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...don't run!...don't even move!


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So far, doing everything legal has resulted in ZERO times that I've been:

Shot by police
Tased by police
Baton-ed by police
Kicked by police
Punched by police
Handcuffed by police

Stopped by the police

You would think, after all the states I've been in and with all the misguided killer cops in the United States at least one of the above should have happened to me. I know, I don't have a video of police not beating me but, you'll just have to take my word for it. You may believe I may have been hanging out in all the right places but, I'll tell you honestly that would not be true.

​This is similar to what a lawyer was saying on the news the other day. He said one simple way to avoid these things is to cooperate with the police. Even if you believe the officer is in the wrong, or you've done nothing wrong, don't try to argue, run or fight. If the police want to arrest you, let them, then deal with the matter in court.

Also, in many cases, simply complying with the police will result in no arrest.

I've encountered a few bad cops over the years but I didn't escalate the situation by yelling, arguing, fighting or running. Therefore they didn't hit me, stun me, shoot me or cuff me. They went their way and I went home.

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So far, doing everything legal has resulted in ZERO times that I've been:

Shot by police
Tased by police
Baton-ed by police
Kicked by police
Punched by police
Handcuffed by police

Stopped by the police

You would think, after all the states I've been in and with all the misguided killer cops in the United States at least one of the above should have happened to me. I know, I don't have a video of police not beating me but, you'll just have to take my word for it. You may believe I may have been hanging out in all the right places but, I'll tell you honestly that would not be true.

​Exactly.  See usually people involved in some kind of trouble or criminal activity.  You just don't hang around the wrong people.  Wear your seatbelt (Busted not wearing one on my Birthday no less lol).  Deal is lol.  The cop didn't care if it was my birthday.  No respecter of persons. Did his job keeping me safe.  

Like I say I won't assume what happened there.  Just like I told that County Judge I chatted with for almost an hour before she informed me she was a Judge.  Then I recognized her.  She asked me about Ferguson and a case here in Atlanta.   I told her I don't know. 

These people police, military they are not everyday people.  They aren't your Golf buddy.  A pastor has an anointing.  Police, military, Governor's, Presidents etc.  Have God's given authority.  That authority is something.  I just well, am awed by it.  Because I get to see God's authority in operation.  In the form of a person with that authority no less.  A President is Commander and Chief of 4 armies!  For me the culprit would be Lucifer.  I am sure a lot of you pray for those in authority.  That I am fairly sure of.  I don't make assumptions that someone is going to do this or that.  If I want righteousness I pray, ask God. 

I won't pretend to understand everything lol or much.  Preaching Christ crucified.  Can simplify your life in ways.  Well it does mine. 

Praying His Kingdom come.  Gets me out the way of a lot that's going on I really don't understand.  Having to be concerned about.  Because really I don't know quite how that is going to come about.  His Kingdom.  I know it will come about.  But to tell you the truth.  Where the world is at this point.  I am lost on the map. I have to and will try to Trust God.

Edited by Potatochip
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I'm curious as to who was videotaping and why.


​If you are referring to the case where the officer shot the 50 year old man as he ran, the person who taped it was someone who happened to see something going on and went to see what it was. After he saw it was a cop and person having a confrontation he pulled out his phone and started taping.

The man who video taped it was on the news the other day. He said he actually was afraid that he had recorded it and almost erased it out of fear but decided it would better to turn it over.

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Ok, thanks, John. I can't open articles or watch most vids on my phone,  so can only go by what I can read. Someone had suggested a conspiracy of some sort - that something was recorded before this video and that someone else was in the car. And this person said there was no blood when the man was shot. I think what this person was insinuating was that the whole thing was faked to stir up more racial problems. 

I heard the same nutsy thing about the Michael Brown case. So I was wondering if the videographer had come forward other than to release the video.


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Ok, thanks, John. I can't open articles or watch most vids on my phone,  so can only go by what I can read. Someone had suggested a conspiracy of some sort - that something was recorded before this video and that someone else was in the car. And this person said there was no blood when the man was shot. I think what this person was insinuating was that the whole thing was faked to stir up more racial problems. 

I heard the same nutsy thing about the Michael Brown case. So I was wondering if the videographer had come forward other than to release the video.


​I saw a report that said the video was taken on a phone by a passer by who saw the original incident but who was doubtful at first about handing it over as he thought it would be deleted, and perhaps himself assaulted. 

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Thank you for sharing with us the preaching video by Jessee Morrell. I would encourage all of you to listin to the last minute of the video. Jesses' preaching after the policemen walked the, 'drunk parrot,' away is a sermon in itself and worth hearing by all of us. Both Morrell's spirit and words are worth listening to.

Thank you also for your comments on the situation with the very tragic police shooting in Chatleston. The shooting was tragic in all aspects. The policeman took a life and ruined his; the victim was a Christian, and came from a fine Christian family, but he had some less than Chrsitian attributes in his life that caused him to act irresponsibly and hastened his death. The whole situation is sad and tragic.


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