” and "the time of Jacob's trouble”). Pre-tribulation tend to be unique to “Dispensation theology” and the others to a “reformed covenant theology”. Most non-rapture views are “catholic covenant” variants, such as Primitive Baptist, Roman Catholics, Orthodox, etc., are “Post” (after) or “A” (non literal) millennial and tend to associate “rapture” verses, not with the final week of Daniel but with a resurrection at the final judgement or simply allegory of some non-physical event or age of time.

So why do these three place the rapture in the areas of the week that they do? The reasoning is theological and derived from outside of the Revelation text. A plain reading of Revelation shows several clear “catching aways” (seven in fact) occurring. Of John in 4:1-2, of the martyred saints in 7:9, of the two prophets in 11:12, Of Christ in 12:5, of the 144,000 in 14:1, the reaping of the earth in 14:16, and of the dead in 20:12. Clearly there will not be seven raptures of the church, however, depending on the theology, each of these “catching aways”, as well as other factors, play a part in each theologies placement and reordering of the Revelation events in order to fit their framework.

As seen in our basic outline of Revelation there are four noted sections of Revelation as it is naturally written. The three major categories Dispensation, Reformed, and Catholic generally place their rapture within the noted chapter sections; “before tribulation” in chapters 1-4 (dispensation), “during tribulation” or “before God's wrath” in chapters 5-14 (reformed), and at the end/after tribulation or as part of the resurrection in chapters 15-22 (catholic).

Dispensation hold to a separation of church and state covenants (one does not inherit what the other has been given and each will receive what they have been promised) and a division of “dispensations” (time-frames in which they perceive that God has “changed the rules”) therefor will naturally look for the rapture in association with the “church” section of revelation and not with the “Israelite” or “judgement of the world” sections. Overly simplified, chapters 1-4 is the only “return of Christ” section within the “church dispensation” and the rest is “hereafter”. Therefor, dispensationalist, to be theologically consistent, must place the rapture in this section “before the tribulation”.

Reformed view holds that “the church” is “spiritual Israel” and a New Testament replacement for the Old Testament physical nation of Israel that has been “done away with” everything physical Israel had been promised in the OT, the NT church will now receive along with the NT promises. Over simplified, this means that when Israel or the tribes or “saints” are mentioned in Revelation it is actually speaking of either OT Israelites from heaven restored to earth in the tribulation as witnesses (chapter 7) and then saints being gathered in chapter 7 and 14 by the angels, as the “church” rapture. This “exchange” of NT church saints to heaven and glorified OT Israelites to earth becomes their key section, to take place “mid-week” or “After the tribulation but before God's wrath”. Because “the church is Israel”, the reformed view attempts to “overlap” the events of Revelation, so that the events of chapters 7 and 14 coincide. Therefor, to be theologically consistent, they have to place the rapture somewhere in one of the middle two “return of Christ” sections.

Catholic views tend to believe Israel has become the church, both physically and spiritually, and that they have already received “the Kingdom” that was promised in Acts 1. In this view, they tend to see parts or most of Revelation as being allegory and either has already been fulfilled or is currently being fulfilled in current events, metaphorically. They tend to see the church age as consistent with the millennium and the only things to happen is the “giving up” of the kingdom to God at the end of the age, after we have subjugated the world to Christ. This view to be theologically consistent will either not believe in a rapture or will associate it with the general resurrection of the dead “at the end of the age”. Therefor, they must place their allegorical “rapture” or resurrection in the fourth “return of Christ” section of chapters 15-22.

In these three general views, most rapture theories can be placed to coincide with their chosen “rapture” and “return” and still be “theologically consistent”. Yet, Just as we know that there are not “seven raptures of the church” but one, and that there are not “four returns of Christ for the church” but rather one, we also know that only one of these general views can be correct in regard to the rapture of the church. It is at this logical point that adherents to the three major views then attempt to justify “their version” by reordering Revelation events so that the “returns” and “raptures” either are eliminated as such or are aligned to be the same events.

In part three of “The Rapture” we will asses in more detail the biblical passages associated with the rapture and why I believe the Rapture of, and the return of Christ for the church, is in Revelation 1-4 and why this is the view we will adhere to in our study ofThe Four Returns of Christ.” in the book of Revelation.

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