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Should New Testament churches borrow from the World? Did they seek God's will before borrowing? must not have been His will huh?

This seems to be a major problem. Churches deciding to build and take on new projects, of their own accord, without actually seeking the will of God, and then seeking to fund all this using the worlds methods.

If churches truly seek God's will first, and then follow His plan, God will provide the resources and the churches won't go broke.
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One will not go wrong paying as they go. Borrowing money, speculating you will be able to meet the payments, is actually a form of gambling.

I have heard of churches that have pledged so much money to help pay for missionaries & such of not having enough, them going to the bank a borrowing enough to meet their pledge.

Plus some pastors when something like this comes along & he speaks of borrowing money, those that resist he will shame by saying they lack faith. The verse given by pilgrim pretty well tells us God's view on borrowing money & being the salve of a loaning institution.

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Frankly, part of the problem is that prices in America are now BASED on the fact that you HAVE to borrow to afford anything.

I'm not saying it can't be done...but I am saying that the entire foundation of our finances in America is based on making monthly payments, so its nearly impossible for a church to have $500,000 in hand to buy a building.

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oh man!!! terrible, I have been to churches especially the one we went to two years ago and last year that they have some kind of bank loan. I think Banks wants to do more evil today, we went to purchase a Birthday cake today at the store for my husband , got some food to grill out some time this week, Got some other stuff and it was well over 100 dollars and we only had about 20 items or less, that is nonsense to charge that much.

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Maybe a church doesn't really need a $500,000 building to do God's work.

God bless,

That is a good point many churches don't even bother to consider. Too many churches simply rush into something they see as bigger and better without actually consulting the Lord.

No doubt, in some cities a 500,000 dollar building might not even be much of a building, but if God wants the church to have such a building, He will provide the means if the church will seek God's provision and wait for it.

Our church built an addition onto our building some years ago. It took several years from the time of deciding to build an addition until the funds were saved up, but we built it with cash. No loans, no interest payments, no debt.

Many have asked us why we don't build a new church or add another addition. We have a building fund which has been growing for some years now, and we are reaching the point where enough is saved to start considering how we will proceed.

Sometimes waiting on God means years, but if that's the Lord's will, that's what we should do.
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Frankly, part of the problem is that prices in America are now BASED on the fact that you HAVE to borrow to afford anything.

I'm not saying it can't be done...but I am saying that the entire foundation of our finances in America is based on making monthly payments, so its nearly impossible for a church to have $500,000 in hand to buy a building.

$500,000????? There is a church a couple of miles from ours, which should be a sister church, but they have gone off into ecumenism, charismania, loud music etc. They have had complaints about the noise. They are now planning to build a new warehouse style church costing £7,000,000 that is more than $10,000,000. They have to put a non returnable deposit of £250,000 on the land. The man who is selling them the land plans to buy their old chuch and build houses on the site. Planning permission for both sites has to be passed or the deal will fall through and they will lose thier deposit. They are asking their members to write to the council planning committee and support the plan.

Many churches do not have a building but meet in schools, village halls, etc. I have just come across a Christmas 2011 leaflet from one I have never heard of before, they call themselves "New Covenant Church" Their services were 28 Dec in Spices Restaurant, a Bangladeshi restaurant, St Andrews Church, an anglican church now closed except for todlers groups etc, and a private house, all within ¼ to ½ mile from here. There are a number of baptist churches within about 20 miles that meet is schools. One foung the cost of renting a room was less that the cost of heating their ancient building.
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We LOVE to have, and have RIGHT now, them pay later, which keeps us from being a peculiar people.

I know of a few small churches that have only built as they could & refused to borrow money, I know a few larger churches that's always in debt, constantly after their members to give, give, & give.

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