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Civil War or War between States - please advise.

Bob from England

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14 hours ago, 1Timothy115 said:

Much of what you say above, I understand why. However, you're going to have to cite your sources, I've studied too and much of what you've stated above is arguably incorrect.

There is a good book that is a fun read that you might find interesting. It's called (don't laugh) "The South Was Right!" by James Ronald Kennedy. I had forgotten about that one when I was answering your post last night. I was reminded of it this morning.

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9 hours ago, The real Bob Hutton said:

I seem to recal reading an account about D L Moody, that he used to hold services to which confederate P.O.Ws were invited.  They were happy to sing the general Gospel Hymns but they sang from memory and wouldn't use the Hymn Book because it had the US flag on the front.  Do you think that account is feasible?  One reads so much about what happened that it's often difficult to differentiate between truth and what has been embellished.

Many thanks to all for your comments - they have been really helpful.

I do know that the little town (700 people?) that I lived in in Tennessee still flew the Confederate flag downtown, and refused to fly the American flag until the new, modern post office was built during the Clinton administration, which flew it by law as a federal building. So I would not doubt the tale of the Hymn books.

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13 hours ago, weary warrior said:

It's from 30 years of study of 100's of resources. It isn't incorrect, its just not easily picked up in today's politically correct history books. I've read everything from Robert E Lee's private letters to General Doubleday's dispatches at the battles of Chancellorsville and Gettysburg. I own copies of many of them. I've read Forrest's own personal account of the founding of the KKK (he didn't found it, they begged him to join, and he resigned soon after and warned them to disband) as well as his and Stonewall Jackson's personal testimonies of salvation. I have in my posession an original copy of "Christ in the Camp", an eyewitness account of the preaching services and revivals that took place in the Confederate army during the war. I have GFR Henderson's biography of Jackson, Bold Dragoon, Diary of a Southern Woman (which it is) and I don't know how many books by Shelby Foote. I have shelves full of books of battle maps, excerpts of diaries of soldiers in the field ... the list goes on and on and on.

For me to give you a nice, simple bibliography is not likely to happen. I am the 7th generation of my family born in that one little spot in the hills of Kentucky, and then Virginia before that, and Louisiana before that, all the way back to the late 1600's. It's not just that I have lived in the south at sometime, it is mine and  my family's heritage that goes further back than many families have even been on this continent. As for the importance of family history and knowing where you came from, I wonder why there are scores of whole chapters and even books in the Bible dedicated to endless, dry genealogies?

Anyhow, be assured thst I'm not the least bothered by your questions, I relish them, and thank you for asking them. I answered them a little, some of them, but I won't prove my answers. I instead hope that you will continue to dig much harder and deeper, for it is often as much about the journey as it is the destination.

No need to cite hundreds of references just one per the four items you mentioned would do. Otherwise, I would have to hold them in question. I will not go about attempting to prove every thought, theory, or assumption promoted by others, that is their responsibility. If you make a statement stand ready to back it up with evidence; book, chapter, and verse. I'm glad you have a long and noble family history however, that is not what I questioned. It was the statements you put forward as fact without evidence. Don't get me wrong, I'm not attempting to be confrontational. If your evidence is sound I stand ready to accept it. Regardless, I will still be your brother in Jesus Christ and ready to spend eternity with you on the other side.

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4 hours ago, 1Timothy115 said:

No need to cite hundreds of references just one per the four items you mentioned would do. Otherwise, I would have to hold them in question. I will not go about attempting to prove every thought, theory, or assumption promoted by others, that is their responsibility. If you make a statement stand ready to back it up with evidence; book, chapter, and verse. I'm glad you have a long and noble family history however, that is not what I questioned. It was the statements you put forward as fact without evidence. Don't get me wrong, I'm not attempting to be confrontational. If your evidence is sound I stand ready to accept it. Regardless, I will still be your brother in Jesus Christ and ready to spend eternity with you on the other side.

You may hold them in question, I don't mind. Its OK. Not being ugly or unkind at all, but I don't really need to prove anything, and I don't really need to be believed. I courteously answered an idle question. Take it or not, your choice. It's not eternal doctrine. We're all good here, my friend. :)

16 minutes ago, Invicta said:

Aussies call us poms.

I heard that while in Australia! Isn't it an acronym for Prisoners Of Her Majesty, or something like that?

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17 minutes ago, weary warrior said:
32 minutes ago, Invicta said:

Aussies call us poms.

I heard that while in Australia! Isn't it an acronym for Prisoners Of Her Majesty, or something like that?

Not heard that.

In the office where I worked there was once a large overwight Australian lady who tweaked my nose and said "I've always wanted to do that to a Pom."

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On 2/27/2017 at 4:31 PM, weary warrior said:

BTW, Brother Stafford. In regards to your avatar, from one bearded man to another, well done, Sir! Well done! :)

I see that stubble is coming along nicely... you're getting there.  ;)

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28 minutes ago, weary warrior said:

You may hold them in question, I don't mind. Its OK. Not being ugly or unkind at all, but I don't really need to prove anything, and I don't really need to be believed. I courteously answered an idle question. Take it or not, your choice. It's not eternal doctrine. We're all good here, my friend. :)

OK. Will do and it won't even be on our minds on the other side. See you in glory.

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1 hour ago, Brother Stafford said:

If you're even more frugal, here's a free PDF version:  Christ in the Camp.

Not frugal - poor! 

So many thanks. ;)


Not something that I have ever had success with. My stubble never gets beyong looking rangy and mangy, so I am (alas!) clean shaven.

Never anywhere near what would be called a beard in this esteemed company. :lol: 

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In Lectures to my Students I remember reading that Spurgeon said that if you don't have a "wide chest" (I'm paraphrasing possibly) you are not called to be a preacher.  That remained with me because I thought it odd.

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