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It may be interesting but it quotes someone cursing God's name in the worst way. A picture alone is worth a thousand words and one word should never be said or quoted especially on this forum. Psalm 101:3 

Thanks for sparing me from seeing someone cursing God's name...I hate it when I go to look at something on the web and am surprised by cursings or blasphemies.

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Unfortunately I have to hear cursings and blasphemies every day, in continual manner, as I spend anywhere from 1 to 4 hours with my Dad each day. Nearly every sentence he speaks contains cursing and most also contain blasphemy.

It's a difficult thing to contend with.

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I've heard it said and proven (at least around me) that people that curse aren't smart enough to think of any other words .I just cringe when I hear God's name taken in vain.  Why do you have to spend so much time with him? I'm assuming either caregiver or family business. My great grandmother, I don't think anyone heard her say a curse word ever until she got dementia, then occasionally she was heard to say them. 

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My Dad has health issues and has needed more help the past couple of years. I help him every morning and then when he needs to go shopping or tend to something else I'm the one that helps with that too.

His speech makes me cringe too and I say a silent prayer every time he blasphemes, so I'm saying a lot of those when I'm with him. He's always cussed, but since Mom passed away in 2002 he cusses much more and uses the more vulgar forms that he didn't much use when Mom was alive.

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Thanks for sparing me from seeing someone cursing God's name...I hate it when I go to look at something on the web and am surprised by cursings or blasphemies.

The new link shows no language at all. I watched it 3 times from the news post and then on You Tube and there was no language problem.

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I hadn't seen basic cable in a long while so the other day when I was where it was on I heard language on some show that used to never be heard on them. After asking about it I was told they've been using those words on there for some time now.

Such a foul, vulgar society all around us.

Maybe I shouldn't have been surprised. I hear women and children using language it was once rare to hear either using. I hear mothers and their children in stores speaking to one another like unsaved guys in a locker room. Some of the language I hear even younger children saying today would have got be popped a good one if I had used that language around my parents at any age when I lived with them.

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