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Would You Vote For Any Person That Support Gay Marriages...

The Glory Land

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What would you do if all parties leaders start turning this way or direction. Would you stop voting? I believe that all politicians will be turning this way, supporting gay marriages in the very near future. Thanks to your president today Obama. We are Doomed... :puzzled3:

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Don't forget many Republicans had a hand in laying the foundation for what Obama has been doing. President Bush appointed more open homosexuals to federal positions than any president. While saying he was against "gay marriage", he yet gave support to homosexual "rights". His VP openly supported his homosexual daughter in her quest for homosexual "rights". He also had his Secretary of State, Rice, at events honouring homosexuals.


Anyway, to answer the question, no I don't support pro-homosexual politicians.

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Not just gay marriages; but anyone who supports abortion. gun control, govmn't health care, euthanasia etc. won't get my vote. As well, anyone who promotes islam and subverts Christianity  won't get it either. In short, I didn't vote for our present commander in chief.

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Don't forget many Republicans had a hand in laying the foundation for what Obama has been doing. President Bush appointed more open homosexuals to federal positions than any president. While saying he was against "gay marriage", he yet gave support to homosexual "rights". His VP openly supported his homosexual daughter in her quest for homosexual "rights". He also had his Secretary of State, Rice, at events honouring homosexuals.


Anyway, to answer the question, no I don't support pro-homosexual politicians.





I'm not saying don't give them a job, they need to work too. Most of them I seen at work, work very hard.

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I'm not saying don't give them a job, they need to work too. Most of them I seen at work, work very hard.

Who, politicians or homosexuals?


There is a difference between someone having a job, and giving someone a job to advance a cause or someone demanding certain jobs in order to promote their cause.

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Who, politicians or homosexuals?


There is a difference between someone having a job, and giving someone a job to advance a cause or someone demanding certain jobs in order to promote their cause.



Would You Vote For Any Person That Support Gay Marriages... :ot:

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I don't think we will ever come to a point where every candidate supports homosexual marriage.  But those candidates who do not will likely get less good press, if any.


And, NO, I will not vote for someone who works to push gay marriage.  However, I might support someone who believes it's a state issue rather than a federal issue - because that is Constitutional, and it gives the Christians of the state the opportunity to keep it out of their state.


(Let me clarify just in case someone misunderstands and thinks I would support someone who supports homosexual marriage: the people who are in office who believe it's a state issue do not believe homosexual marriage is a good thing, necessarily.  In fact, most of them are against it.  They are also against federal intervention in the yea or nay of it - and I agree with that.  The feds have no business in most of that in which they intrude, including this subject.)

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I don't think we will ever come to a point where every candidate supports homosexual marriage.  But those candidates who do not will likely get less good press, if any.


And, NO, I will not vote for someone who works to push gay marriage.  However, I might support someone who believes it's a state issue rather than a federal issue - because that is Constitutional, and it gives the Christians of the state the opportunity to keep it out of their state.


(Let me clarify just in case someone misunderstands and thinks I would support someone who supports homosexual marriage: the people who are in office who believe it's a state issue do not believe homosexual marriage is a good thing, necessarily.  In fact, most of them are against it.  They are also against federal intervention in the yea or nay of it - and I agree with that.  The feds have no business in most of that in which they intrude, including this subject.)




Weak answer, let the States decide.. :badday:  This will be on the table again, for the next election.

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Weak answer, let the States decide.. :badday:  This will be on the table again, for the next election.

Because you say it's a weak answer?  Not so - and sorry, but you are obviously not acquainted with the proper way our Republic is supposed to be run if you think so.  CA voted against it in a referendum.  A court came in and booted it down - but Constitutionally they had no such authority to override the voice of the people.  Were people cognizant of our actual authority in this country - in our states - things would be different.  

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I would like to be able to say, "He's not my president," but the nation has spoken. As much as I dislike his lack of morals and values, not withstanding his obvious disdain for anything Godly he was allowed by God to be the leader of this nation. Who would I be to argue with God. We Christians obviously deserve him, 2 Chron. 7:14.


No, I don't vote for those who are homosexuals or those who support homosexuals. So, when they're all a bunch of sodomites, I will quit voting. I hope Christ returns before I see that day.

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