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Losing Weight: Steam Room or Sauna

Brother Rick

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So I'm working hard to become about 25% less of the man I am today. I'm a fatty fat fatso! My work involves sitting on my butt all day and munching on Doritos!

So, I've cut back a ton on the snackage and I exercise now. I've lost about 20 pounds. I've heard that the sauna and steam room can work to help lose weight as well, especially if you don't sweat a lot when you exercise (like me).

My question is this: which is better for this purpose? Steam room or sauna?

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Typically, they only help to lose water weight which will come right back anyway.

There really is nothing to replace a good diet and excercise.

I agree.

Since the late 90's, early 2000's, I have been less active than ever, I got problems in my neck, & have pressure on my spinal cord in 3 different places, & it makes a big difference in my pain when I do those things I should not. Just in the last year I have begin to put on weight. I just trued 65 in December. Up until the last year my weight stayed at about 158 to 168, but now its began to rise.

In the future I may have to watch my weight, it will probably be watching what I eat, plus much walking.

Some years back I had a slender man, underweight if anything that had a wife that was way overweight that stopped at the country store I had. when alone she would buy candy bars them place them in her purse, nearly filling it up, them say, "Jerry please don't tell my husband, I'm suppose to be on a diet." I heard her husband say, "I cant understand it, my wife hardly eats anything, & has stopped eating candy, yet she can't loose no weight."

I enquirer, "You mean she eats that healthy food that taste bad, & leaves off all sweets & still can't loose weight?" His answer was yes.

I'm starting to understand. Its tough to leave off good tasting sweets.
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IMO, diet and exercise. I used to have more physical job and during those years I also ran about 30 miles (or more) a week. My weight was in the low 150's. Now I'm just over 50......sedentary job (desk/computer, working from home); maybe 12-15 miles of running each week due to arthritis, and I'm maintaining low to mid 160's. My problem, I love desserts! I tell myself I still run so I can have desserts, but I do get out of control at times.

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...bodily exercise profiteth little. Quit eatin' so much. Exercise can increase your calorie burn by stoking the fires of your metabolism for a time, same as weight training to build muscle.

However, IMO there's nothing more profitable than controlling what and how much you eat.

I used to spend about 5 hours diving underwater plus several hours of hauling gear everyday and had a pretty healthy appetite where the net affect was to maintain except around the holidays. A diving accident put me on the beach but my appetite and consumption was the same and before I realized it, I'd gained 100lbs.

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Go on a low carbohydrate diet - cut out bread, corn, potatoes, rice, pasta, etc & eat more protein, including natural fat (e.g cheese & nuts & fatty meat, vegetables, & a little fruit. 100 g (3 1/2 oz) carb daily (max) & 1800 calories max. You do not need carb for energy.

I started that diet 4 years ago when diabetes complications were setting in. I lost weight (about 14 lb) mobility was restored, & chronic tiredness ceased, & retina damage is no longer reported. I'm still very fit & play tennis & table tennis at club standard at 73.

Also my Scriptural understanding & reasoning continues to improve :godisgood: thanks to your challenges.

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Go on a low carbohydrate diet...

My doctor suggested the same thing. I decided to add a twist and go old school. Started cooking with real butter, lard and using real bacon instead of turkey bacon. I eat eggs almost everyday and despite the weight, my colesterol is a little low! Also, after a couple months cooking of cooking with these ingrediants I actually lost 25lbs.
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My doctor suggested the same thing. I decided to add a twist and go old school. Started cooking with real butter, lard and using real bacon instead of turkey bacon. I eat eggs almost everyday and despite the weight, my colesterol is a little low! Also, after a couple months cooking of cooking with these ingrediants I actually lost 25lbs.

Whenever I've been on a high protein diet I've lost weight.

I can't stand the taste of turkey bacon! I did have some real bacon with breakfast this morning!
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Guys, guys, thanks for the comments on my need for exercise and good diet, but I'm already doing that! I've lost 20 pounds, but I was looking for an extra edge.

I've read on a few internet sites that a sauna or steam room can help your metabolism by purging toxins that slow it down, and that they can actually burn calories as well. What say you? I'm leaning more towards the sauna, the steam room just makes me feel sticky. I hear that boxers use a steam room to help their lungs.

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Guys, guys, thanks for the comments on my need for exercise and good diet, but I'm already doing that! I've lost 20 pounds, but I was looking for an extra edge.

I've read on a few internet sites that a sauna or steam room can help your metabolism by purging toxins that slow it down, and that they can actually burn calories as well. What say you? I'm leaning more towards the sauna, the steam room just makes me feel sticky. I hear that boxers use a steam room to help their lungs.

Saunas definitely have health benefits. Primarily, it helps your body get rid of toxins. I'm not sure about weight loss, but it definitely has health beneffits.
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