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And So...thanksgiving..


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This is one of my two favorite holidays of the year. I have wonderful memories if the day as a child. And good memories of the day as our son was growing up. So I thought it might be neat to start a Thanksgiving thread.

I'd love to hear about any memories or traditions you have. Or maybe just something you are thankful for? And even if you live outside the US - you know, like in a penal colony (ahem Dave... :biggrin:  ) or are even a pom - hehehe - I know most countries have harvest fest type celebrations. So let's get thankful.  :clapping: 

I am thankful for my hard-working hubby and for his love for the Lord. God surely blessed me to bring us together.

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Well we haven't acquired Thanksgiving yet.
We were just subjected to Hallowed 'een, but as we were preparing for a "Ladies'Spectacular" we were 'unfortunately' ( ;) ) at church that evening.
That's one thing to be thankful for. And the Ladies' day went great. So we are thankful for that.
And I have another blessing that I won't share publicly - but have shared by PM.

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When I was a young child we all gathered at my maternal grandparents home for Thanksgiving. All of my aunts and uncles on my Mom's side were there, along with all their children (my cousins). It was a great time. The adults ate at the big table in the dining room and all of us cousins ate at the kitchen table.


Lots of good food, fun and games, great stories.


We used to get together there on Christmas Eve too. More great times.


Grandpa died of a sudden heart attack when I was 10 and that brought all that to an end. For a couple years after his death there was a meager attempt to still get together at one of my aunt and uncles homes but it just wasn't the same and that was it.


I still love Thanksgiving, but now it's just my wife and I and our children, now just one child, as our oldest son is in Florida and our daughter is married and they do something with her husbands family.


One thing I miss is the good cartoons they used to show on Thanksgiving. They used to show a few Thanksgiving cartoons on Thanksgiving Day but I've not seen them in years.

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I remember one year in particular. My (maternal) grandparents had been building a house in the area to which they retired (my mom lives in that town now).  The house wasn't finished, but we were able to have Thanksgiving dinner there. It was always such a lot of fun to head to the ferry and cross the Puget Sound to get to their house.  I really do love riding those ferries!


That day, all of the furniture was not set up, since the house was not done.  I remember my dad and my grandpa rigging a table out of a door.  That was the last Thanksgiving we spent with them before we moved to WVA.  (We did return a few years later.)  It was a really neat day.

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This is one of my two favorite holidays of the year. I have wonderful memories if the day as a child. And good memories of the day as our son was growing up. So I thought it might be neat to start a Thanksgiving thread.

I'd love to hear about any memories or traditions you have. Or maybe just something you are thankful for? And even if you live outside the US - you know, like in a penal colony (ahem Dave... :biggrin:  ) or are even a pom - hehehe - I know most countries have harvest fest type celebrations. So let's get thankful.  :clapping: 

I am thankful for my hard-working hubby and for his love for the Lord. God surely blessed me to bring us together.


As a pom I would like to have Thanksgiving.  I suggest it now and again to our church, but they just say, "Oh that's American" and that finishes the discussion.    When is it, anyway?  21st Nov?

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As a pom I would like to have Thanksgiving.  I suggest it now and again to our church, but they just say, "Oh that's American" and that finishes the discussion.    When is it, anyway?  21st Nov?

It's November 28 this year.


Tell them Thanksgiving is for everyone.

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My ignorance is showing - What is a pom?

"Pom" is Aussie for "Englishman".

The etymology of it is somewhat uncertain, but it stems from the rivalry between the English and the Australians that goes right back to early settler days.
It is rarely meant in a derogatory way but rather in a good natured making fun type way, although sometimes Poms take offense at it. ;)
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I used to work with a rather large Australian woman (about 20 stones, I should think) and she once squeezed my nose and said, "Ive always wanted to do that to a pom."


Of course they speak strange over there.  I once met an Australian missionary and he said "what is a bison?"  I said "it is what Red Indians used to hunt."  He replied, "Nao, a bison is what an Austrilian washes his fice in."

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