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Fda To Ban Artery-Clogging Tran-Fat


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So, they'll ban this, while still continuing to approve genetically modified foods, and prescription drugs that kill thousands per year, and artificial sweeteners that cause diseases. AND try to make supplements and vitamins and minerals, that save thousands of lives, either banned or prescription.


Crazy! Our government at work.

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This is great news.  


See what I mean?


Good old lard and butter are really much healthier  than any of them anyways.


Yes, I cook with real lard and butter and have lost weight and have good but low cholesterol level.


Funny thing, these are the same people (same world view) who pushed what they're now wanting to ban, fools.

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One commented on that article said this.


"Keeping you safe! How have we ever survived this long? Why is it though, that the fattest, sickest, walking heart attacks in the country, are the ones that feed at the government's bottomless trough of freebies?"


And its not 100% true, much of what he says is false.


I've notice that much of the heart problems may be because of who your parent are, that is their parents have heat problems them usually the children will too.


For instants, a man that's in his early 70's who has had two heart surgeries, his father died before he reached 50 in the mid 50's because of heart problems. He had had one episode with him heart & his doctor told him his heart was bad. It was not long till he had his 2nd time, it was much worse & all they could do was put him in the hospital & keep & eye on him, & of course that time he did not make it.


Yet his son because what they can now do nowadays through surgery, along with the medicine they have now have, he survived. He had his 1st heart problems before he reach 50 much like his father.


Oh, did i mention his brother? His brother to has heart trouble though it happened a bit past the age of 50 like his father & brother, he was about 60, had a major heart attack, & like his father & brother he had many stopped up arteries.


Many of us are living longer today than in yesterday years, maybe in part its because of surgery, medicines, & what we eat. Yesterday years doctors just did not have much they could do or give you, & most of the stuff they handed out, along with all of those home remedies, did nothing for most people, & they died young, yet their children are having longer lives.

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It's really hard to make a stable buttercream frosting without trans fats, which helps the icing to incorporate more liquid. Glad I'm not caking anymore.

However did they manage when the only choice was butter for buttercream?



Many of us are living longer today than in yesterday years, maybe in part its because of surgery, medicines, & what we eat. Yesterday years doctors just did not have much they could do or give you, & most of the stuff they handed out, along with all of those home remedies, did nothing for most people, & they died young, yet their children are having longer lives.

I'm well & active in spite of health professional advice - I'm T2 diabetic since 2000. I followed the diet advice - 50 % starchy carbs, low fat, low sugar, low salt, & within 7 years suffered a range of debilitating conditions. I then rejected that diet, cut the carbs, increased fat & protein - particularly with nuts - & my health improved rapidly. At 74 I play tennis & table tennis at club standard.


The dangerous foods they should warn against are sugars (particularly HFCS); & carbohydrates. It is so easy to eat them to excess (choc bar anyone? packet of crisps? chips with that?) Snack on full fat cheese & nuts & you won't get fat. Get your energy from fat, not sugar, & you won't need energy drinks which give an ephemeral boost. 

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It's really hard to make a stable buttercream frosting without trans fats, which helps the icing to incorporate more liquid. Glad I'm not caking anymore.


Kitagirl, if you ever wanted to bake a cake and send it to someone in the UK, there would be no problem with you using trans fats as they are not illegal over here. Just mentioning that for the avoidance of doubt.

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Kitagirl, if you ever wanted to bake a cake and send it to someone in the UK, there would be no problem with you using trans fats as they are not illegal over here. Just mentioning that for the avoidance of doubt.

:nuts:   You're still trying to get her to send you cake, eh?   :nuts:

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It's not the federal government's business...but we've been down this road before.

Yes I agree- but when a majority of the people are forced to get insurance from the government they will have much say in what kinds of food people eat in the name of better health (or so they will claim).  


That might be a wide open road ahead changing our food selection greatly.

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