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Serious Question - No Contention Please....


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At risk of starting a small war - and because I genuinely do not understand - why would someone non- baptist join this site saying they have similar beliefs, then proceed to debate whether or not baptists are right?

I understand discussing, but much of what has been going on lately has not been discussion - it has been one sided rejection of baptist position.

So why bother to join at all?

Just a thought - maybe we can have ONLY those who fit the description answer?
That way we might not end up with a bun fight.......

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At risk of starting a small war - and because I genuinely do not understand - why would someone non- baptist join this site saying they have similar beliefs, then proceed to debate whether or not baptists are right?

I understand discussing, but much of what has been going on lately has not been discussion - it has been one sided rejection of baptist position.

So why bother to join at all?

Just a thought - maybe we can have ONLY those who fit the description answer?
That way we might not end up with a bun fight.......

Well Dave why not call me by name.  This is the same old thing I had come up against at other site.  All of a sudden it is "your not a Baptist"  Not all that is being enspoused here is what ALL baptist believe.  That is why they are Independent Fundamental Baptist because they don't all agree.


I agreed with this sites doctrine found at the top of this page.  Not to your churches or any others churches Doctrine.  I agree with some of what Ruckman treaches but not all, Ken Blue teaches but not all. I agree with what Bob Jones Sr taught but not all, I agree with the late Jerry Falwell  but not all.  All these guys have different views on the Gap, Baptism, and leadership styles.


I don't carry the baptist Tag or name.  You want to know why?  Because of the baptist pastor up in Michigan who committed Adultery with a fifteen yr old woman, the one down in Texas who was found stealing money form the church he was pastoring to pay for his gambling problem, the one in NC who was using meth. 


I have gone to places and had the door shut in my face at the mention I was visiting form the local "Baptist" church.  How about the Baptist who took a new member of his church to a strip club, or the one who taught others it was ok to drink beer as long as you didn't get drunk, or the one who raped his niece.  Or the one in Tennesee that killed his wife and the one in Ohio who killed his neighbor over a tree.


You see names carry with them associations and most remember the bad over the good.  whether it was penticostal, baptist or Lutheran what ever the name is Chrsitians are looked upon badly because of what these few have done and don't think it is just a few I could fill a book of most that you don't know and many of them were IFBaptist.


I look for somewhere to fellowship.


If you all want me to leave then I will.

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I can think of at least four here currently and there have been others in the past.

I did not name you because I did not mean specifically you.

I also went our of my way to say that I was genuinely interested, not attacking.

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AVBB, you sound like people who use the excuse the reason they don't go to church is because it's full of hypocrites.


There's evil people everywhere, every denomination. You're letting a few tainted men color all who claim a denomination(?)/IFB's.

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I think if one didn't want to cause contention, perhaps private messages would have been the way to go.

If conducted the way DaveW put the idea forth, the thread could be without contention, but if the pattern isn't followed as DaveW said, and others interject when we were asked not to, it's bound to lead to contention.

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If conducted the way DaveW put the idea forth, the thread could be without contention, but if the pattern isn't followed as DaveW said, and others interject when we were asked not to, it's bound to lead to contention.

Exactly.  That's why I suggested private messages.  Then those who were asked not to interject would not have the opportunity. 

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It is not a private matter and I am more concerned with what those who consider themselves such think than with nominating people as such.

But as it seems that those who consider themselves such are offended at the mere asking of the question, I should probably lock it.

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