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Sunday School Pictures

Miss Daisy

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I'm going to start teaching a Sunday School class this coming Sunday. I've been studying my lesson and have a wide range of ages from 3rd grade to teens. I'm looking for a website that has some good pictures to help illustrate scenes from the Bible. It helps me to remember things to have a picture to go along with it so I'd like to have a picture to show them that illustrates the lesson. Not a coloring type picture.

Any suggestions would be great!

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When I taught younger children's Sunday School, I loved using a felt board to illustrate Bible lessons I was teaching. The kids really liked it as well. Granted, I have no idea how well that will cross over with the teens. When I Googled Bible lesson illustrations, the first site that popped up was this oen:




I have no idea where they stand, doctrinally speaking, but they seemed to have a pretty impressive collection of pictures to correspond with various lessons from the Bible.

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Free bible images is the site I use for pictures, it's great because they're free! hahaha! well, also because they're "realistic" and not some ridiculous cartoony image I found in other places. Since I just use the site for the pictures, I've never checked to see what they're doctrinal statement is. I don't really use the scenes that I guess are from movies, I mostly stick with the illustrated ones. What's also great about that site is you don't have to print the pictures to use them (that's a lot of ink!). If you have a projector (very good investment regardless!), you can use it with the site.


I really like abeka's Bible illustrations, most are very realistic and beautifully drawn and the prices aren't too terribly expensive depending on what you want.


 I found another site called Good Salt, but while the pictures are well drawn, Jesus looks like some sort of hippie. (I always check to see how Jesus is drawn) 

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A great option is to get a roll of plain cheap white paper (we used to call it butcher's paper) and draw the pictures with a big fat marking pen.

It doesn't matter if it is not 'artistic' - the kids would prOBably enjoy stick men better anyway.
You tape several sheet over each other just with tape at the top, then quickly draw a scene whilst telling the story. When you move to the next scene, tear the front page off and start the next scene.

The little kids will be captivated by the motion and movement and the teens will laugh at your poor drawing - but they will ALL remember it.

The biggest key is variation - don't do any teaching style to often. Next time use pictures like you are looking for, another time make the characters out of modelling clay while you tell the story.

And don't be too self conscious of your drawing skills. The kids don't care and will actually get bored while you finish that drawing to perfection. ;)

Whatever you do, don't be afraid to 'ham it up' for the kids - they love it.

Note: this all assumes that there is substance to the lesson and not just entertainment. This note is also not for you but for those who would like to deliberately misunderstand.

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Free bible images is the site I use for pictures, it's great because they're free! hahaha! well, also because they're "realistic" and not some ridiculous cartoony image I found in other places. Since I just use the site for the pictures, I've never checked to see what they're doctrinal statement is. I don't really use the scenes that I guess are from movies, I mostly stick with the illustrated ones. What's also great about that site is you don't have to print the pictures to use them (that's a lot of ink!). If you have a projector (very good investment regardless!), you can use it with the site.

I really like abeka's Bible illustrations, most are very realistic and beautifully drawn and the prices aren't too terribly expensive depending on what you want.

I found another site called Good Salt, but while the pictures are well drawn, Jesus looks like some sort of hippie. (I always check to see how Jesus is drawn)

I know one of the current abeka artists.
She is a lovely lady and an excellent artist. Her parents are some of the most God honouring people I know, and she loves the Lord.
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