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Any Guesses As To What...

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I am wondering if there is a deeper meaning, John.  And, why didn't the Lord remove it?  I mean, does the Lord not remove things like illnesses from our lives in order to keep us humble?  I am thinking the Apostle Paul had an illness of some sort.

I believe its more along the line that "the Lord puts things like illnesses in our lives in order to keep us humble". Either way; the Good Lord knows exactly what we need. :godisgood:

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I believe its more along the line that "the Lord puts things like illnesses in our lives in order to keep us humble". Either way; the Good Lord knows exactly what we need. :godisgood:

Thanks, BroK.  I might never be healed of my Epilepsy.  Maybe the Lord won't heal me, in order to keep me humble.  :)

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That seems to be the general concensus, Laura.  I always like to contemplate these things b/c sometimes the Lord doesn't heal people.  It makes me wonder if I will ever be healed of my Epilepsy.

I'm sorry to hear about that.  Do you take medication for it?  I have an arrhythmia.  It cause me anxiety.  I am on meds to control it or it feels like my heart is going to pound right out of my chest. 

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It doesn't say he was given an illness, but "a messenger of Satan to buffet 'him'".


Could this have been a devil (demon) assigned to Paul which God allowed to fight him more than before? Could it have been someone such as the smith, used of the devil to fight against Paul?


I've heard both as possibilities; along with many other things but most of them ignore the "messenger of Satan" detail.

Exactly!  It says it was a messenger, not a message.  A physical illness would be considered a message.  But this says a messenger.

My thoughts as to who this messenger is? 

2 Timothy 4:14 Alexander the coppersmith did me much evil: the Lord reward him according to his works:

This could be the "thorn in the flesh.

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Thanks, Laura.  I had Epilepsy as a baby, up until I was 12.  It came back at age 33.  I take 400 mg. of Dilantin, which is an anti convulsant medication.  I take 2 capsules in the morning and 2 at night.

I am sorry to hear about your arrhythmia.  Do you have a heart murmur?

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The interlinear says this about the word "buffet."


Gk. - kolaphizo

1.  to strike with a fist, give one a blow with a fist
2.  to maltreat, treat with violence and contumely

Given the definition of "buffet", I would say the thorn in the flesh was a person who treated Paul with violence.  

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Thanks, Laura.  I had Epilepsy as a baby, up until I was 12.  It came back at age 33.  I take 400 mg. of Dilantin, which is an anti convulsant medication.  I take 2 capsules in the morning and 2 at night.

I am sorry to hear about your arrhythmia.  Do you have a heart murmur?

No.  Just an irregular heartbeat.  It's nothing life threatening but it is scary.  I had it since I was little but increased as I got older where I needed meds to control it.  It took me a year to accept that I would have to be on meds for the rest of my life.  I rarely take Tylenol for a headache.


That must have been hard for your mom.  It's hard to watch my kids have colds.  I don't like to see them miserable.

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The interlinear says this about the word "buffet."


Gk. - kolaphizo

1.  to strike with a fist, give one a blow with a fist
2.  to maltreat, treat with violence and contumely

Given the definition of "buffet", I would say the thorn in the flesh was a person who treated Paul with violence.  

Interesting, SFIC.  Why do you think it was Alexander the coppersmith?



No.  Just an irregular heartbeat.  It's nothing life threatening but it is scary.  I had it since I was little but increased as I got older where I needed meds to control it.  It took me a year to accept that I would have to be on meds for the rest of my life.  I rarely take Tylenol for a headache.


That must have been hard for your mom.  It's hard to watch my kids have colds.  I don't like to see them miserable.

Okay.  It sounds scary.  That is the same thing with my Epilepsy.  I never needed meds to control it when I was younger.  I don't like taking pills, either.

Yes, it was hard on my mom.  I had them when my dad was traveling (out of town on business) too.  She put me in a lukewarm bathtub, b/c back then... I would get them from high temperatures.  They were called Febrile seizures.  Now, I have Grand Mall seizures, but they are controlled with medication.  Praise God!

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Mainly because he did Paul "much evil."

Mind you, I am not dogmatic about it being Alexander. But that could be a possibility.

Hmmm.  I have read that the "thorn" could have been the Jews that felt betrayed by Paul.  Was Alexander one of them?

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I agree that it was his eyes.  Not only all the verses already quoted about his eyes, and given that he was blinded for three days by God's blinding light....there is also that one verse that says he had a contemptible bodily presence.   We know he was a very smart man and he was a respected Pharisee...so evidently he ended up having problems that made him look sort of iffy.  He was probably short in stature and I have read that it's possible his eyes were always red and had discharge from the partial blindness he may have had.


I know that's really reading into things, but putting together all the hints, and the fact he had to dictate his letters (but signed them himself) make it definitely not farfetched.   


I can imagine he begged God to heal his eyes, becuase he needed them so badly for his ministry of keeping in contact with all of his churches.

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Thanks, BroK.  I might never be healed of my Epilepsy.  Maybe the Lord won't heal me, in order to keep me humble.  :)

John 11:4 (Concerning Lazarus) When Jesus heard that, he said, This sickness is not unto death, but for the glory of the Lord, that the Son of God might be glorified thereby.


James 5:14  Is any sick among you? let him call the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord.

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I agree that it was his eyes.  Not only all the verses already quoted about his eyes, and given that he was blinded for three days by God's blinding light....there is also that one verse that says he had a contemptible bodily presence.   We know he was a very smart man and he was a respected Pharisee...so evidently he ended up having problems that made him look sort of iffy.  He was probably short in stature and I have read that it's possible his eyes were always red and had discharge from the partial blindness he may have had.


I know that's really reading into things, but putting together all the hints, and the fact he had to dictate his letters (but signed them himself) make it definitely not farfetched.   


I can imagine he begged God to heal his eyes, becuase he needed them so badly for his ministry of keeping in contact with all of his churches.

That is what I told the Christians I was talking with, kitagrl.  He was blinded for 3 days after his experience meeting the Lord Jesus on the Road to Damascus.  I have read where he did have a discharge from his eyes, and that made him look "iffy" as you said.

I don't think it is farfetched, either.  Scripture says, "For this thing I besought the Lord Thrice, that it might depart from me."  I have learned that he prayed for three intense long seasons about this.  Yet, the Lord didn't heal him.  I have learned that if healed, he might boast.

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