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School “lunch inspector” replaces child’s healthy lunch with “nuggets,” bills mother


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Sorry for bruising your pride Kindofblue1977 but don't say the Scriptures didn't tell you so.

When your 5th grader begins to demand entitlements and equal outcomes regardless of effort look in the mirror. When your 10th grader comes out and brings her girlfriend home and shows you her matching tattoo take comfort that you sent her to the best schools other people were forced to provide for you. When your graduate votes Democrat, gives money to Planned Parenthood, holds the State College record for tequila shots and mooches of you all the while making twice as much while working nights in a gentlemen's club take comfort in the fact that it could of been worse if not for those two modern-charismatic, rock-n-roll, Christian teachers she had in 4th and 8th grades.

1. Move
2. It's intellectual and physical. Are you aware of how many fights there are in public schools everyday? Do you know that the quiet ones are preyed upon by heathen students whose God is their belly? Are you aware of the high percentage of heathen teachers who prey sexually on their students, even more so than the Catholic church?
3. Yes it does. No it's not, I gave you the Scripture and principles.

Lady, I've likely sinned more in one day then you have in your lifetime. I'm a wretch in need of a Savior and will only have it all figured out after I get to heaven. I can be as mean as a rattlesnake and my bedside manner is wrose than General George Patton's but that doesn't negate the truth. Tell you what, give me the name of your public school and I will do some research for you, ok?

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Sorry for bruising your pride Kindofblue1977 but don't say the Scriptures didn't tell you so.

When your 5th grader begins to demand entitlements and equal outcomes regardless of effort look in the mirror. When your 10th grader comes out and brings her girlfriend home and shows you her matching tattoo take comfort that you sent her to the best schools other people were forced to provide for you. When your graduate votes Democrat, gives money to Planned Parenthood, holds the State College record for tequila shots and mooches of you all the while making twice as much while working nights in a gentlemen's club take comfort in the fact that it could of been worse if not for those two modern-charismatic, rock-n-roll, Christian teachers she had in 4th and 8th grades.

1. Move
2. It's intellectual and physical. Are you aware of how many fights there are in public schools everyday? Do you know that the quiet ones are preyed upon by heathen students whose God is their belly? Are you aware of the high percentage of heathen teachers who prey sexually on their students, even more so than the Catholic church?
3. Yes it does. No it's not, I gave you the Scripture and principles.

Lady, I've likely sinned more in one day then you have in your lifetime. I'm a wretch in need of a Savior and will only have it all figured out after I get to heaven. I can be as mean as a rattlesnake and my bedside manner is wrose than General George Patton's but that doesn't negate the truth. Tell you what, give me the name of your public school and I will do some research for you, ok?

I am a man, not a lady, fyi. I know my screen name is androginous, but I am most definitly male.

It is not my pride that is bruised. I am angry because an attitude such as this will undoubtedly repel many from Christ and the church. An attitude such as this will offend nearly every yound family in your community.

1. As to your points above, I am not sure what you mean by move. I own my house and my house payment is less than anything I could possibly rent. I know. I've looked into it. I have reduced my housing expense as much as possible, unless I want to move into the Occupy encampment. As tempting as that might be....I think I'll stay in my house.

2. And which public schools are you talking about? The one down the road from you, or the one from me? Fights don't happen in private schools? I grew up in a private school and know that just as many fights broke out there. I've experienced both public and private. You know what? In my private consertative Christian school I grew up in, there was just a big a problem with drugs, teenagers engaging in sexual activity, etc. as in public schools. I homeschooled for a time as well when I was in the 7th and 8th grade. Same problems in the homeschool kids I knew. Kids are kids are kids are kids. The difference in godly children that I knew growing up had NOTHING to do with where they went to school. It had to do with how their parents raised them at home. I knew some incredibly godly people in the public school, private school and homeschool groups I was a part of. I knew some incredibly ungodly kids in all the same groups. Your accusation of all public schools is baseless. You can find some schools where that is true, but many that is not true.

Christ called us to be in the world, but not part of the world. We live in this world, and all the worldly institutions. He never called us to wall ourselves or our children off from the world around us. We are to go out into the world to be salt and light. What you propose is to remove the salt and light from the schools. As a parant, I am to raise my daughters to be godly women, and to live that way in whatever environment they find themselves in.

3. You have completely ignored my Scriptural examples of Moses and Daniel who were raised in the government schools of their day. God placed them there!!!! They were well educated, yet in a hostile environment, stood faithful to Yahweh, and ultimitely earned respect from the godless people around them. God may want us to do the same thing today.

ANd you saying my children will end up as tattooed drunks.....I just went down the list of peope I knew as children. One of my good friends who grew up in public schools throughout, and is one of the godliest people I have known, in all stages of life, is a minister of the gospel today. One of my good friends who grew up in church, went to a private Christian school all of his life, is the tatooed alcoholic you refer to above...he was so sheltered, he did not now how to handle the preasure when he left home.

Your broad generalizations are disturbing. And no, I don't need you researching my local school, as I am in a much better position to go visit the school, go and talk with the teachers who will be teaching my child, and talk to the principal. I know my public school, and know it well. There are many good people there. I am fortunate to live in an area with outstanding public schools. There is no way I could afford to pay $800 per month for 1 child (I have two, so it would be $1,600 a month), more than double my house payment. There is no way many families could ever afford this. So for you to sit back and call people who cannot afford that child abusers is terrible.
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I am a man, not a lady, fyi. I know my screen name is androginous, but I am most definitly male.
It wasn’t your name but writing style that got me. My apologies sir.
It is not my pride that is bruised. I am angry because an attitude such as this will undoubtedly repel many from Christ and the church. An attitude such as this will offend nearly every yound family in your community.
Let them be offended. The truth often offends because it is not easy or convienent. I am the salt and light of the earth, aren’t you?
1. As to your points above, I am not sure what you mean by move. I own my house and my house payment is less than anything I could possibly rent. I know. I've looked into it. I have reduced my housing expense as much as possible, unless I want to move into the Occupy encampment. As tempting as that might be....I think I'll stay in my house.
Pack up and move to a more affordable area. Of course, this should only be done after much prayer and seeking the will of God. What you’re telling us is that material things are more important to you right now. Why would you even consider living with a bunch of Commies anyway?
The difference in godly children that I knew growing up had NOTHING to do with where they went to school. It had to do with how their parents raised them at home.
Not buying that one for a second. A little leaven leaveneth the whole lump. And at a government school the whole place is filled with leaven. There’s no way a parent can completely shield their child from the school’s ungodly indoctrination and curriculum and the negative influences of the heathen students around them. They’re in school 6-8 hours or more a day and in most cases parents get to see them half as much if they’re lucky. I’m in my 40s now and it was bad when I went and many times worse today.
Christ called us to be in the world, but not part of the world. We live in this world, and all the worldly institutions. He never called us to wall ourselves or our children off from the world around us. We are to go out into the world to be salt and light. What you propose is to remove the salt and light from the schools. As a parant, I am to raise my daughters to be godly women, and to live that way in whatever environment they find themselves in.
As parents we’re to protect our children from sin and danger. Children do not yet have the biblical foundation to resist the onslaught of evils they’ll encounter at a government school. You build that Godly foundation based on the Scriptures and not mixed with the world’s values and evils for then their foundation will be weak and likely crumble. Practice the doctrine of Separation and protect your kids man! Don’t throw them to the wolves! Wise up!
3. You have completely ignored my Scriptural examples of Moses and Daniel who were raised in the government schools of their day. God placed them there!!!! They were well educated, yet in a hostile environment, stood faithful to Yahweh, and ultimitely earned respect from the godless people around them. God may want us to do the same thing today.
Yep, isn’t it obvious why? Maybe someone else will chime in here?
…I am in a much better position to go visit the school, go and talk with the teachers who will be teaching my child, and talk to the principal.
How many don’t vote Democrat? How many have Che Guevera and Chairman Mao posters on the walls in their classrooms? How many Christians are willing to post Scripture and the Ten Commandments and lead their students in prayer? Will your principal or anyone for that matter openly denounce Planned Parenthood and GLADD?
I know my public school, and know it well. There are many good people there.
Don’t see how that’s possible when the Lord says there isn’t one that doeth good, no, not one.
I am fortunate to live in an area with outstanding public schools.
How do you define outstanding sir? What curriculum are they using? Who wrote and approved it?
There is no way I could afford to pay $800 per month for 1 child (I have two, so it would be $1,600 a month), more than double my house payment. There is no way many families could ever afford this. So for you to sit back and call people who cannot afford that child abusers is terrible.
Me neither, we pay about $600 per month to send all three of our daughters to our local church’s academy. In order to do that I forgo haircuts and shaving cream, haven’t bought clothes for myself since George W. Bush was President and sometimes we feed our family on $40 worth of groceries per week. I take comfort in the fact that it’s what the Lord wants us to do because He says so in the Scriptures and the Holy Spirit gave us the burden to see it. Our Almighty Father provides for our every need. We go without a lot of wants but our needs are met and we are thankful for that! Edited by swathdiver
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There are so many erroneous assumptions here and in swathdivers statements above, it is not even funny.

. You act all high and mighty because you did one thing, and look down on those who do not have the same option.

Its not nice to say that, no one is looking down at no one. Only facts have been stated, the public schools are now the den of the old Devil, & has been for a number of years.
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Thanks Jerry!

OLD Fashioned: Yes, our church too treats the Academy as a ministry. We (the members of our church) want the school to be self-sustaining but affordable for the poor and less fortunate folks who earnestly want their children to have a Biblical education. Many parents and their children have been won for Christ because of schools like these, including me!

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Thanks Jerry!

OLD Fashioned: Yes, our church too treats the Academy as a ministry. We (the members of our church) want the school to be self-sustaining but affordable for the poor and less fortunate folks who earnestly want their children to have a Biblical education. Many parents and their children have been won for Christ because of schools like these, including me!

Amen! That's how it should be. Many "Christian" schools that have gone astray and are mostly like public schools, went that way because of greed. Rather than putting Christ first and doing everything possible to accept and biblically educated all the children they could, they looked to making a profit first. Chasing profit eventually leads to lowering of biblical standards to make the school appealing to more people.

One nearby church had a very good church school going for all the church families and were planning to expand it to others who wanted a Christian education but the devil stirred up strife in that church and it all fell apart.

A reminder that we must stand firm in Christ lest the world, the flesh or the devil catch us off guard!
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Yes, our school is always under attack from liberals. From both the heathen parents and the government/charter schools.

Praise God that our Pastor has not compromised an inch and maintains very high standards. It's sad to see though many kids get saved but their parents either don't care or they practice popery. However, the Holy Spirit's work is not done and there is hope yet for the lost and for the sanctification of the children to continue.

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Yes, our school is always under attack from liberals. From both the heathen parents and the government/charter schools.

Praise God that our Pastor has not compromised an inch and maintains very high standards. It's sad to see though many kids get saved but their parents either don't care or they practice popery. However, the Holy Spirit's work is not done and there is hope yet for the lost and for the sanctification of the children to continue.

Amen! It's always good to know of others standing strong. Sometimes we look around and feel like Elijah when he complained that he was the only one faithful go God...then God encouraged him by letting him know there were still others who were faithful.
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Its not nice to say that, no one is looking down at no one.

You are right, I should not have said some of the things I did, and for that I apologize. However, I stand by my points. Yes, people here are looking down on others. What do you call telling someone who sends their child to public school a child abuser? That is certainly looking down on people. And I do stand by my statement unapolagetically that that statement did come from a very unchristian attitude. Edited by kindofblue1977
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Kob - not everyone is in agreement with statements that have been made, so the adjective "some" should be in front of "...people here are..."

This is a subject that has been beaten to death and always comes up with the same results - a few adamantly stating that they know what is best for each and every family. And that is not so. Scriptural principles mandate that the parents of each family (with the father at the head) are responsible for the education of their family.

I would hasten to say that I do not like the public school system, and would encourage anyone to educate their children in a different manner if at all possible. However, for various reasons, that is not always possible. To demean people who have their children in public school by stating that they are abusing their children is absolutely non-scriptural - and it is a judgmental statement that is rooted in pride...pride that is reminiscent of the pharisee who praised himself while the publican smote his breast and asked for mercy.

Christian schools are not always the answer. I know people who have turned away from any interest in church/God due to experiences they had at "great" Christian schools. I know girls who lost their virginity on the grounds of "good" Christian schools. And I know others who smoked while at school. I've known boys who were abused by their peers at "strong" Christian schools and their abusers were (and are) defended because it's "only homosexuals" who complain about being bullied. The doctrine taught in the schools is spot on. But many of the students have big problems, and the staff are blind to the worse ones.

Does that mean we throw out the baby with the bathwater? No. We accept the Biblical principles that 1. Men are to lead their own homes. 2. We have liberty in Christ...to make choices that others might not like. No, we are not to go against direct scriptural commands, nor biblical principles. But neither are we to ignore one principle to strangle someone with another.

The plain fact of the matter is that the spiritual life of children is the responsibility of the parents. And it is in the home that the relationship with the Lord is to be nurtured. Not in a public school, not in a private school. Many would say therefore that it's only right to homeschool. But that isn't true, either. The plain fact of the matter is the decision is up to the father, as he looks to the Lord for guidance. (and I will tell you I'm thinking right now of two little girls who cannot go to a Christian school because of a court decision [right, wrong, or otherwise, that's the case], and they love the Lord, they love to tell their fellow students about the Lord - and kids who otherwise would never come to church come to church with them. That's more than I can say about some of their peers who attend Christian school)

To mandate that someone needs to move in order to go to a private school is most definitely overstepping the line of Christians helping Christians. It moves into the area of meddling and control. And that's just not right.

This thread began with discussion about free lunch...it degenerated into attacks on persons for decisions that are their personal business. Of course, those who are so concerned that Christian parents who have their kids in public school for reasons that are none of our business, could offer to pay for their education...but I don't foresee that happening. And so, I'm closing this thread. Let's be a little more charitable with each other, okay? No man on this board has the answer to the families represented by the other men on this board. And shame on those who postulate that they do. (and, no, I'm not talking about discussing scripture like adults...I'm talking about mandating that ONLY certain things are right when scripture is silent)

Kudos to those who can pay for Christian education or homeschool. Instead of trying to make someone who doesn't feel they can or should do either feel like a rotten Christian, how about praying for them...like the Bible tells us we are supposed to do for each other.


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