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Dirty Laundry Goes Here....

The Glory Land

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Well, I'm certainly not proud of this...but...speaking of laundromats...


One of my earliest memories is from when I was about 3 or 4 years old.  Our mother wouldn't allow us to have soft drinks very often, so to be able to drink one was a treat.


She took me with her to the laundromat one day, and I accidentally knocked over the can of Coca~Cola that she brought with us.  It went all over the floor. I'll spare the details, but let's just say that I didn't let it go to waste.



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When I was a young child a trip to the Laundromat meant I usually got a can of Mountain Dew from the soda machine.


I used to play pushing the baskets on wheels, or play with the laundry wringer over the big sink, and opening the unused dryer doors and looking inside. All this while hopped up on Mountain Dew!

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Well, I'm certainly not proud of this...but...speaking of laundromats...


One of my earliest memories is from when I was about 3 or 4 years old.  Our mother wouldn't allow us to have soft drinks very often, so to be able to drink one was a treat.


She took me with her to the laundromat one day, and I accidentally knocked over the can of Coca~Cola that she brought with us.  It went all over the floor. I'll spare the details, but let's just say that I didn't let it go to waste.




Wow, I like that!


Brought back a memory.


When growing up we did not have a TV, & once in a while mother, grandmother, sister, & I would go to my great aunts house on Saturday night if my father was working & ;leave right after Gunsmoke went off. I remember once begging mother to stop at the Freeze King & get us an ice cream cone. That night she said if you wil get out & get them we will stop. Of course I quickly agreed to that.


They had just made a fresh batch, it was not very firm, I was walking along holding one in each hand, had to leave two setting at the window, & half way to the car, guess what happened! YES, the ice cream fell off of both of them. Boy did that upset me. I just stood there, no I did not cry, but I nearly did, I was having to hold it back, & I was in total shock. I was about 5 years old.


The owner of the Freeze King saw what happen, & here he come bringing 4 ice cream cones in a paste board carrier & reassuring me it was not my fault & all would be well.


I never will forget that moment in time, much like you will never forget the coke at the Laundromat !


Edited to add.


At that time our Laundromat was in the back yard, a large cast iron wash pot with the dryer stretched between two poles!

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Whe I was a kid, I found a black hat in the gutter once. I wore it all the time! My older siblings called it The Gutter Hat, (they didn't have much imagination), the Sewer Hat, or my 'Motey-car", whch I never did get. And no, I never washed it after I found it. i the gutter.

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When I was very little and was walking home from school I found a dead squirrel and grabbed it by the tail and drug it home. I was thinking I had really done good bringing home a squirrel for supper!


Mom wasn't too happy and neither was Dad when he got home and had to bury the squirrel.

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When I was a kid, I was a professional  garbage picker  When people move, I would go through their trash. They would throw away what I call collectables today. You name it, clock, radios, fans, bikes, toys and more. This is where I found my first Adult magazines, did not know what to do with it, so I just threw them away. I wonder what they would be worth today?     Just kidding guys…  :)

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I used to go through the dumpster behind the school at the end of the school year. Sometimes one might find a cool map, some good books and various odds and ends. One of my cousins got a large, very cool looking map of the galaxy and hung it on their bedroom wall.

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I used to go through the dumpster behind the school at the end of the school year. Sometimes one might find a cool map, some good books and various odds and ends. One of my cousins got a large, very cool looking map of the galaxy and hung it on their bedroom wall.


I broke into the school when it was close, got caught with my friends. Those sinner years.

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